Thursday, June 29, 2017

Troops Destined for the Siege of Louisbourg, 1758

The Siege of Louisbourg was a pivotal operation of the Seven Years' War (known in the United States as the French and Indian War) in 1758 that ended the French colonial era in Atlantic Canada and led directly to the loss of Quebec in 1759 and the remainder of French North America the following year.

Transcription military return provided with a summarisation of the total numbers of men that were destined to participate in the Siege of Louisbourg and other operations, 1759

Major General

Staff Brigadiers

Corps [with Rank & File]
Royal:  983 
Lascelles:  985 
Warburton:  993
Monckton:  802
Lord John Murray:  1000
Lawrence:  1000
Bragg:  700
Webb:  834
Forbes:  695
Hopson:  969
Whitmore:  992
Amherst from England:  900
Anstruther, Col. from Ireland:  700
Recruits with Col. Whitmore for Lord Murrays Regt.:  300
Proportion of recruits with Col. Whitmore for 10 Batts. at 94 per:  940
Officers, Serjeants & Drummers:  1092
3 Companies of the Royal Regt. of Artillery Officers included:  330
Total:  14,215

Rangers:  600
Col. Bastide, Chief Engineer, and a sufficient & proper Battering Train for this Service.

Troops destined for an Irruption into Canada by way of Crown Point

Major General Abercromby
Brigadier Lord Howe
Col. Gage

Corps [with Rank & File]
Prevost:  450
Abercromby:  836
Blakeney:  695
Maj. Genl Murray:  694
Stanwix:  1145
Otway:  1145
Howe:  699
Frazer:  1145
Independent Companies at New York:  448
Recruits with Col. Whitmore for Frazers Batt:  300
Idem with d`o for Montgomeries Batt. to remain with Frazers:  300
Idem with d`o for 7 Batts. at the rate of 94 per Batt & 8 over:  666
Royal Regiment of Artillery, Officers inclusive:  214
Officers, Serjeants & Drummers:  710
Total:  9447

Provincials:  20,000
Supposing that 1500 of this body are left for the protection of Nova Scotia, there will remain for this Operation 7947 Regulars, and 20,000 Provincials, with a proper Train of Artillery and Ammunition. Arms will be sent for 12,000 Men.

Troops destined for the Ohio, Fort Du Quesne, or other Operations to the Southward

Colonel Forbes
Lieut. Col. Boquet
Lieut. Col. Montgomery
Lieut. Col. Bradstreet, D.2. M.G., being perfectly acquainted with the Country.

Corps [with Rank & File]
Prevosts Detachment:  350
Montgomerys:  1145
Independent Companies at So. Carolina:  345
Provincials:  5000
Total:  1880

There will be a proper Train of Artillery for this Service also


Regulars:  14,215
Rangers:  600
Total:  14,815

Invasion of Canada by Crown Point
Regulars:  7947
Provincials:  20,000
Total:  27,947

Nova Scotia:  1500

Ohio, Fort Du Quesne &c.
Regulars:  1880
Provincials:  5000
Total:  6880
Total:  51,142

Endorsed - Disposition of His M's Forces in America

Gen. James Wolfe, "Troops Destined for the Siege of Louisbourg." LAC, War Office Records: Amherst Papers. Correspondence Between the Commander-in-Chief and Various Officers in Cape Breton Island, 1759-1763. W.O. 34, vol. 18, pp. 241-244.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.   

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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Leaves of Absence, Aug. 1761

Albany, 11th August 1761

Dear Sir, 

I give you Joy of the Reduction of Belleisle the Packet that was supposed taken being at last arrived Safe at New York, having waited at Falmouth for the June Mail. The Letters Arrived here last Night, and I have Directed that those for the Several Governments in Canada shall be sorted that I may Dispatch them immediately. I Don't doubt but you will receive in your Letters all the News which the Packet brings but least your Correspondents Letters may not be so lately as when the Gazette came out, I send you a Copy of the Capitulation of Belleisle.

The Secretary at War has acquainted me of the King's Intentions in regard to the Contingent Men, on which I write to the Commanding Officers of Corps, and I leave those of your Government open for your perusal. I have also received a List of promotions from the War Office a Copy of which I Enclose to you.

