Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Journal of Captain John Donkley, HMS Enterprize, 1757

A distinguished British naval officer of 29 years, serving as able seaman in 1729, with a tenacious work ethic, John Donkley advanced to midshipman in 1732, and first passed his lieutenants' examination on 1 August 1735/36. In the next five years, he completed service as a lieutenant on board Dursley Galley (20 guns); Faversham (44 guns); Dragon (60 guns), and Neptune (90 guns). (Jeffrey Campbell, Following Seas, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Captain John Donkley

By 1745, his tour of duty included serving as commander and commanding officer of the Spence sloop (8 guns) in the Mediterranean Sea and he transferred in 1755 to Brilliant (16 guns), serving in the same capacity.

After advancing to captain in 1756, he saw service on the Nightingale (22 guns), Aldborough (20 guns), and on 10 November he became Commanding Officer of Enterprize (44 guns), where he provided escort for the following nine transport ships carrying Colonel Fraser's Second Highland Battalion, their tents and baggage, departing Cork Harbour, Ireland on 30 June 1757, and arriving at Halifax, Nova Scotia between 24 and 29 August 1757 [Captain John Donkley,].

Owner: William Dodsworth
Tonnage/Parts: 391/19
Commencing/Ending: 8 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 13/1
Freight: £3314:0:3
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Brotherly Love
Owner: John Richardson
Master: Armstrong
Tonnage/Parts: 357/18
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 7 March 1757-18 April 1758
Months/Days: 13/12
Freight: £3108:17:3
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Owner: John Brathery
Tonnage/Parts: 214/86
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 17 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 12/23
Freight: £1781:19:3
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Owner: Thomas Boulby
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 11 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 12/29
Freight: £2105:12:11
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Dutchess of Hamilton
Owner: Anthony Bacon
Tonnage/Parts: 379/72
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 29 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 12/11
Freight: £3015:8:10
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Owner: Thomas Brown
Master: Henry Lawson
Tonnage/Parts: 218/89
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 2 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 13/7
Freight: £1882:17:0
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Owner: Elidad Blackwell
Tonnage/Parts: 166/34
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 22 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 12/18
Freight: £1361:12:3
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America

Owner: David Trinder
Tonnage/Parts: 241/42
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 10 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 12/30
Freight: £2038:1:6
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America. 

Note: Numerous other documents record this ship as Myrtilla.

Owner: Robert Harrison
Master: John Williams
Tonnage/Parts: 192/58
Hired: 24 February 1757
Commencing/Ending: 9 March 1757-8 April 1758
Months/Days: 13/0
Freight: £1627:12:3
Employed: Carrying Forces to North America. Discharged at Deptford.

Source: Lists of Transports, 1754-1773. TNA, ADM 49/126; The shipmasters of Kent and Neptune (Lawson and Williams) are located in Captain Donkley's Journal, while the shipmaster of the Brotherly Love (Armstrong) is found in Lloyd's List, 1757.

Letter of 4 June 1757
Please acquaint their Lordships I this day arrived here and received from Rear Admiral Broderick their Commands of the 2d Instant in addition to their former orders of the 16th. 17th. 18th. 21st of May and 1st June and acquainting me, that there is a Sum of Money to be put on board his Majesty's Ship under my Command for the Payment of the Troops at Boston in New England, and directing me in addition to the former Orders, to receive on board the said Money and proceed with it after seeing the Transports in safety to Halifax, to Boston, and there to remain not longer than Ten days, and after having collected together all the trade bound to England that may be ready and desirous to accompany me, to proceed with the said Convoy and see them in safety as far as the Downes. Am to acquaint you I shall put their Lordships Orders in Execution with the utmost dispatch.

I am Sir
Your most Obedient
humble Servant
Jno. Donkley

4th June 1757

Letter of 16 June 1757
Please to acquaint their Lordships that I arrived this day at this place with his Majesty's Ship under my Command, have wrote to the Commanding Officer of His Majesty's Land Forces at Cork to acquaint him therewith, and to let him know that all the assistance in my Power shall be given to forward the Embarking the Troops, and shall be ready to proceed as soon as they are on board.

