Showing posts with label Albany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albany. Show all posts

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Land Petition of Serjeant James Ross, 78th Regiment

An early 18th-century landscape unfolding near the serene Lake Champlain. The soft glow of dawn breaks through the misty horizon, casting a warm, ethereal light on the glassy waters. On the lake's edge, a small wooden boat is tied to a weathered dock, its mast leaning slightly as if it has borne witness to countless sunrises. A lone fisherman in period attire, complete with a tricorn hat and simple linen shirt, stands in the boat, casting his net into the tranquil lake. The shoreline is adorned with a few rustic buildings, their wooden facades painted in earthy tones, with smoke gently rising from their stone chimneys, hinting at the beginnings of a new day's activities. (Jeffrey Campbell, Lake Champlain, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Land Petition of Serjeant James Ross, 78th Regiment

To his Excellency Ld. Henry Moore [page cut off] Captain General and Governor in Chief in [cut off] the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the same. In Council

Humbly Shewith that your Petitioner being entitled to two Hundred Acres of Land as a reduced or disbanded uncomanding officer having serv'd his Majesty in North America during the Warr as appears by Certificate And did by his Petition form presented to the Honourable Calwaller Colden Esqr: pray a grant for the said Quantity of Land that might be found vacant in this Province. And your Petitioner now prays, that the said Quantity of two Hundred Acres may be located in Improvable Land in the County of Albany on the East side of Lake Champlain to the North of the Lands Petition'd for by William Barron late Lieutenant; [cut off] along the said Lake and that he may have his Majestys Letters [cut off] for the same upon the Terms express'd in the Royal Proclamation.

And your Petitioner shall ever pray &c.
[signed] James Ross

21 : 66 [volume/page]

New York 22d June 1766
This is to certify that the Bearer James Ross served as Serjeant in the 78th Regiment commanded by Colonel Fraser & in Captain Donald McDonells Company, was afterwards discharged from the same & employed as a Clerk in the Hospital ~

[signed] Alexr. Fraser
Lieutenant in the late 78th Regiment

Cover sheet:
Serjeant Jam: Ross Petition for a Location on the Eastside of Lake Champlain
Presented 8th of July 1766

1766 July 18 Read in Council

1. "The Calendar of N.Y. Colonial Manuscripts Indorsed Land Papers; in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803" (Albany: 1864) lists all documents on the first series of "Land Papers" as they were rearranged in 1819. There is an index to the personal names and to land tract names or geographical locations at the back of the volume. The series consists of applications for grants of unappropriated land by letters patent from New York Colony and State.

2. Considering Captain Donald McDonell's name appears as "killed in action" on 28 April 1760 at the Battle of Sainte-Foy, and that the serjeant's name does not appear on either the Regiment’s roster of invalid soldiers or the surviving muster rolls produced in 1763, his discharge from the army c.1760 is indicative of a three-year enlistment contract typically found among non-commissioned officers. A study of several regimental reenlistment rosters indicates soldiers enlisted for three years, or for “duration of war,” whereas commissioned officers found in the 42nd Foot renewed their commissions after four years.

3. Serjeant Ross may have clerked at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Quebec, as this was the nearest medical facility to Governor James Murray's Quebec garrison. Further research would be needed to confirm. About 1764 Admiral Mabane (Surgeon to the Garrison), in correspondence with Governor Murray, estimated the hospital's yearly operating budget at £30 sterling for clerical services.

New York State Department of State Applications for Land Grants, 1643-1803. Series A0272, volume XXI, p. 66. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

“Return of the officers, that were Killed, Wounded, Taken Prisoner, Missing &c, on the 28th of April 1760.” LAC, Northcliffe Collection: Series 1: Robert Monckton Papers :, Microfilm reel C-366.

Mabane to Murray, "Estimate of the Annual Expenses of His Majesty's Hospital in the Garrison of Quebec as near as they can be ascertained." 1764-65. LAC, Letterbook/Copie de lettres, 1763-1771, RG 4, C 2, vol. 1.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2021.

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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Return of 200 Acres of Land for Evan Cameron, 1765

An 18th-century landscape painting, masterfully capturing the tranquil beauty of the Hudson River as it meanders through Albany County, New York. The sun, a fiery orb of gold and crimson, is dipping below the distant horizon, casting a warm, ethereal glow over the serene waters. The riverbanks are adorned with lush, verdant foliage, a testament to the fertility of the region. A few wooden sailboats, with their sails furled for the evening, glide gracefully along the river, their reflections mirrored on the calm surface. In the foreground, a small group of Native Americans and early European settlers are engaged in trade, their vibrant attire standing out against the backdrop of the wilderness. (Jeffrey Campbell, Hudson River, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Return of 200 Acres of Land for Evan Cameron, 1765

Pursuant to an order in Council from the Honble Cadwallader Colden Esquire Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New York and the Territories Depending theron in America bearing Date the 8th Day of May last Past ~

Survey'd for Evan Cameron late a Corporal in his Majesty's Seventy Eigth Regiment of Foot. All That Certain Tract of Land Situate lying and being on the East Side of Hudson's River in the County of Albany. Beginning at the Southwest corner of a Tract of Land Survey'd for Roderick Fraser and runs thence East Sixty Chains and Sixteen links Then South thirty five Chains Then West Sixty Chains and Sixteen links. Then North Thirty five Chains to the place where this Tract first began Containing Two Hundred Acres of Land and the usual allowance for Highways.

