Showing posts with label Pensioners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pensioners. Show all posts

Friday, October 1, 2021

Private Donald Gunn, 78th Regiment, 1757-1763

The quaint town of Stratford, Connecticut, nestled along the banks of the Housatonic River during the 18th century, as the sun descends beneath the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the tranquil scene. The river reflects the fiery oranges and deep purples of the sunset, while a handful of wooden sailboats are moored at the docks. The town itself is a charming assortment of colonial-style buildings, with their shingled roofs and white-washed clapboard facades, many of which are adorned with candlelit windows, hinting at the lives unfolding within. (Jeffrey Campbell, Stratford Sunset, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator.)

Private Donald Gunn, 78th Regiment, 1757-1763

Donald Gunn was originally a soldier in Colonel Simon Fraser's Second Highland Battalion (of Scotland), later renumbered the 63rd Regiment of Foot, and finally the 78th Regiment of Foot. His regiment embarked at Cork, Ireland, in June 1757 for passage to North America to participate in the Seven Years' War in Quebec, Canada.

30 November 1757. The regiment arrived in Connecticut, and the ten companies were quickly divided into two companies per city, garrisoned in civilian homes at Stratford, Fairfield, Norwalk, Milford, and Stanford.

29 January 1758. In the Congressional Church records at Stratford, Connecticut, Reverend Izahiah Wetmore recorded a baptism of "bettee daughter of Daniel Gunn Drum major in Colonel Fraziers Regiment." [1] Unfortunately, the name of the mother is not recorded in the document, and she is not listed on the final muster roll taken in the summer of 1763. 

Daniel Gunn may have been assigned to Captain Baillie's Grenadier company at Stratford when his daughter was born. [2]

1762-63. Private Donald Gun,  a drummer in Captain Hugh Cameron's Company, is listed as an "invalid" soldier in 1762, and is also carried on the final subsistence rolls taken in September 1763. Invalids were typically soldiers no longer able to enter the battlefield for any number of reasons, but more often than not it was due to sickness or disability. They were then considered unfit for duty. [3, 4, 5]

6 January 1764. Daniel Gunn, aged 50, 24 years of service, from Caithness, Scotland, is recorded as admitted to Royal Chelsea Hospital, London, and listed as "worn out." Considering the 78th Regiment returned to Scotland in December 1763, his admittance to the hospital one month later is consistent with being an invalid soldier returning home. [6, 7]

Donald & Daniel are sometimes, but not always, interchangeable in Scotland, because Domhnall, the Gaelic version of Donald, may be Anglicized as Daniel.

1. Wilcoxson, Wm. Howard, "History of Stratford, Connecticut, 1639-1939", Connecticut, 1939, p. 310; First Congressional Church Records, Stratford Connecticut, 1688-1927. FHL, Microfilm 7883792.

2. "Report of the Quarters of His Majesty’s 63d or Second Highland Battalion as Cantoned in the Government of Connecticut in New England, 1758." NAS, GD42/2/41/1-7.

3. Captain Cameron may have assumed command of the Grenadier Company upon the death of Captain Baillie, at Louisbourg.

4. LAC, W.O. 34, vol. 2.

5. Although Donald Gunn appears in Captain Cameron's Company on the final subsistence rolls (soldier #65), his spouse is not listed with him. As only a certain number of women per company were permitted to be carried on the regimental establishment, she could have returned home to Scotland with her husband, but not "on the list." Or, she may have died in childbirth.  

6. While no actual evidence has surfaced, with 24 years of military experience he was a prime candidate for potential service in the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) or the Battle of Culloden, 1746.

7. TNA, W.O. 116/5-3. 

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2021.

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Chelsea Pensioners

The Royal Hospital Chelsea is a retirement and nursing home for veterans of the British Army and first opened its doors in 1692. Known the world over as Chelsea Pensioners, some of the initial soldiers admitted were injured at the Battle of Sedgemoor. 

Soldiers from the 78th Regiment first arrived at the facility in November of 1758, with injuries sustained at the Battle of Louisbourg in North America. Over 200 Fraser's Highlanders would be admitted through the spring of 1770.

