Thursday, August 10, 2017

Calendar of New York Colonial Land Papers; Soldiers of the 78th Regiment

Be sure to explore our Quebec Land Petitions as some of these same names will appear in both areas.  We have currently identified upwards of 250 soldiers of the 78th Regiment that remained in North America after 1763.

Working through the assistance of the New York State Archives at Albany, we've secured digital copies of the following land petitions.

1763 Petitions
Sept. 14. Certificate of Major Abercrombie that Roderick Fraser, corporal in Capt. Hugh Cameron’s company of the 78th regiment, served for the space of seven years.

Nov. 29. Certificate of Alexr. McLeod, captain of the 78th regiment, that Donald Fraser is dismissed, and allowed to go about his lawful affairs.

1764 Petitions
Feb. --. Petition of Allan McArthur, Donald Livingston, Donald Irvin, David McLeah and Kenneth McKenzie, late soldiers of the 78th regiment, praying their quota of the lands to be granted pursuant to his majesty’s proclamation.

Oct. 12. Certificate of Genl. Gage, that Ensign Alexr. Fraser, junr., served during the war.

Oct. 14. Memorial of Ensign Alexr. Fraser, late of His Majesty's 78th regiment, praying a grant of land in the county of Albany, east of Husdon's River, north of land lately laid out for Lieut. James Bain and Wm. Gregor.

Nov 6. Return of survey for Allan Cameron, late serjeant in the 78th Regiment, of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return of survey for Alexr. Fraser, late serjeant in the 78th regiment, of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, east side of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return for survey for Alexr. Fraser and John Fraser, late privates in the 78th regiment, of 100 acres of land in the county of Albany, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return for survey for Wm. Fraser, late serjeant in the 78th regiment, of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return of survey for Donald Livingston, Allan McArthur, and Jno. McDonald, late privates in the 78th regiment, of 150 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return of survey of Jno. Mcintosh, late private in the 78th regiment, of 50 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return of survey for George Stuart and John McDonald, late private soldiers in the 78th regiment, of 100 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

Nov. 6. Return of survey for Alexr. Fraser, late serjeant in the 78th regiment, of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

1765 Petitions
[No date]. Certificate of Major James Abercrombie that Alexr. McKenzie served as soldier in the 78th regiment, and discharged 14th Sept., 1763.

[No date]. Certificate of Major John Small that Alexr. McKenzie served in the 78th regiment during the war, &c., 2d March, 1766.

[No date.] Petition of Angus McDonald, private of the 78th regiment, Miles Carmichal and John Black of said regiment, and John Sutherland, private of the 77th regiment, for a grant of 200 acres of land on the east side of Kinderhook river.

Jan. 19. Certificate of Major James Abercrombie, that Donald Cuthbert served as soldier in the 78th regiment, 10th Sept. 1763.

May 9. Return of survey of Thomas McPherson, late private in the 78th regiment, of 50 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

May 9. Return of survey for Donald McIntyre, late corporal in the 78th regiment, of 50 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

May 9. Return of survey for Donald McGilvray, John McKinvin, Donald Irvin, Kenneth McKenzie, all privates in the 78th regiment, and John Forbes, George Southerland and Donald McColl, late privates in the 77th, of a tract of 350 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

May 9. Return of survey for Donald Urquhart, John Sutherland, John Simpson and John McIntire, late privates in the 78th regiment, of a tract of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

May 23. Return of survey for Allan Cameron, late corporal in the 78th Regiment, of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, east of Hudson’s river, (Rupert, Vermont).

May 30. Return of survey for Alexr. McKaga, late a private in the 60th regiment, of a tract of 50 acres of land in the county of Albany, south of a tract surveyed for Allan Cameron, late corporal in the 78th regiment, (Rupert, Vermont).

June 15. Petition for Hugh Fraser, late Lieut. in the 78th regiment, for a grant of 2,000 acres of land, on the east side of the Hudson’s river.

July 23. Return of survey for Evan Cameron, late corporal in the 78th regiment, of a tract of 200 acres of land on the east side of the Hudson’s river, in the county of Albany.

Oct. 21. Return of survey for Roderick Fraser, late corporal in the 78th regiment, a tract of 200 acres of land in the county of Albany, on the east side of Hudson’s river.

1766 Petitions
June 22. Certificate of Lieut. Alexr. Fraser, that James Ross served as serjeant in the 78th regiment, commanded by Capt. Fraser, and in Capt. McDonell’s company.

July 8. Petition of James Ross, late serjeant in the 78th regiment, praying that the 200 acres of land formerly petitioned for by them be located in the county of Albany, east of Lake Champlain, and north of lands petitioned for by Lieut. Wm. Barron.

Dec. 1. Certificate that Alexr. Fraser served as corporal in the 78th regiment during the war.

Oct. 24. Memorial of Lieut. Alexander Fraser, of the late 78th regiment, for a grant of 2,000 acres of land, in the townships of New Fane and Townsend.

1767 Petitions
Jan. 18. Certificate that Alexander Robertson served as soldier of the 78th regiment.

Feb. 17. Petition of Alexr. Fraser, late corporal in the 78th regiment, for a grant of 200 acres of land to the east of a tract of 1,000 acres granted to Capt. Shirreff on Lake Champlain.

Mar. 23. Petition of Duncan Weir, serjeant in the 78th regiment, Alexr. McDonald, private, and Duncan McArthur, private in said regiment for a grant of lands near Dear Field on the west side of the Connecticut river.

1768 Petitions
Apr. 27. Petition of Kenneth McCullock, late ensign of the 78th regiment, for 2,000 acres of land on the west side of the North river, in the county of Albany.

1771 Petitions
Feb. 2. Petition of Simon McTavish, in behalf of his father John McTavish, lieutenant in the 78th regiment, for a grant of 2,000 acres of land to the east of Schohary kill.

Apr. 16. Petition of Alexr. Gray, late corporal in the 78th regiment, for a grant of 200 acres of land adjoining to Major Campbell’s land on Lake Champlain, and near Crown Point.

Sep. 11. Certificate of Lieut. Alexr. Fraser that John McGillivray served as corporal in the 78th regiment during the war, 7th April 1767.

New York Secretary's Office. Calendar of New York Colonial Manuscripts, Indorsed Land Papers; in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803. [New York, 1864].

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.

This article was last updated 26 April 2020.



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