Major Abercromby in a Letter to my Brother, has Desired the Adjutancy of Fraser's may be granted to Lieut. Malcolm Fraser instead of another Lieut. Fraser who Chuses to Resign, Which Commission I have signed and now transmit to you. There are several leaves of Absence, which the Major requests for Officers in the Regimt, viz. Capt. John McDonnell being in a bad State of Health desires leave to go home in the fall. Lieut John McTavish to go home as it would be an Act of Charity to him & his family; Lieut. Baille to get rid of Some Difficulties in money Matters. Mr. Mclean the Surgeon has pressing business too, that calls him home, and the Major will take Care the Regiment shall not Suffer by the Absence of the Surgeon. To all which you have to answer if you think it really requisite for the above Gentlemens affairs to go to Europe. You have my Leave to permit any of the Whole to go, as you think proper.

Dispositions for carrying on the War, are continued in England as Earnestly as tho' Mo. de Brissy was not in London, or Mr. Stanley in Paris, and that the Congress which must now be assembled at Augsbourg had never been thought of.

                                                                   I am, with great Truth & Esteem

                                                                   Dear Sir, Jeff Amherst

P.S. I am to Acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of 
7th June by Mr. Wilkins the Surgeon of Otways, you 
may be Assured I shall be glad to convince him
of my Regard to your Recommendation.


Hon.ble Br. General Murray

Jeffery Amherst, "Officers Requesting Leaves of Absence." LAC, War Office Records: Amherst Papers. Letters from the Commander-in-Chief, New York, to the Governor of Quebec, 1760-1763. W.O. 34, vol. 3, p. 105.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.  

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Chelsea Pensioners

The Royal Hospital Chelsea is a retirement and nursing home for veterans of the British Army and first opened its doors in 1692. Known the world over as Chelsea Pensioners, some of the initial soldiers admitted were injured at the Battle of Sedgemoor. 

Soldiers from the 78th Regiment first arrived at the facility in November of 1758, with injuries sustained at the Battle of Louisbourg in North America. Over 200 Fraser's Highlanders would be admitted through the spring of 1770.

Note: Please consult original record where indicated for further clarification.

Examination of Invalid Soldiers

78th Regiment of Foot

Monday, 20 November 1758
Name: John McDonald
Age: 19
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: An amputated hand at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Baker

Name: Dougal MackDonald
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right arm & side by a fall in carrying a meal for the reg't.
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 20 July 1759
Name: Jam's Williamson
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 19 yrs.
Ailment: An ulcer in his breast
Born: Glenlivet, Banffsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rhod'k Macknicl [Serj't]*
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro' the arm at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification. Might read: Mackniel.

Name: Wm. Fraser Callum
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro' the arm at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jam's Cummings
Age: 19
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro' the Rt. arm at Louisbourg
Born: Abernethy, Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jno Gillis
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Bruised in back at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Cunnison
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the hand at Louisbourg
Born: Kirkmichl, Perthsh~
Occ: Taylor

Name: Alex'r McTavish
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Bruised at landing at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rob't Thompson
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the head at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 53
Time in Service: 17 1/2/ yrs.
Ailment: Lamed at Louisbourg
Born: Abernethy, Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jno Macallum
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the head at Louisbourg
Born: Lorn, Argyleshire
Occ: Soldier's son

Tuesday, 4 December 1759
Name: Alex'r Fraser [Serj't]
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in thighs
Born: Inverness
Occ: Labourer

Name: Jno Chisholm [Serj't]
Age: 56
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in both thighs
Born: Inverness
Occ: Labourer

Name: Wm. Cumming
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: [...]*
Born: Castle Grant, Inverness-shire
Occ: ---
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Don'd Cameron
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 6 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in Belly
Born: Strewey, Inverness-shire
Occ: Herdsman

Name Don'd Ross:
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the finger of rt hand
Born: Inverness-shire
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Don'd Ross
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right arm
Born: Ross-shire, Negg Parish
Occ: Blacksmith

Name: Alex'r McDonald
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in rt arm
Born: Lockhaber
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Hugh Fraser
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lame in left legg
Born: Inverness, Kirkalty Parish
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Dun Duff
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right hand
Born: Perthshire, Fothergill Parish
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Don'd McDonald
Age: 22
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right thumb
Born: Sutherlandshire, [...] Parish*
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: James Murray
Age: 24
Time in Service: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Inverallan, Inverness
Occ: Herdsman

Name: John Ross
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in left hand
Born: Kincarden, RossCrty
Occ: Herdsman