Given under my hand this twenty third Day of July 1765

Alexr. Cowell [?] Survey GL

Cover sheet:
July 23 1765

Return 200 Acres of Land on the East Side

of Hudson's River in the County of Albany

for Evan Cameron late Corporal in the 78th Regt.

New York State Department of State Applications for Land Grants, 1643-1803. Series A0272, volume XIX, p. 113. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2021.

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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Land Petition of Serjeant Alexander Fraser, 78th Regiment

An 18th-century panoramic view of Albany, New York, nestled on the west side of the Hudson River as the first light of dawn kisses the horizon. The sunrise casts a soft, warm glow across the quaint town, with its wooden buildings and cobblestone streets still shrouded in the early morning mist. The majestic river, a vital trade route of the era, is bustling with activity as ships with billowing sails and horse-drawn carriages line the docks, hinting at the city's thriving economy and its significance as a colonial hub. (Jeffrey Campbell, Albany, New York, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Land Petition of Serjeant Alexander Fraser, 78th Regiment

Pursuant to an Order in Counsil from the Honourable Cadwallader Colden Esqr. Lieutenant Governor and Commanded in Chief of the province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America Bearing Date the twentyfirst day of March Last past.

Surveyed for Alexander Fraser Late a Serjeant in his Majestys Seventy Eight Regiment of Foot and in Collonel Fraser's Company all that Certain tract or Parcell of Land situate Lying and being in County of Albany on the East side of Hudsons River  Beginning at the Southwest Corner of a tract of Land Surveyed for Dugal McFarland Late a Corporal and runs thence East Sixty Chains and Seventeen Links then South Thrity five Chains Then Sixty Chains and Seventeen Links Then North Thirty vive Chains to the Place where this Tract first began Containing two hundred acres of Land and the usual allowance for highways.

Given under my hand this sixth day of November one Thousand seven hundred and sixty four

Alexr. Colden Surveyor Genl.

Cover sheet:
6th No. 41
[one word illegible] 200 acres of Land on the East Side of Hudsons River for Alexr. Fraser late a Serjt in the 78th Regt & in Coll Frasers Compy
made out

Top row:
Dugald McFarland
Alexander Fraser, Serjeant, 78th Regt., Colonel Fraser's Company [north/south 35 chains, east/west 60 chains, 17 links].
Alexander Fraser, Serjeant, 78th Regt., Captain Hugh Fraser's Company
*Alexander Fraser, Serjeant, 78th Regt., Captain [Alexander] Wood's Company
Allen Cameron, Serjeant

Bottom row:
John McIntire, Corporal, 77th Regt.
John Gibson. Serjeant, 77th Regt.
John Grant, Corporal
David McHo[?]key

Description: A Plot or Description of a Tract of Land Survey'd for Alexander Fraser Late a Serjeant in the 78th Regiment and in Coll Frasers Company Plotted from a Scale of twenty Chains in an Inch.   [illegible] Alexr Colden Surveyor Genl.

18 : 94 [volume/page]

1. Serjeant Alexander Fraser's name appears in Captain Alexander Wood's Company as one of the 170 discharged soldiers in America; however, his name does not appear on the company subsistence rolls produced at the end of the war.

2. "The Calendar of N.Y. Colonial Manuscripts Indorsed Land Papers; in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803" (Albany: 1864) lists all documents on the first series of "Land Papers" as they were rearranged in 1819. There is an index to the personal names and to land tract names or geographical locations at the back of the volume. The series consists of applications for grants of unappropriated land by letters patent from New York Colony and State.

New York State Department of State Applications for Land Grants, 1643-1803. Series A0272, volume XVIII, p. 94. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2020.

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Land Petition in Behalf of Lieutenant John McTavish, 78th Regiment

A tranquil 18th century countryside near Schoharie Kill, New York, as the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon. The scene is bathed in a soft, golden hue as the sun rises behind distant rolling hills, casting long shadows across the verdant landscape. A winding stream path leads the eye to a picturesque farmstead, nestled among the emerald-green fields and flanked by stately trees dressed in the vibrant oranges and reds of early autumn foliage. (Jeffrey Campbell, Schoharie Kill, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Land Petition in Behalf of Lieutenant John McTavish, 78th Regiment

To His Excellency, The Right Honble. John Earl of Dunmore Captain General & Governor in Chief in & over the Colony of New York and the Territorys thereon in America, Chancellor & Vice Admiral of the Same

The Petition of Simon McTavish in behalf of His Father John McTavish Lieut. in the late 78th Regiment Commanded by Colo. Simon Fraser.