I am Sir
Your most Obedient
humble Servant
Jno. Donkley

Cove of Cork June 16th 1757

Letter of 28 June 1757
Please to acquaint their Lordships, that yesterday I received a Packet directed to Captain Knight Commander of His Majesty's Ship Fouguenx or the Commanding Officer at Cork or Kingsale; to make Enquiry into the State of the Prisons and Prisoners of War at Kingsale, and to make a Report thereof to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded. As we are just upon sailing with the Transports, prevents me making an Inspection, and have closed the Packett again, directed to Captain Knight or the Commanding Officer that may arrive here, which I have left in the care of the Contractor for Victualling His Majesty's Ships at this place. The Major part of the Troops was embarked last Night, expect they will all be on board this day; hope we shall be able to Sail tomorrow morning with the Convoy, no time shall be lost, will make all possible dispatch. and am

Your most Obedient
humble Servant
Jno. Donkley

Cove of Cork 28th June 1757

Source: Three Letters of Captain John Donkley (June 1757). TNA, ADM 1/1700.

Journal of Captain John Donkley
For both naval and general military historians, the captain's journal, in remarkably good condition, considering its age and exposure to the salt atmosphere, is a glimpse into the past of daily shipboard operations in-port and while at-sea, from the perspective of the captain and those who were authorized access. Although the penmanship does appear somewhat consistent throughout the two-month period we consulted, there is evidence of more than one scribe.

Beautifully handwritten script with period ink, and approximately 10" x 12" in hardcover binding, as the book is folded open there are 13 separate folios cataloging the journey in escorting Colonel Fraser's nine transport ships from Cork Harbour, Ireland, to Halifax, Nova Scotia during the summer months of 1757. Each two-page folio contains left and right-side pages, with eight vertical navigational aide columns on the left page and one general remarks column on the right page. Each completed folio is then further divided into horizontal rows from top to bottom, distinguishing the different category headers at the top with each row descending containing the day of the month in ascending order. Depending on the amount of daily data recorded, each completed folio might contain anywhere from six to ten days of information. 

The log recounts the complete overseas voyage, and highlights some of the daily challenges to keep the convoy of 44 sail together and responsive to the Enterprize's nautical signals, which involved periodically firing 'shots' to send message to other ships in the group.  Also present are HMS Falkland and HMS Stork (escorting Colonel Montgomery's Battalion to South Carolina), who are often sent by Enterprize's senior leadership to give 'chace' [sic, chase] to various unidentified ships lurking about. Albeit a game of 'cat-and-mouse', there are no mentions of any military engagements en route to Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Although the journal was opened on 18 November 1756, for the purpose of this article, we begin a partial transcription of the voyage overseas on Wednesday, 15 June 1757, the day prior to the arrival of HMS Enterprize to Cork Harbour, Ireland, and extend through Friday, 8 July 1757, eight days after her departure. This allows the reader an opportunity to experience a few days at sea with Enterprize and her convoy.

Additionally, although we have imposed in-house folio numbers for clarity in dividing each completed section, these numbers do not appear in the journal. Finally, please be advised the book's general format of vertical columns has been modified to fit this format.

 [Title page]


18 NOV. 1756

26 JAN. 1764

[Second page: inscription]

Journal keep't by Captain

John Donkley Betw." 18 Nov. 1756,

and the 17 March 1758.

[Folio one]

[June 1757]
Week/Day: Wednesday, 15
Winds: Varl.
Beargs. &c at Noon: Glander Harbour; S&W; Dist. 3 Leagues
Remarks: Modt. Cloudy w at 3PM Do. w: at 5AM came on board a Pilot Do. saw the Land bearing NNW 3 Leag: set Steerg. sails At 7 Parted Co. wth one of the Tenders she being bound to Waterford, The two tenders under Convoy in Co. Ventalated 1/2 an hour every watch.