Name: John Cameron [Serj't]
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 23 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Finnart, Perthshire*
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Cameron [Serj't]
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Astmatic
Born: Lochhaber, Inverness-shire
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Donald McDonald
Age: 29
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs
Ailment: Fits & wounded in the head
Born: Straglass, Inverness
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Kenneth Campbell
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Astmatic
Born: Badnock, Inverness-sh`r
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Alexander Fraser
Age: 49
Time in Serv: 19 yrs.
Ailment: Shot in the thigh
Born: [...], Inverness*
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Alex'r McPherson
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Bruised in the left side
Born: Badnock, Inverness-sh`r
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Donald  Mcleod
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 2-*
Ailment: [...]*
Born: Island of Sky
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Murd'h McLeod
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the right arm
Born: Island of Sky
Occ: Herdsman

Tuesday, 18 December 1759
Name: Peter Dewars
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick & disabled in the left legg
Born: Canmore, Perthsh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: Donald Ca-anach*
Age: 46
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right eye
Born: Baddnoch, Invernessh`r
Occ: Miller
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John McDonald
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Consumption
Born: Baddnoch, Invernessh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: John Ross
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Kinnegarn, Rossh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: Angus Gileurs
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Ile Sky in Invernessh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: Donald Bissett
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Ague
Born: [...]*
Occ: Husbandman
* Consult original record for clarification

Tuesday, 18 March 1760
Name: Rob't Ross
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Kincardine, Rossh`r
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hugh McMillen
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don'd Livingston
Age: 22
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Kinmore, Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Cameron [1]
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Lochaber
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex'r McColl
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Invenary
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hector McPhail
Age: 47
Time in Service: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDonald:
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Lost the use of his limbs by colds contracted in the service
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Niel McIntosh
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McLeod
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jno Cameron [2]
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch'd Stewart
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Lost his leg in Quebec
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Geo Crookshank
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Edinb~
Occ: Weaver

Name: John McLaren
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Lost his Rt arm at Quebec
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDougal
Age: 22
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Shot thro the arm at Quebec
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 28 October 1760
Name: James McPherson
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 6 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Strathspey, Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Peter Grant [Serj't]
Age: 58
Time in Serv: 30 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvey & age
Born: Glenmorrison
Occ: Lab~

Name: Tho`s Fraser [1]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his sight
Born: Inverness
Occ: Taylor

Name: John McDonald
Age: 59
Time in Serv: 22 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvy & age
Born: Badenough
Occ: Taylor

Name: Tho`s Fraser [2]
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the head at Quebec
Born: Castledownie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don`d McMasters
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 12 yrs.
Ailment Age & scurvy
Born: Gleninion, Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Fra`s McLachlan
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 10 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the left shoulder
Born: St. Ninians, Stirling
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Stuart
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 10 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Logan, Inverness
Occ: ---

Name: Tho`s Fraser 3d
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the thigh at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Noble
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the left arm at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs
Ailment: Lost the use of his left leg at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ang. McDonald
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his left arm at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ale`x McKenzie
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right arm at Quebec
Born: Urray, Ross Shire
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McLaren
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his left arm at Quebec
Born: near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: Evan Cameron
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro the body at Louisbourg
Born: Kil---vay, Inv.*
Occ: ---
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Cameron
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right arm at Quebec
Born: Kiltarlity
Occ: ---

Name: Don`d Fraser
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Consumption & scurvey
Born: Ross Shire
Occ: ---

Name: Angus Kennedy
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the left shoulder
Born: Invs.
Occ: Weaver

Name: Ang`s McTavish
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Contusion in his leg at Louisbourg
Born: Inverness
Occ: ---

Name: Hugh McGilbray
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right hand at Quebec
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: James Sutherland [Serj't]
Age: 43
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Losing the use of his lt leg
Born: Rogart, Sutherland
Occ: Lab~

Name: James Robertson [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 20
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: near Edin~
Occ: Farmer

Name: Duncan Cameron
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Fort William
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 23 December 1760
Name: Simon Munro
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his left arm
Born: Kiltarlity Co. Invs
Occ: Smith

Name: Laughlan Mclachlan
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 41 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Appin Co. [...]*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Alex`r Munro
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 30 yrs.
Ailment: Old & inform
Born: Alnes Co. Ross
Occ: Taylor

Name: Duncan McIntosh
Age: 65
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infrim
Born: Badenoch Co. Invers.
Occ: Taylor

Name: Don`d Campbell
Age: 65
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Old age
Born: Dunkeld, Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McIntyre
Age 58
Time in Serv: 24
Ailment: Ruptur'd & old
Born: Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rob`t Carr
Age: 41
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his arm at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Culloden near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Gunn
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 21
Ailment: Infirm & old
Born: Letheren, Caiths.
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDougal
Age: 46
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvy & age
Born: Isle of Mull, Argylesh~
Occ: Farmer

Name: Alex`r Fraser
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Stratherick Co. Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: George Ross
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Balnagown, Ross sh~
Occ: Farmer

Name: Murdoch McKenzie
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 16 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Inverness
Occ: Weaver

Name: Don'd Kennedy
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his side by long sickness
Born: Badenoch, Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: Tho`s Carter
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his leg on Duty
Born: Dublin
Occ: Servt.