Note: Please consult original record where indicated for further clarification.

Examination of Invalid Soldiers

78th Regiment of Foot

Monday, 20 November 1758
Name: John McDonald
Age: 19
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: An amputated hand at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Baker

Name: Dougal MackDonald
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right arm & side by a fall in carrying a meal for the reg't.
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 20 July 1759
Name: Jam's Williamson
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 19 yrs.
Ailment: An ulcer in his breast
Born: Glenlivet, Banffsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rhod'k Macknicl [Serj't]*
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro' the arm at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification. Might read: Mackniel.

Name: Wm. Fraser Callum
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro' the arm at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jam's Cummings
Age: 19
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro' the Rt. arm at Louisbourg
Born: Abernethy, Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jno Gillis
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Bruised in back at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Cunnison
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the hand at Louisbourg
Born: Kirkmichl, Perthsh~
Occ: Taylor

Name: Alex'r McTavish
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Bruised at landing at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rob't Thompson
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the head at Louisbourg
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 53
Time in Service: 17 1/2/ yrs.
Ailment: Lamed at Louisbourg
Born: Abernethy, Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jno Macallum
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the head at Louisbourg
Born: Lorn, Argyleshire
Occ: Soldier's son

Tuesday, 4 December 1759
Name: Alex'r Fraser [Serj't]
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in thighs
Born: Inverness
Occ: Labourer

Name: Jno Chisholm [Serj't]
Age: 56
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in both thighs
Born: Inverness
Occ: Labourer

Name: Wm. Cumming
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: [...]*
Born: Castle Grant, Inverness-shire
Occ: ---
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Don'd Cameron
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 6 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in Belly
Born: Strewey, Inverness-shire
Occ: Herdsman

Name Don'd Ross:
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the finger of rt hand
Born: Inverness-shire
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Don'd Ross
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right arm
Born: Ross-shire, Negg Parish
Occ: Blacksmith

Name: Alex'r McDonald
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in rt arm
Born: Lockhaber
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Hugh Fraser
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lame in left legg
Born: Inverness, Kirkalty Parish
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Dun Duff
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right hand
Born: Perthshire, Fothergill Parish
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Don'd McDonald
Age: 22
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right thumb
Born: Sutherlandshire, [...] Parish*
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: James Murray
Age: 24
Time in Service: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Inverallan, Inverness
Occ: Herdsman

Name: John Ross
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in left hand
Born: Kincarden, RossCrty
Occ: Herdsman

Name: John Cameron [Serj't]
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 23 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Finnart, Perthshire*
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Cameron [Serj't]
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Astmatic
Born: Lochhaber, Inverness-shire
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Donald McDonald
Age: 29
Time in Serv: 2 1/2 yrs
Ailment: Fits & wounded in the head
Born: Straglass, Inverness
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Kenneth Campbell
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Astmatic
Born: Badnock, Inverness-sh`r
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Alexander Fraser
Age: 49
Time in Serv: 19 yrs.
Ailment: Shot in the thigh
Born: [...], Inverness*
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Alex'r McPherson
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Bruised in the left side
Born: Badnock, Inverness-sh`r
Occ: Herdsman

Name: Donald  Mcleod
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 2-*
Ailment: [...]*
Born: Island of Sky
Occ: Herdsman
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Murd'h McLeod
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the right arm
Born: Island of Sky
Occ: Herdsman

Tuesday, 18 December 1759
Name: Peter Dewars
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick & disabled in the left legg
Born: Canmore, Perthsh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: Donald Ca-anach*
Age: 46
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right eye
Born: Baddnoch, Invernessh`r
Occ: Miller
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John McDonald
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Consumption
Born: Baddnoch, Invernessh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: John Ross
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Kinnegarn, Rossh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: Angus Gileurs
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 2 yrs.
Ailment: Rhumatick
Born: Ile Sky in Invernessh`r
Occ: Husbandman