The following explanation for the remarks made on 15 June is provided as clarity to better understanding the acronyms and abbreviations used. 

"Moderate, cloudy winds; at 3 p.m., ditto winds. At 5 a.m., came on board a pilot; ditto [also, at 5 a.m.], saw the land bearing north-northwest [at] three leagues; set steering sails. At 7 [a.m., we] parted company with one of the tenders, she being bound to Waterford [Ireland]. The two tenders under convoy [are] in company. Ventilated [the ship each] 1/2 an hour every [guard] watch."

Week/Day: Thursday, 16th
Winds: SbE; NbW; No.
Beargs. &c at Noon: Moor'd in the Cove of Cork
Remarks: Do. w at 6PM fired a gun & made the signl. to anchor At 7 anchor'd in 7 fam. wa. At 8 Morr'd ship in Cork harbour found riding here his Maj: ship Falkland & Stork sloop Hard bowling Isd. WNW Cove NWBW at 7 unbent all ye sails & got down Topgallt yards At 8 the Stork sloop made the signal for all Mast. of mercht. ships Vent'd. 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Friday, 17
Winds: No.; NNW
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Modt. & Cloudy PM got Top Gt. yds. across. Empd. setting up the lower Rigging At 4 AM reced on board Beer & fresh Beef for the ships Co. Empd. Blacking the yards. Ventd. 1/2 an hour every watch.

Week/Day: Saturday, 18
Winds: SW; W; NW
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Fresh gales and Cloudy PM Empd. Stowing the Beer away At 9 got the sheet anchor over the side At 11 AM sent the Cutter on Shore for water Ventalated 1/2 an hour &c. 

Week/Day: Sunday, 19
Winds: SSW; SW
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Modt. & Cloudy sail'd hence a Brigg who saluted us with 7 Guns we retd. 5 At 1/2 pt. 4 sail'd a sloop who Saluted us with 7 we retd. 5 At 8 Reced on bd. fresh beef Ventalated 1/2 an &c.

Week/Day: Monday, 20
Winds: SW; WBS
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Modt. and Rainy PM Heel'd ship and Scrub'd the Larboard side of the ship At 4 AM Heel'd and scrub'd the Starbd. side of the ship Ventalated 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Tuesday, 21st
Winds: SW; WbS
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.

Remarks: Modt. & Clear PM Tarr'd the ships sides At 1 AM Reced on board Beer and fresh Beef Ventalated 1/2 an hour every watch.

Week/Day: Wednesday, 22d
Winds: W; WSW;SW
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Modt. and Cloudy w: At 1 PM Fired 17 Guns being the Kings accession to the throne Ventalated 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Thursday, 23d
Winds: SSW; SW; ESE
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Modt Gales with drizling rain middle pt calm At 2 PM saluted the Earl of Inchequin with 13 Guns he return'd 7 Do. bent small sails At 5 Empd. on Sundrys At 5 AM Bent Sails Do loos'd Foretopsail as a signl. for sailing At 10 Empd. Fleeting the Ratlines Fore and Aft Do. Punish'd Archibald Kell for drunkeness & abuse to his officer & John McLeod for Drunkeness & Neglect of Duty with a Dozen lashes each Ventd. 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Friday, 24th
Winds: ESE
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: First and middle pt. modt. & clear At 1 PM came in here a ship from Bristol which saluted us with 9 Guns we retd. 7 At 4 AM Fresh Gales & cloudy Do. Heel'd ship & gave her a Boot top on the Larbd. side Ventd. 1/2 an hour every watch.

Week/Day: Saturday, 25th
Winds: SE; ESE
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: First and middle parts modt. and cloudy At 1 PM came in here a ship from Bristol who saluted us with 9 Guns we return'd 7 PM employ'd fleeting the Ratlines latter fresh gales and clear At 4 AM heel'd ship and gave her a Boottop on the Starboard side Ventd. 1/2 an hour every watch.