Name: Dun. Kennedy
Age: 52
Time in Serv: 8 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Fort William, Invnerness sh~

Name: Allan Morrison
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro the body
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Grant
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Fort Willm, Co. Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ Fraser
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his use of Hand by Frost
Born: Near Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McNeal
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his rt hand
Born: Barra, Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: Cha`s McLachlan
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right leg
Born: Fort William
Occ: Taylor

Name: Don`d McDonald [1]
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head at Quebec
Born: Fort Will`m
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don`d McDonald [2]
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Breast at Quebec
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald McDonald [3]
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right leg at Quebec
Born: Isle of Sky
Occ: Head~

Friday, 6 February 1761
Name: Alex~ McDougall
Age: 56
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Infirmities
Born: Glasgow
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 27 February 1761
Name: Niel McKay
Age: 67
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Palsey contracted in America
Born: Large, Suthd
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ Kennedy
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Deaf occasion'd by colds in America
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Cha`s Robinson
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Body & Foot
Born: near Dundee
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dav'd Morris
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Consumption
Born: Kilmorack, Co. Ross
Occ: Weav~

Name: Jam`s Tolmey
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 3 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm
Born: Croy, Inverness sh~
Occ: ---

Tuesday, 8 September 1761
Name: John Farquharson [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt Leg
Born: Tullow Co. Aberdeen
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McEnzie [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Walton Co. Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ang`s McDonnell [Serj't]
Age: 47
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Gravellish
Born: Snizort near Inverness
Occ: Carpent~

Name: Alex~ Fraser
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 30 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro the Body
Born: Bollaskeen Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Campbell
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 25 yrs.
Ailment: Bruis'd at Montmorency
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Lab~

Name: Allan McKay
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Durness Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McIver
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 17 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Fort Augustus
Occ: Carpent~

Name: Don`d Hojack
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 16 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive & old
Born: Inverness
Occ: Writer

Name: Don`d Monro
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 15 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive & wounded
Born: Fowles Ross sh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McLeod
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 12 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded 3 times
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Carpent~

Name: John Campbell
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 7 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the thigh
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. McPherson
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Farmer

Name: John Fraser /1
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Lt arm
Born: Durris, Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Reid
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the private parts
Born: Nairn
Occ: Weav~

Name: Wm. Thompson
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: D-ller Co. Inv`s*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Fraser /2
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm
Born: Durris Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jam`s Stuart
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Louisbourg
Born: near Fort William
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ Fraser
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive & scurvy
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McRae
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt leg
Born: Red Castle Co. Ross
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser /3
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch`d McDonald
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt arm
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McLeod
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: near Dormach Co. Suth`d
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hugh McLean
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Torsay Argylesh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McEnzie
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvy & Consumption
Born: Urray, Rossh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDonald
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don`d McFarlane
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the groin
Born: Archir Dunbartonsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Lawson
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt arm
Born: Allford Aberdeensh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rob`t McCall
Age: 29
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Lt Hand
Born: Appin Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch`d McDonald
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: -oggie Inverness*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Duncan Stuart /1
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Appin Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan McDonald
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt arm
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan Cunningham
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Kincardine Rossh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: James Jamieson
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt Leg
Born: Newhills Aberdeensh~
Occ: ---

Name: Duncan Stuart /2
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDonald
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: -egge Inverness*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Evan Cameron
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm & leg
Born: Argylesh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan Ross
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Croy Co. Sutherl`d
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the groin & knee
Born: Lochaber
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 6 October 1761
Name: Jam`s Fraser
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 5 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive
Born: Inverness
Occ: Shoemaker

Wednesday, 17 November 1762
Name: Donald Sutherland [Serj't]
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 18 yrs.
Ailment: Disorder in his senses
Born: Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Peter McNeal [Serj't]
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 5 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his Leg in Canada
Born: Bara
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 1 November 1763
Name: Jam`s McKenzie
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 9 yrs.
Ailment: Convulsions
Born: Tayne
Occ: Servant