Name: Donald Bissett
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 3 yrs.
Ailment: Ague
Born: [...]*
Occ: Husbandman
* Consult original record for clarification

Tuesday, 18 March 1760
Name: Rob't Ross
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Kincardine, Rossh`r
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hugh McMillen
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don'd Livingston
Age: 22
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Kinmore, Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Cameron [1]
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Lochaber
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex'r McColl
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Invenary
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hector McPhail
Age: 47
Time in Service: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDonald:
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Lost the use of his limbs by colds contracted in the service
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Niel McIntosh
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McLeod
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jno Cameron [2]
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch'd Stewart
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Lost his leg in Quebec
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Geo Crookshank
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Wounded near Quebec
Born: Edinb~
Occ: Weaver

Name: John McLaren
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Lost his Rt arm at Quebec
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDougal
Age: 22
Time in Serv: 2/10m
Ailment: Shot thro the arm at Quebec
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 28 October 1760
Name: James McPherson
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 6 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Strathspey, Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Peter Grant [Serj't]
Age: 58
Time in Serv: 30 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvey & age
Born: Glenmorrison
Occ: Lab~

Name: Tho`s Fraser [1]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his sight
Born: Inverness
Occ: Taylor

Name: John McDonald
Age: 59
Time in Serv: 22 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvy & age
Born: Badenough
Occ: Taylor

Name: Tho`s Fraser [2]
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the head at Quebec
Born: Castledownie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don`d McMasters
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 12 yrs.
Ailment Age & scurvy
Born: Gleninion, Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Fra`s McLachlan
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 10 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the left shoulder
Born: St. Ninians, Stirling
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Stuart
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 10 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Logan, Inverness
Occ: ---

Name: Tho`s Fraser 3d
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the thigh at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Noble
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the left arm at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs
Ailment: Lost the use of his left leg at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ang. McDonald
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his left arm at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ale`x McKenzie
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right arm at Quebec
Born: Urray, Ross Shire
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McLaren
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his left arm at Quebec
Born: near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: Evan Cameron
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro the body at Louisbourg
Born: Kil---vay, Inv.*
Occ: ---
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Cameron
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right arm at Quebec
Born: Kiltarlity
Occ: ---

Name: Don`d Fraser
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Consumption & scurvey
Born: Ross Shire
Occ: ---

Name: Angus Kennedy
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the left shoulder
Born: Invs.
Occ: Weaver

Name: Ang`s McTavish
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Contusion in his leg at Louisbourg
Born: Inverness
Occ: ---

Name: Hugh McGilbray
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his right hand at Quebec
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: James Sutherland [Serj't]
Age: 43
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Losing the use of his lt leg
Born: Rogart, Sutherland
Occ: Lab~

Name: James Robertson [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 20
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: near Edin~
Occ: Farmer

Name: Duncan Cameron
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Fort William
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 23 December 1760
Name: Simon Munro
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his left arm
Born: Kiltarlity Co. Invs
Occ: Smith

Name: Laughlan Mclachlan
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 41 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Appin Co. [...]*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Alex`r Munro
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 30 yrs.
Ailment: Old & inform
Born: Alnes Co. Ross
Occ: Taylor

Name: Duncan McIntosh
Age: 65
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infrim
Born: Badenoch Co. Invers.
Occ: Taylor

Name: Don`d Campbell
Age: 65
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Old age
Born: Dunkeld, Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McIntyre
Age 58
Time in Serv: 24
Ailment: Ruptur'd & old
Born: Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rob`t Carr
Age: 41
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his arm at Quebec
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Culloden near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Gunn
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 21
Ailment: Infirm & old
Born: Letheren, Caiths.
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDougal
Age: 46
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvy & age
Born: Isle of Mull, Argylesh~
Occ: Farmer

Name: Alex`r Fraser
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Stratherick Co. Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: George Ross
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Balnagown, Ross sh~
Occ: Farmer

Name: Murdoch McKenzie
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 16 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Inverness
Occ: Weaver

Name: Don'd Kennedy
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his side by long sickness
Born: Badenoch, Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: Tho`s Carter
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his leg on Duty
Born: Dublin
Occ: Servt.