[Folio two]

Week/Day: Sunday, 26th
Winds: ESE; SE
Beargs. &c at Noon: Moor'd in the Cove of Cork
Remarks: Modt & Cloudy PM Do. w: AM loos'd Foretopsl. & fir'd a Gun and made the signl for all Masrs. of Mercht men. Reced on bd. 4480 lo of Bread 12 firkins Butter 1460 l cheese & 892 Pounds Fresh Beef Draught of water abaft 16 Ft. 10 In. & Torn'd 15 Ft. 10 in height of midship Port 2 Ft. 9 In. Bent the Main & Foresail Work't the Ventalation 1/2 an Hour every Watch.

Week/Day: Monday, 27th
Winds: SE; SSE
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Do w PM sent the Longbt. for water & compleated. do Excecis'd small arms Pass'd by his Maj: ship Yorks Prize, who saluted us with 7 Guns do ret'd 5. do came in a ship from Bristol and saluted us with 11 Guns do retd. 9 Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour every watch.

Week/Day: Tuesday, 28th
Winds: ESE; SE; SSE; So.
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: First and middle pts. Light airs and Calm fine weather At 4 PM reced 9 men from the Hospital At 5 one of the Transports fired 7 Guns at which time the Troops began to Embarque, latter fresh Breezes & Cloudy at 10 AM Fired a Gun & made the signal for Unmooring Work't Vent. 1/2 an hour each watch.

Week/Day: Wednesday, 29th
Winds: Et; SE; NbE
Beargs. &c at Noon: Do.
Remarks: Little Wind and Variable got the sheet anchor on the Gunnel AM a snow saluted us 9 Guns return'd 7 Compleated our water Work't Ventulated 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Thursday. 30th
Winds: SW; NW; NNW; WbN
Beargs. &c at Noon: Old Head of Kingsale; No. 3 Leags.
Remarks: Little wind and hazey weather with rain PM came in a ship from Bristol who Saluted us with 11 Guns, return'd 9. At 2 AM Fired a Gun and made the signl. to weigh do hoisted in the Longbt. At 1/2 pt. 3 weigh'd & came to sail in Co. with his Majesty's ship Falkland and Stork sloop with 43 sail of Mercht Vessels under Convoy At 11 fired a Gun and made a signal for the Weathermost of the Convoy to come under our Stern & the Headmost to shorten sail Ventd. 1/2 an hour &c.

[July 1757]
Week/Day: Friday, 1st
Winds: WbS; SWbS; NW; WNW; WbN; W
Course: S20ÂşW
Dist: 90'
Latt: 50Âş 07'
Long: 9Âş 48'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Old Head of Kingsale N20ÂşEt; Dt. 30 Leagues
Remarks: Modt and Cloudy At 2 PM in 2 Rf Topsails At 4 fired a shot at one of the Convoy to Shorten sail do fired a Gun and made the signal for the headmost ships to Shorten Sail 1/2 past bore down to the Falkland At 6 fired a shot at one of the Convoy to shorten sail do fired 2 Guns & made the signal for the Convoy to come under our stern At 8 in 3d Rf Topsails At 9 in 4th Rf main Topsail At 10 got down TopGallt. yards At 4AM Fresh Gales & hazey 40 sail in sight At 8 41 sail in sight At 9 fired a Gun & made signal for the Sternmost ships to make sail At 10 fired a Gun & made Signal for the Headmost ships to shorten sail At noon the Falkland, Stork & 40 sail in sight Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Saturday, 2d
Winds: W; WBN; W; WbN; W; NW; NNW; NWbN
Course: S6ÂşW
Dist: 67'
Latt: 49 01'
Long: 9 58'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Cape Finister So. 2ÂşW Dist 115 Leagues; Lizard No. 71 Et. Dist 63 Leagues
Remarks: Modt Cloudy with thick wear. 1/2 pt. saw a Strange sail in the SE Qr. made the Falkland signal to chace At 3 lay too 1/2 pt. made the signl. for the Ships ahead to Shorten sail but not minding the signl. fired shot at them At 4 fired 2 Guns & made the signal for the Convoy to come under our Stern 1/2 pt. saw a Strange Ship in the SW Qr. & made the Falkland signal to chace At 5 made the signl. for Convoy to bear down under our Stern but they not regardg. it fired a Shot at them At 8, 43 sail in sight At 9 kept away for some of the Convoy being a great way to Leeward 1/2 pt. 1 AM handed Fore topsail At 2 set Do. At 8, 44 sail in sight At 9 Fired a Gun and made the signl. for the Headmost ships to shorten sail At 10 made the signal & fired a Gun for the ships a stern to make more sail At 11 made the Signal to speak wth. the Stork At 12 the Falkland made sail to speak wth. the Headmost ships they not minding the signal Ventulated 1/2 an hour &c.