Tuesday, 6 January 1764
Name: John Campbell
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Elgin
Occ: Weav~

Name: Ang`s McPherson [Serj't]
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 18 yrs.
Ailment: Deaf
Born: Rathven, Banff
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Watson [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan McPhee [Serj't]
Age: 51
Time in Serv: 29 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Glenelg
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Campbell
Age: 47
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wound in the head & thigh
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jam`s Sutherland
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 23 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Caithness
Occ: Farmer

Name: Malcolm McNaughton
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 15 yrs.
Ailment: Wound in the shoulder & arm
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Gard

Name: Jam`s Gow
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Croy near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dun Mcfarlane
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 16 yrs.
Ailment: Rheumatic
Born: Perth
Occ: Farmer

Name: Dan`l Gunn
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Caithness
Occ: Solate-*
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Law
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Broken back & wounded
Born: near Aberdeen
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser [1]
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wound'd in the should'r & broken arm
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser [2]
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wound'd in the should'r & broken arm
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don'd Black
Age: 69
Time in Serv: 6 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: ---
Occ: ---

Name: Wm. McDonnell
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the hand
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McKenzie
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 10 yrs.
Ailment: Wound'd in the head
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Nicholas -ass*
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Bruis'd between two boats
Born: Nigg
Occ: Lab~
*Possibly Wass

Name: Jam`s Calanach
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive by a bruise
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Lach. McKinnon
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Stuart
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 8 yrs.
Ailment: Very severely wound'd
Born: Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex`r Cameron
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 9 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Rose
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the lt. hand
Born: near Nairn
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McPhee
Age: 68
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: near Lochbar
Occ: Lab~

Name: Neal Mclean
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Very ill and bruised
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Wednesday, 11 January 1764
Name: Don`d Stuart
Age: 51
Time in Serv: 8 yrs.
Ailment: Infirm by hard duty
Born: Abernethy
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Grant [Corp'l]
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Abernethy
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don'd McDonald
Age: 62
Time in Serv: 27 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Mcleod
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Thurso
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex'r Fraser [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 22 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rhod`k Morrison
Age: 53
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Argyleshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch`d McTavish
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Woun'd'
Born: Argyleshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Malcolm McNicoll
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Ruptur'd
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Cha`s McPherson
Age: 55
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Rheumatic & consumptive
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dougal Campbell
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 11 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive
Born: near Inverary
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex`r McKenzie
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled by wounds
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ang`s Stuart
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Bruis'd in drawing wood to build a fort
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Kenneth McLeod
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex`r McKenzie
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm & thigh
Born: Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 7 February 1764
Name: John Clarke
Age: 46
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: A lunatic
Born: Argylsh`r
Occ: Lab~

Name: Evan Campbell
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 6 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the lt leg
Born: near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 1 May 1764
Name: Simon Fraser
Age: 52
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Ferguson
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Shot in the hand
Born: Perth
Occ: Weaver

Name: Andrew McCulloch
Age: 40 years
Time in Serv: 10 years
Ailment: Lost his right leg
Born: Tayne [Scotland]
Occ: Taylor

Tuesday, 23 December 1766
Name: Evan McPherson
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 25 February 1767
Name: John Fraser
Age: 42
Time in Serv: 7 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in [---]*
Born: Aird, Invernessh~
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Tuesday, 29 May 1770
Name: James Campbell
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 7 yrs
Ailment: Wounds & Deafness
Born: Near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Mackay
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 9 yrs
Ailment: Lost and Eye at Quebec
Born: Sutherland?
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification.

As it has previously been established between 139 and 155 soldiers of the 78th Regiment transferred to the 15th Regiment in August 1763, we've included pensioners from the latter whose names are synonymous with men in the former regiment. And as the 78th Foot was raised in 1757, we would look to the men's time in service as another very strong indication of being original members in Fraser's Highlanders. Further independent research should be performed to confirm.