Name: Dun. Kennedy
Age: 52
Time in Serv: 8 yrs.
Ailment: Old & infirm
Born: Fort William, Invnerness sh~

Name: Allan Morrison
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro the body
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Grant
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Fort Willm, Co. Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ Fraser
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his use of Hand by Frost
Born: Near Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McNeal
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost the use of his rt hand
Born: Barra, Inv.
Occ: Lab~

Name: Cha`s McLachlan
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right leg
Born: Fort William
Occ: Taylor

Name: Don`d McDonald [1]
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head at Quebec
Born: Fort Will`m
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don`d McDonald [2]
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Breast at Quebec
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald McDonald [3]
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his right leg at Quebec
Born: Isle of Sky
Occ: Head~

Friday, 6 February 1761
Name: Alex~ McDougall
Age: 56
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Infirmities
Born: Glasgow
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 27 February 1761
Name: Niel McKay
Age: 67
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Palsey contracted in America
Born: Large, Suthd
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ Kennedy
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Deaf occasion'd by colds in America
Born: Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Cha`s Robinson
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Body & Foot
Born: near Dundee
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dav'd Morris
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Consumption
Born: Kilmorack, Co. Ross
Occ: Weav~

Name: Jam`s Tolmey
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 3 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm
Born: Croy, Inverness sh~
Occ: ---

Tuesday, 8 September 1761
Name: John Farquharson [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt Leg
Born: Tullow Co. Aberdeen
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McEnzie [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Walton Co. Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ang`s McDonnell [Serj't]
Age: 47
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Gravellish
Born: Snizort near Inverness
Occ: Carpent~

Name: Alex~ Fraser
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 30 yrs.
Ailment: Shot thro the Body
Born: Bollaskeen Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Campbell
Age: 57
Time in Serv: 25 yrs.
Ailment: Bruis'd at Montmorency
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Lab~

Name: Allan McKay
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Durness Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McIver
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 17 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Fort Augustus
Occ: Carpent~

Name: Don`d Hojack
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 16 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive & old
Born: Inverness
Occ: Writer

Name: Don`d Monro
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 15 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive & wounded
Born: Fowles Ross sh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McLeod
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 12 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded 3 times
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Carpent~

Name: John Campbell
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 7 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the thigh
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. McPherson
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Farmer

Name: John Fraser /1
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Lt arm
Born: Durris, Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Reid
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the private parts
Born: Nairn
Occ: Weav~

Name: Wm. Thompson
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: D-ller Co. Inv`s*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Fraser /2
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm
Born: Durris Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jam`s Stuart
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Louisbourg
Born: near Fort William
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ Fraser
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive & scurvy
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McRae
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt leg
Born: Red Castle Co. Ross
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser /3
Age: 26
Time in Serv: 3 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch`d McDonald
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt arm
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McLeod
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: near Dormach Co. Suth`d
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hugh McLean
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Torsay Argylesh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McEnzie
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Scurvy & Consumption
Born: Urray, Rossh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDonald
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 3/4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don`d McFarlane
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the groin
Born: Archir Dunbartonsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Lawson
Age: 27
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt arm
Born: Allford Aberdeensh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rob`t McCall
Age: 29
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Lt Hand
Born: Appin Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch`d McDonald
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: -oggie Inverness*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Duncan Stuart /1
Age: 25
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Appin Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan McDonald
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt arm
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan Cunningham
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Kincardine Rossh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: James Jamieson
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the rt Leg
Born: Newhills Aberdeensh~
Occ: ---

Name: Duncan Stuart /2
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McDonald
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: -egge Inverness*
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: Evan Cameron
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm & leg
Born: Argylesh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan Ross
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Croy Co. Sutherl`d
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the groin & knee
Born: Lochaber
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 6 October 1761
Name: Jam`s Fraser
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 5 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive
Born: Inverness
Occ: Shoemaker