[Folio three]

Week/Day: Sunday, 3d
Winds: WbN; So; NW; WNW; WbN; W; WbN
Course: S1ÂşE
Dist: 63'
Latt: 47Âş 57'
Long: 9Âş 54'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Lizard No. 51 Et. Dist 66 Leagues
Remarks: Modt Cloudy Unbent the Bt & Small Bowr Cables do sent the Falkland a Head to speak with the Convoy they not minding our Signals. Fired two Guns & made the signal for the Convoy to come under our Stern At 4 PM in 2 af Topsails At 1/2 pt. 5 saw 2 sail to the Wtward do made the signal for the Falkland to Chace At 6 Fired a Gun & made the signal for the Falkland to leave off chace Handed the Mainsl do saw a large Fleet to the SEd in 3 Rf Topsails Hauled down the Signal for ye Convoy to come under our Stern they paying no regard to it At 8 the two strange sail to Leeward bore EbS and the two to the Winward NWbN at 4 AM fired a Gun & made the signal for the headmost ships to shorten sail At 7 out 3 Rf Topsails saw a strange sail in the SW Qr. which we took for a Privateer made the Falkland & Stork signals to Chace At 11 fired a Gun & made the signl. Falkd. Work't Ventulated 1/2 an hour every watch.

Week/Day: Monday, 4th
Winds: W; WbN; W; WSW; WbS; W; WbS; W; WbN
Course: N59ÂşW
Dist: 20'
Latt: 48Âş 04'
Long: 10Âş 14'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Lizard No. 59Âş Et. 75 Leags.
Remarks: Fresh gales and Cloudy fired two Guns and made the signal for the Convoy to come under Stern do bore down to the Leeward ships of the Convoy the ships to Windward not regarding the signal At 4 PM fired two Guns At one of the Transports to windward who would not bear down & the signl. being out 44 sail in sight At 1/2 pt. 4 fired a shot at one of the Transports not minding the Signal At 8, 44 sail in Sight At 10 made the Storks signal to speak with her [----] the Kent Transport Henry Lawson Masr. 2 Shot, Neptune do. John Williams Masr. 1 shot for not bearing down tho' the signal was out from 12 to 4 in the Evening Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Tuesday, 5th
Winds: W; SW; SWbW; SWbS; SSW; W; So.;W
Course: WSW
Dist: 20'
Latt: 47Âş 50'
Long: 10Âş 53'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Old Head of Kingsale No. 17Âş Et. Dist 79 Leag.; Lizard No. 59Et. Dist. 84 Leagues
Remarks: Modt and hazey At 1/2 pt. 12 fired a Gun and made the Signl for the ships a Stern to make sail at 1 PM Fired a Gun & made the signal to speak with the Stork At 1/2 pt. 7 made the signl. and fired a Gun to K to the Wt.ward Little wind and hazey 44 sail in sight At 3 AM Modt & hazey Out 3d Rf Topsls. At 6 the Falkland made ye signl. for seeing 4 strange sail to the Wt.ward do made the Signl. for the Falkland & Stork to Chace 1/2 pt. 7 Fired a Gun & made the signl. for the Convoy to come under my Stern do made the Signal for the Stork to Chace to the SW At 10 fired a Gun and made the signal for the Falkland & Stork to leave off Chace At Noon 44 sail in sight Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour &c.