15th Regiment of Foot

Tuesday, 27 October 1767
Name: John Shaw
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Lamed Hand
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Legg
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 4 November 1768
Name: Alex'r McGillivery
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Hurt in his Breast
Born: Invernesshire
Occ: Lab

Name: John Fisher
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Lost an Eye & a Hand
Born: Stirling
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 13 January 1769
Name: Hector McNeil
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 7 July 1769
Name: John Gillis
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the leg
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McNair
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Face & Thigh
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Ross
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Head & Leg
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Butcher

Name: Duncan Stewart
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Sore Legs
Born: Perthshire
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 12 September 1769
Name: Rhod'k McDonald
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Ruptur'd ankle & Thigh
Born: Invernessh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the groin
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dun: McDonald
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Near Fort Augustus
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McIntosh
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: his judgement impaired
Born: in Invernessh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Ross
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the leg
Born: Rossh~
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 8 December 1769
Name: Alex~ MacLeod
Age: 33
Time in Serv: 13
Ailment: Wounded in the Head & Leg
Born: near Dornach
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Munro
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: A Sore Knee
Born: near Fort George
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dun McKinnon
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Malcolm McLeod
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the rt Leg
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Rt Hand
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Levock
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Scurvey
Born: near Wick
Occ: Farmer

Name: James Ross
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the left Leg
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Lab~

Name: Evan Grant
Age: 33
Time in Serv: 13
Ailment: Wounded in the Thigh
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McDonald
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 13
Ailment: Scurvey
Born: near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 42
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Bruised
Born: at Kilmore
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dougall McPherson
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Hand
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 15 June 1770
Name: John McDonald
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Shoulder
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: William Brown
Age: 42
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Castle Grant
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Smith
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Thigh
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dougal McLachlan
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: no Complaint
Born: Fort William
Occ: Lab~

Name: John MacLean
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Thigh
Born: Argylshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald McLeod
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald McMasters
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Argylshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hugh Fraser
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. McGilavrey
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded & worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus Morrison
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Knee
Born: near Inverness

Public Records Office. Royal Chelsea Hospital Admission Books, W.O. 116/5, 6 [Kew, U.K.]

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.   

Last updated 20 September 2021

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Orders to Governor Burton at Trois Rivieres, Aug. 1763

New York 1 Aug 1763

You will have seen by my letter to Governor Murray which was enclosed in my last to you, and left open for your Perusal, that I intended the 15th & 27th and 2d Battalion 60th for the Government of Quebec; and that they were to furnish five compleat companys for your Government as the 15th are now embarked for Albany, I send Governor Murray full Instructions for reducing his own Battalion and compleating the other two Regiments, according to the New Establishment, after which, he will immediately detach five companys from either of those Corps, to relieve the two companys of the 4th Battalion 60th and the three companys of the 78th present in Trois Rivieres, the former which are to proceed to Montreal, to join the Battalion, and the latter to join their Regiment at Quebec. You will please to dispose of the five companys in your Government in such a manner as you shall judge best for the service, transmitting to me a particular state thereof by the first opportunity, after they are stationd. I shall desire Governor Gage to furnish you with a Detachment of Royal Artillery from the company of that Corps, which is to be allotted to the Government of Montreal and in the return you make me, you will be pleas'd to include that Detachment.

I am further to acquaint you that I have received directions from the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, as well as from the Secretary at War, in consequence of their Lordships application to him for making stoppages from the pay of the troops, that shall be station'd at such places, Where provisions are supplied them by the Crown of four pence Sterling p diem from each non commissioned officer and private man towards defraying the expence of provisions, that shall be found for them by the publick, this being agreable to what was practiced during the last peace; you will therefore take care that the said stoppages are made from the troops under your Command, for every portion that is received in Kind (as by this the men are not obliged to draw provisions, if they can subsist themsleves at a cheaper rate) and to commence the day after the New Establishment takes place. Altho I could have wish'd the stoppage had not been so great at first, I must own on considering several advantages, a soldier may now have in this country, by cultivating some ground, where he may happen to be quartered or providing himself with Fish, Game &c the Hardship does not appear so great as at first view, for by the above advantages the men may for the most part, do very well with four rations for eight days, which they may receive in the species, that will best answer to them, so that instead of four pence p diem, they will only be subject to a stoppage of two pence.

By this regulation you will observe that no officer can be Intitled to more than one ration, for which, if he draws it, a stoppage must likewise be made for four pence Sterling, this of course strikes off all women, and the Detachment of Royal Artillery must be subject to the same Regulation.

I am,

His Excellency Governor Burton

Cover sheet:
Orders To His Excellency Gov`r Burton 
Trois Rivieres for the Arrangement of the 
Troops in that Government New York.
1st Augt. 1763 Rivieres

Jeffery Amherst, "Orders to Governor Burton at Trois Rivieres, Aug. 1763." LAC, War Office Records: Amherst Papers. Letters from the Commander-in-Chief, New York, to the Governor of Quebec, 1760-1763. W.O. 34, vol.7.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.