Wednesday, 17 November 1762
Name: Donald Sutherland [Serj't]
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 18 yrs.
Ailment: Disorder in his senses
Born: Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Peter McNeal [Serj't]
Age: 23
Time in Serv: 5 1/2 yrs.
Ailment: Lost his Leg in Canada
Born: Bara
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 1 November 1763
Name: Jam`s McKenzie
Age: 34
Time in Serv: 9 yrs.
Ailment: Convulsions
Born: Tayne
Occ: Servant

Tuesday, 6 January 1764
Name: John Campbell
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Elgin
Occ: Weav~

Name: Ang`s McPherson [Serj't]
Age: 48
Time in Serv: 18 yrs.
Ailment: Deaf
Born: Rathven, Banff
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Watson [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Duncan McPhee [Serj't]
Age: 51
Time in Serv: 29 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Glenelg
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Campbell
Age: 47
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wound in the head & thigh
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Jam`s Sutherland
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 23 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded
Born: Caithness
Occ: Farmer

Name: Malcolm McNaughton
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 15 yrs.
Ailment: Wound in the shoulder & arm
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Gard

Name: Jam`s Gow
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 21 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Croy near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dun Mcfarlane
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 16 yrs.
Ailment: Rheumatic
Born: Perth
Occ: Farmer

Name: Dan`l Gunn
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 24 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Caithness
Occ: Solate-*
* Consult original record for clarification

Name: John Law
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Broken back & wounded
Born: near Aberdeen
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser [1]
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wound'd in the should'r & broken arm
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser [2]
Age: 28
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wound'd in the should'r & broken arm
Born: near Inv`s
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don'd Black
Age: 69
Time in Serv: 6 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: ---
Occ: ---

Name: Wm. McDonnell
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the hand
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McKenzie
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 10 yrs.
Ailment: Wound'd in the head
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Nicholas -ass*
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Bruis'd between two boats
Born: Nigg
Occ: Lab~
*Possibly Wass

Name: Jam`s Calanach
Age: 32
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive by a bruise
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Lach. McKinnon
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Stuart
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 8 yrs.
Ailment: Very severely wound'd
Born: Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex`r Cameron
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 9 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Rose
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the lt. hand
Born: near Nairn
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McPhee
Age: 68
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: near Lochbar
Occ: Lab~

Name: Neal Mclean
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Very ill and bruised
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Wednesday, 11 January 1764
Name: Don`d Stuart
Age: 51
Time in Serv: 8 yrs.
Ailment: Infirm by hard duty
Born: Abernethy
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Grant [Corp'l]
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Abernethy
Occ: Lab~

Name: Don'd McDonald
Age: 62
Time in Serv: 27 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. Mcleod
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 26 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Thurso
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex'r Fraser [Serj't]
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 22 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Rhod`k Morrison
Age: 53
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Argyleshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Arch`d McTavish
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 20 yrs.
Ailment: Woun'd'
Born: Argyleshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Malcolm McNicoll
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Ruptur'd
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Cha`s McPherson
Age: 55
Time in Serv: 13 yrs.
Ailment: Rheumatic & consumptive
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dougal Campbell
Age: 60
Time in Serv: 11 yrs.
Ailment: Consumptive
Born: near Inverary
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex`r McKenzie
Age: 24
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled by wounds
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Lab~

Name: Ang`s Stuart
Age: 50
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Bruis'd in drawing wood to build a fort
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Kenneth McLeod
Age: 63
Time in Serv: 4 yrs.
Ailment: Very old
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex`r McKenzie
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded in the arm & thigh
Born: Caithness
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 7 February 1764
Name: John Clarke
Age: 46
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: A lunatic
Born: Argylsh`r
Occ: Lab~

Name: Evan Campbell
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 6 yrs.
Ailment: Disabled in the lt leg
Born: near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 1 May 1764
Name: Simon Fraser
Age: 52
Time in Serv: 28 yrs.
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Ferguson
Age: 30
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Shot in the hand
Born: Perth
Occ: Weaver