Humbly Shewith that your Petitioners father served His Majesty in North America during the late War there as a Lieut. in the late 78th Regiment Commanded by the Honble. Colo. Simon Fraser, and as such is entitled (by His Majestys Royal Proclamation given at St. Jamess the 7th day of October 1763, in favour of reduced Officers & Soldiers of the Army) to a grant of the quantity of Two thousand acres of Land in some of His Majestys unapropriated Lands in North America.
That your petitioners father some time in the year 1766 prefer'd a petition to His late Excellency Sir Henry Moore Baronet for His Majestys letters Patent for the said lands, but nothing has ever been done as yet towards issuing such letters Patent.
That your petitioner has discovered a Tract of vacant Land lying in this Province in the County of Albany near a Settlement called Schoharry Kill, and East of the Schoharry Kill, or Creek, and South of the Schoharry Settlements. He therefore prays that your Excellency will be favourbly pleased to Issue a Warrant to survey the said Quantity of Two thousand acres, at that place above described; in order that His Majestys Letters Patent may be granted for the same to the said John McTavish, his Heirs & assigns, on such terms and Conditions, as other Lands are granted in this Province in like Circumstances; & your petitioner as in Duty bound shall ever pray ~

New York
February 2d. 1771
Simon McTavish
28 : 45

Cover sheet:
To his Excellency, The Right Honble. John Earl of Dunmore &c.
The Petition of Simon McTavish for two thousand Acres of Land in the County of Albany~~

Presented Feby. 2d, 1771
1771 Feby. 8: Rec'd and referred to a Comm
1771 April 1st: Certificate wanting
1771 May 31: Rec'd in Council and granted [four words illegible]

28 : 45
No. 5

1. "The Calendar of N.Y. Colonial Manuscripts Indorsed Land Papers; in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803" (Albany: 1864) lists all documents on the first series of "Land Papers" as they were rearranged in 1819. There is an index to the personal names and to land tract names or geographical locations at the back of the volume. The series consists of applications for grants of unappropriated land by letters patent from New York Colony and State.

New York State Department of State Applications for Land Grants, 1643-1803. Series A0272, volume XXVIII, p. 45. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2020.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Land Petition of Corporal Alexander Gray, 78th Regiment

A breathtaking 18th-century panorama from Crown Point, revealing the tranquil beauty of Lake Champlain at sunrise. The horizon is a canvas of soft, pastel hues, with the sun peeking over the distant Adirondack Mountains, casting a warm, golden light that reflects brilliantly on the lake's calm surface. The fortifications at Crown Point stand as stoic sentinels, a testament to the strategic importance of the area during the colonial period. (Jeffrey Campbell, Crown Point, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Land Petition of Corporal Alexander Gray, 78th Regiment

To his Excellency William Tryon Esqr. governor of the Province of New York and the Territories depending thereon in America Captain General Vice Admiral and Chancellor of the same &c: &c: &c: in Council

The Petition of Alexander Gray Late Corporal of his Majestys 78th Regiment of Foot whereof the Honorable Colonel Simon Fraser was Colonel

Humbly Shewith your petitioner having apply'd to His Excellency Cadwaller Colden Esqr. Lieut. Governor for his Quantity of Land allowed to Non Commission'd officers and Private who Serv'd his Majesty during the Late War in America by his Majestys Royal proclamation of Octr. 3d 1763 his Excellency was pleas'd to order your Excellency's Petitioner to [illegible] to [illegible]: Coldin Esqr. purveyor general who told your Excellency's Petitioner that he knew of no Vacant Land at that time which occasions your Excellencys Petitioner to make this his Humble Request to your [illegible] Earnstly desiring of your Excellency on Council to grant to your Excellencys Petitioner his Quantity of Land which is 200 acres adjoining to Major Campbells Land on Lake Champlain and Nigh Crown Point as your Excellencys Petitioner is informed that their is Vacant Land there and hopes your Excellency will order the said grant to be given to your Excellencys Petitioner as soon as possible as your Excellencys Petitioner is but a poor man and having a family wants to Settle upon it as soon as possible if your Excellency should want a person who understands Farming your Excellencys Petitioner would be very glad to engage as he is thoroughly acquainted with that Branch of Business

May it please your Excellency to take the above consideration and do for your Excellencys Petitioner as [next three words illegible] to your Excellency and your Excellencys Petitioner is [illegible] in duty Bound to pray ~

New York
April 16th, 1771

Cover sheet:
The petition of Alexr. Gray Corpl. for 200 acres of Land Rec'd. 18th Septr. 1771. [initials] "W.G"
1771 Sepr. 18. Rec'd in Council
1771 Novr. 13th Rec'd again in Council and granted not interfering with any [next two words illegible]

28 : 148 [volume/page]

1Corporal Alexander Gray's name does not appear in the surviving muster rolls of 1763, indicating he most likely discharged beforehand.

2. "The Calendar of N.Y. Colonial Manuscripts Indorsed Land Papers; in the Office of the Secretary of State of New York, 1643-1803" (Albany: 1864) lists all documents on the first series of "Land Papers" as they were rearranged in 1819. There is an index to the personal names and to land tract names or geographical locations at the back of the volume. The series consists of applications for grants of unappropriated land by letters patent from New York Colony and State.

New York State Department of State Applications for Land Grants, 1643-1803. Series A0272, volume XXVIII, p. 148. New York State Archives, Albany, New York.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2020.

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