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47th and 78th Regiments to Join the 15th Regiment, Aug. 1763

New York, 1st Aug 1763

As the 15th Regiment are now embarked, ready to sail for Albany, and that the 27th will soon follow, from whence they are to proceed to your Government, agreeable to what I wrote you in my last, I think proper to transmit you full instructions, relative to the formation of the overall Corps, that are to remain in ye Governments of Quebec and Trois Rivieres, according to the new Establishments, as well as what regards the sending home of the 47th and 78th Regiments, after they are drafted to compleat the other Corps.

I enclose you and abstract of the King's Instructions to me for reducing and disbanding the several Corps in North America are likewise a copy of an additional order, authorizing me to cause as many drafts to be made, from the Corps so to be reduced or disbanded, as may be necessary to compleat the several regim`ts destined for the service of this country, to their respective establishments, according to the new plan.

By the above abstract and orders, you will be fully informed of his Majesty's intentions, regarding this matter, and you will please to observe the directions concerning the men that may be discharged of the Battalion of the Royal Americans which is the only Corps in your Government, that I have orders to reduce the 15th & 27th which are now going to join you, being already form'd according to the new Establishment as to officers, but very incompleat with regard to men, which must be made up from the 47th & 78th.

As the 47th & 78th Regiments are to proceed to Europe and that I intend the 15th, 27th and your own Battalion of the 60th for the Government of Quebec, detaching five compleat companys of either of the above Corps, you shall judge best to relieve, the two companys of the 4th Battalion, 60th, and the three companys of the 78th at present stationed at Trois Rivieres, I would have the 15th Regiment immediately on its arrival, compleated by good able bodied men from the 47th and 78th / The particular establishment of this as well as the 27th Regiment being put down at the end of the abstract, after those of the Royal American Battalions, and when you have form'd the three Corps, agreeable to the new plan, I should be glad the five companys, intended for the Government of Trois Rivieres were immediately sent thither, that the three companys of the 78th may come to Quebec and the two companys of the 4th Batt., 60th may proceed to join the Battalion at Montreal, under Governor Gage's Command, who has my orders for the disposal of them.

It is pretty certain your Battalion will have men sufficient to compleat it to the New Establishment, but if there should not, Drafts must be taken from the 47th or 78th to compleat you.

I enclose you lists of the officers of the 15th & 27th, as have been already fixed, since the reduction was given in orders by Mr. Keppel at sea, and I have likewise transmit you a list of the officers of the 1st & 2d Battalion of the 60th Regt. form'd from the four battalions, agreeable to the following paragraph of a letter I received from the Secretary at War, accompanying the King's Instructions for the reductions & the paragrah runs thus.

As the Royal American Regiment, tho divided into four Battalions, has always been considered as one Corps, it is his Majesty's pleasure that the youngest officers of each rank shall be reduced, and therefore if there are any officer of equal rank, in the first and second Battalion, who are younger than those in the same rank, in the third and fourth Battalions, you will be pleased to take care, that the youngest be reduced.

Such of the officers as are now in the 1st & 2d Battalions and that are not to be reduced, I would have them remain in the Battalion they now serve with, you will therefore please to observe I have followed this rule, with regard to the officers in your Batt. filling up the vacancies with the next eldest of the other three Battalions alternately.

The reading the Instructions at the head of each company must be complied with, as it is His Majesty's pleasure, altho it becomes unnecessary in this country, where the regiments are so greatly reduced already by service, as to want many men to compleat them.

In compleating the companys of the 15th, 27th & Second Battalion 60th you will not reckon any absent of recommended men who may be in England, prisoners with the enemy, or in any situation as to leave it doubtful of their joining their Corps, for each company must consist of 45 reall effectives (two contingent men being allowed which makes up the Establishment of forty seven) and some other method, I hope will be fallen upon at home, for paying any recommended or absent men, than by charging them to the regiments; the allowance for the drafts, and in what manner to be paid must likewise be submitted to the Secretary at War for his consideration hereafter.

I have ordered three transport to proceed to Quebec, with the baggage and belongings to the 15th, 27th & 28th regiments (the latter being intended for the Government of Montreal) which transports will serve to carry home the officers and remaining men of the 47th & 78th Regiments, as well as any of the 60th that may be reduced or discharged, I enclose you a list of the transports, with their tonnage &c and two months provisions have been put on Board each, for the number of men they can carry, reckoning one man to a ton, so that you will please to dispose of them (as you may see occasion, ordering the 47th to proceed to Ireland and the 78th are destined for Britain.