Name: Andrew McCulloch
Age: 40 years
Time in Serv: 10 years
Ailment: Lost his right leg
Born: Tayne [Scotland]
Occ: Taylor

Tuesday, 23 December 1766
Name: Evan McPherson
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 7 yrs.
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 25 February 1767
Name: John Fraser
Age: 42
Time in Serv: 7 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in [---]*
Born: Aird, Invernessh~
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification

Tuesday, 29 May 1770
Name: James Campbell
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 7 yrs
Ailment: Wounds & Deafness
Born: Near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Mackay
Age: 54
Time in Serv: 9 yrs
Ailment: Lost and Eye at Quebec
Born: Sutherland?
Occ: Lab~
* Consult original record for clarification.

As it has previously been established between 139 and 155 soldiers of the 78th Regiment transferred to the 15th Regiment in August 1763, we've included pensioners from the latter whose names are synonymous with men in the former regiment. And as the 78th Foot was raised in 1757, we would look to the men's time in service as another very strong indication of being original members in Fraser's Highlanders. Further independent research should be performed to confirm.

15th Regiment of Foot

Tuesday, 27 October 1767
Name: John Shaw
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Lamed Hand
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Legg
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 4 November 1768
Name: Alex'r McGillivery
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Hurt in his Breast
Born: Invernesshire
Occ: Lab

Name: John Fisher
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Lost an Eye & a Hand
Born: Stirling
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 13 January 1769
Name: Hector McNeil
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded at Quebec
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 7 July 1769
Name: John Gillis
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the leg
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McNair
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Face & Thigh
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Ross
Age: 31
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Head & Leg
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Butcher

Name: Duncan Stewart
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 12 yrs
Ailment: Sore Legs
Born: Perthshire
Occ: Lab~

Tuesday, 12 September 1769
Name: Rhod'k McDonald
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Ruptur'd ankle & Thigh
Born: Invernessh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the groin
Born: Perthsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dun: McDonald
Age: 39
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Near Fort Augustus
Occ: Lab~

Name: John McIntosh
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: his judgement impaired
Born: in Invernessh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Ross
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the leg
Born: Rossh~
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 8 December 1769
Name: Alex~ MacLeod
Age: 33
Time in Serv: 13
Ailment: Wounded in the Head & Leg
Born: near Dornach
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Munro
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: A Sore Knee
Born: near Fort George
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dun McKinnon
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Argylsh~
Occ: Lab~

Name: Malcolm McLeod
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the rt Leg
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Fraser
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Rt Hand
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald Levock
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Scurvey
Born: near Wick
Occ: Farmer

Name: James Ross
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the left Leg
Born: near Tayne
Occ: Lab~

Name: Evan Grant
Age: 33
Time in Serv: 13
Ailment: Wounded in the Thigh
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Alex~ McDonald
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 13
Ailment: Scurvey
Born: near Perth
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus McDonald
Age: 42
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Bruised
Born: at Kilmore
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dougall McPherson
Age: 36
Time in Serv: 13 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Hand
Born: Badenoch
Occ: Lab~

Friday, 15 June 1770
Name: John McDonald
Age: 40
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Shoulder
Born: Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: William Brown
Age: 42
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Head
Born: Castle Grant
Occ: Lab~

Name: John Smith
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Thigh
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Dougal McLachlan
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: no Complaint
Born: Fort William
Occ: Lab~

Name: John MacLean
Age: 35
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Thigh
Born: Argylshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald McLeod
Age: 37
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Worn out
Born: Isle of Skie
Occ: Lab~

Name: Donald McMasters
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Leg
Born: Argylshire
Occ: Lab~

Name: Hugh Fraser
Age: 38
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Wm. McGilavrey
Age: 45
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded & worn out
Born: near Inverness
Occ: Lab~

Name: Angus Morrison
Age: 44
Time in Serv: 14 yrs
Ailment: Wounded in the Knee
Born: near Inverness

Public Records Office. Royal Chelsea Hospital Admission Books, W.O. 116/5, 6 [Kew, U.K.]

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.   

Last updated 20 September 2021

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