Week/Day: Wednesday, 6th
Winds: SWbS; SW
Course: WNW
Dist: 38'
Latt: 48Âş 00'
Long: 11Âş 36'W
Beargs. &c at Noon: Old Head of Kingsale No. 30Âş Et. Dist 63 Leagues; Lizard No. 64 Et. Dist. 85 Leagues
Remarks: Modt and Cloudy In 2d Rf Topsails At 2 PM Fired a Gun & made the signl. for the Stork to leave off chace 1/2 past made the signl. & none to the NW 45 sail in sight At 8 Modt and Cloudy 44 sail in sight At 4 AM [----] 44 sail in sight At 8 little wind and Cloudy Out 2 Rf Topsails Fired a Gun made signl. for the ships a Head to shorten sail 1/2 pt. made the Storks Signal to chace in the SW Quar. At 10 made the signl. for the Convoy to come under our Stern. Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour &c.

[Folio four]

Week/Day: Thursday, 7th
Winds: SW; SWbW; NW; NNW; No.; NEbN; NE
Course: SW1/2W
Dist: 66'
Latt: 47Âş 20'
Long: 12Âş 53'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Old Head of Kingsale No. 29 Et. Dist 90 Ls.; Lizard No. 66Âş Et. Dist. 101 Leagues
Remarks: Modt. and hazey made the signl to speak with the Stork At 6PM Fired a Gun and made the signal to K. to the Westward At 7 Brot to with the main Topsail to ye mast 1/2 pt. 8 fill'd main Topsail Modt. & hazey In 2d Rf Topsails 44 sail in sight At 12 Modt. and Cloudy At 4 AM Do. wr: At 8 Do. wr: Out 2 Rf Topsails At 10 little wind and Cloudy Exercis'd Great Guns and small arms at Noon Do. wr: Brot too wth. Main topsail to the mast 44 sail in sight Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour every Watch.

Week/Day: Friday, 8th
Winds: NEbN; ENE; ESE; SE; ESE
Course: SW1/2S
Dist: 74'
Latt: 46Âş 30'
Long: 14Âş 01'
Beargs. &c at Noon: Old Head of Kingsale No. 29 Et. Dist 125 Leag:; Lizard No. 58Âş Et. Dist. 134 Leagues
Remarks: Modt. and Cloudy lay too for the Convoy 1/2 pt. 1 PM bore away and made the signl. for the Sternmost Ships to make more sail Exercis'd small arms At 6 Brot. too 1/2 pt. 7 In 2d Rf TSls. At 8 Light airs and Cloudy 44 sail in sight At 9 AM Fired a Gun and made the Signl. for the Sternmost Ships to make more sail At 10 made the Falklands Signal to Chase to the SE Brot: too and made the Convoy come under our Stern Exercis'd Great Guns At Noon 44 sail in sight the Falkland still in Chace Work't Ventulator 1/2 an hour &c.

While part of Colonel Fraser's convoy separated from Enterprize off Sable Island, a small island situated about 300 km (190 mi) southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia, the colonel's group arrived at port on 24 August 1757. Enterprize spent a few extra days at sea, finally setting anchor on 29 August, not before encountering HMS Newark, transporting Vice Admiral Holbourn, the Invincible (Read Admiral Hardy), the Grafton (Commodore Holmes), and 13 additional sails of the line. All the longboats belonging to the admiral's fleet replenished Enterprize with much needed fresh water. She departed port a few days later for a quick layover at Boston Harbor.

Donkley, John, TNA, ADM 51/313; two additional journals covering this voyage are available: Masters Journal. TNA, ADM 52/844, and Lieutenant's Logbook for HMS Enterprize, 1757-1759. Royal Museum Greenwich, London, ADM/L/E/119.

© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2023.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making this wonderful information available!