The consumption of the provisions by the detachment that go on Board from hence, may require a fresh supply for the troops you embark to carry them to Ireland & Britain, and you will order a sufficiency for them for their passage, and you will also direct the commanding officer on his arrival in Britain to send immediate advise thereof to his Majesty's Secretary at War transmitting to him a particular state of his respective Corps, and wait his directions for his further proceedings.

The officer who commands the Corps to Ireland, will in the like manner send to the Commander in Chief there, from the first port he may make previous to the embarkation you will be pleased to discharge any men of the above Corps, or of the 2d Battalion, 60th that are really entitled thereto, by the times for which they enlisted being expired, if they are willing to accept of their discharges in this country, which I would much rather they should, as I think they can get their livelyhood in America, by working, easier, than they can at home, but should there be any of the men of you Battalion that are Invalids, or are entitled to be discharged and will not accept thereof in this country, His Majesty's orders are to be obeyed in sending them to England, which you will accordingly do, in sending them in the above transports, putting them under the care of the commanding officer of the 78th, who will report them to the Secretary at War, when he send them the state of that Regiment.

If any opportunity should happen for any of the officers of the 47th & 78th, or the reduced officers of your Battalion whose private affairs may require their presence at home, and may chuse to go before the transports arrive, you will please to permit them to go accordingly, as you may judge proper.

I have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from the Secretary of State, signifying to me the King's gracious inclination, to give every possible preference, and encouragement to such officers, as shoudl desire to settle in North America, for which a plan is actually under consideration, and as the adjusting that, may require further time, the Secretary of State has informed me, that in the mean time if any of the officers or soldiers, who are to be reduced, shall agree to take up lands, that the Governors in North America, are already authorized to grant, or shall desire to remain in N. America in order to avail themselves of such future settlements, as may be proposed, the King is pleased to leave it to all the officers and soldiers abovemention'd, either to return home or remain in North America, as they themselves shall chuse; this therefore you will be pleased to make known, to such of the reduced officers and soldiers, as may belong to the Regts. in your Government.

Governor Burton will dispose of the five companys in his Government as he may judge best, and you will make such a disposition of the rest of the three Corps in the Government of Quebec, as you shall see best for the service, transmitting to me a particular state thereof, including a list of the officers of the 2d Battalion of the 60th who are reduced, with the dates of their commissions.

I have directed Lieutenant Colonel Godwin the send the necessary orders to the Commanding Officer of Artillery at Quebec for forming one compleat company of that Corps, agreeably to the new Establishment, of a Battalion intended for the service of North America; and I shall enclose the said orders herewith, open for your perusal, this company is all I can spare for your Government, and you will likewise dispose of them as you shall judge best.

I am further to acquaint you that I have received directions from the Lords commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury as well as from the Secretary at War, in consequence  of their Lordships application to him, for making stoppages from the pay of the troops, that shall be stationed at such places where provisions are supplied them by the Crown, of four pence sterling p diem, from each non-commissioned officer and private man towards defraying the expence of provisions, that shall be found for them by the publick, this being agreable to what was practised during the last peace; you will therefore take care that the said stoppages are made from the troops under your command for every portion that is received in kind (as by this the men are not obliged to draw provisions if they can subsist them selves at a cheaper rate) and to commence the day after the New Establishment takes place; Altho I could have wish'd the stoppage had not been so great at first, I must own, on considering several advantages a soldier may now have in this country, by cultivating some ground where he may happen to be quartered, or providing himself with fish, game &c the hardship does not appear so great at first view, for by the above advantage, the men may for the most part, do very well. With four rations for eight days, which they may receive in the species that will best answer to them, as that instead of four pence p diem, they will only be subject to a stoppage of two pence.

By this regulation you will observe that no officer can be intitled to more than one ration for which, if he draws it, a stoppage must likewise be made of four pence sterling, this of course strike off all women and the Detachment of the Royal Artillery, must be subject to the same regulation.

I am,
His Excellency Governor Murray./

Jeffery Amherst, “47th and 78th Regiments to Join the 15th Regiment, Aug. 1763.” LAC, War Office Records: Amherst Papers. Letters from the Commander-in-Chief, New York to the Governor of Quebec, 1760-1763. W.O. 34, vol.3.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.  

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