Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Private Donald Kennedy, 15th & 78th Regiments

District of Quebec

Personally appeared before me Peter Stuart Esquire, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said District, Donald Kennedy of the parish of St. Charles - who being duly sworn on the HOLY EVANGELISTS, deposeth that he has served as a private soldier during the French War for the space of Twelve years, as appears by the annexed Certificate of Discharge, dated 24th August 1769 ~ Six years of which period he served in the late 78th Regt. & was reduced therein at Quebec in 1763 - and was re-inlisted in the 15th whom he accompanied to England, and after obtaining his Discharge therefrom he returned to Canada where he has settled ever since and has a Wife & four Sons, that he was born in North Britain near the Market Town of Killmany - that he is a Labourer by trade and has never received His Majesty's Bounty in Lands as a reward for his said Services - and further the Deponent saith not

Sworn before me this Twenty Ninth day of
March - in the year 1800.
               Peter Stuart J.P                                                    Donald  X  Kennedy
                                                                                                        [his mark]

Certificate of Discharge

HIS Majesty's XVth Regiment of Foot, whereof
Charles Hotham is Colonel,

These are to Certify that the Bearer of Dond. Kennedy Soldier in Capt. Henry Hamilton's Company of the aforesaid Regiment, born in N. Britain in or near the market Town of Killmany in the County of Inverness, Aged Thirty Eight Years, 5 Feet 3 1/2 Inches high, Brown Complexion, by Profession a Labourer hath served honestly and faithfully in the said Regiment the Space of Six Years, and Six in the late 78th Regiment of Foot; But at his own Request

He is hereby disgharg'd, and humbly recommended as a proper Object of his Majesty's royal Bounty of Chelsea Hospital, having first received a full and true Account of his Cloathing, Pay, and Arrears of Pay, and all just Demands whatever, from the Time of his Entry in the said Regiment to the Date hereof, as appears by his Receipt on the other side.

Given under my Hand and Seal of the Regiment at Glenc--- this 24th Day of August 1769

                                                                                  P. AEmils. Irving 
                                                                                  Major of the 15th Regt. Foot

NB - Donald Kennedy was reduced in the 78th at Quebec in 1763 and drafted into the Fifteenth, which he accompanied to England where he was discharged in 1769.

Note: Donald Kennedy appears with Captain John Nairn during the regiment's reduction in Quebec in the summer of 1763.

"Schedule of certificates and discharges of non-commissioned officers and soldiers reduced in America." LAC, Lower Canada Land Papers, RG1 L3L, vol. 157.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.  

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Land Petition of Sundry Private Soldiers of the 78th Regiment of Foot

In 1802, eleven former soldiers of the 78th Regiment of Foot reduced in America petitioned the Quebec Government for wastelands of the Crown pursuant to the proclamation of 1763. Having never previously received approval for land for any number of reasons; lost paperwork and the inability to accurately prove who they were, including former military service, would have certainly delayed or even forgone the original approval process.

Quebec 9th. February 1802

To His Excellency Sir Robert Shore Milnes, Baronet, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Lower Canada &c, &c, &c, in Council~

The petition of Sundry Non-Commissioned officers and private Soldiers of British Regiments and Provincial Corps who were reduced in America – in behalf of themselves and their several and respective families whose names and designations are inserted in a General Schedule hereunder annexed~

Humbly Shewith,

That your petitioners faithfully served His Majesty at various periods of their lives and were reduced in America, thereby coming within the description of persons entitled to grants of certain portions of the waste lands of the Crown, under the authority of the Royal Proclamation and Instructions.

That from want of due information and advice as well as labouring under many other local disadvantages diverse of Your Petitioners who bore arms at the conquest of Canada, and have ever since been settled in the province, were thus deprived of the benefits which would have resulted for themselves and families had they at the time received His Majesty’s Bounty, pursuant to the proclamation of 1763, when in the prime and vigor of their lives they were best able to enjoy and improve their lands.

That such of Your Petitioners come under the foregoing description, humbly conceive it would be an act of justice and indemnity, should it please Your Excellency in Council to comprehend them under the same regulations which govern the Grants to His Majesty’s reduced Forces of 1783 and since the American War, by allowing to them severally Two Hundred Acres and to their wives & Children fifty acres each, as extended by Lord Dorchester to the Loyalists and various other persons.

That Your Petitioners have never received their bounty lands in this or any of His Majesty’s Colonies or provinces in America.

That unable to ascertain what tracts are open for application at present –

Your petitioners humbly prey-

That Your Excellency in council will be pleased to assign unto them Two Hundred Acres each, and such as are married Fifty Acres to their wives and Child respectively, in any Township of equal quality to those awarded to Loyalists and meritorious subjects-
And as in duty bound will ever pray-

                                                                                     R Phillips in behalf
                                                                                     of the Petitioners

Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 10 Septr. 1763
Trade or Occupation: Labourer
Remarks: 78th Regt.

Name: John McLeod
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 10 Septr. 1763
Trade or Occupation: Farmer
Remarks: 78th Regt.

Name: Robert Robertson
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 10 Septr. 1763
Trade or Occupation: Labourer
Remarks: 78th Regt.

Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 
Trade or Occupation: 
Family: Wife & 10 Children
Remarks: 78th Regt., By affidavit

Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 12 years
Discharged: 24 Augt. 1769
Trade or Occupation: 
Family: A Wife & 4 Children
Remarks: 15th & 78th Regt.

Name: John Frazer
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 11 Septr. 1763
Trade or Occupation: 
Family: A Wife & 9 Children
Remarks: 78th Regt.

Name: William Ross
Rank: Corporal
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 11 Septr. 1763
Residence: Rimouskie
Trade or Occupation: 
Family: A Wife & 6 Children
Remarks: 78th Regt. Received an order for 1200 acres

Name: Rand. McDonell
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 11 Septr. 1763
Residence: New Carlisle
Trade or Occupation: Farmer
Family: A Wife & 3 Children
Remarks: 78th Regt. Certificate annexed

Name: Duncan Cumming
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 8 years
Residence: Montreal
Trade or Occupation: 
Family: A Wife & 7 Children
Remarks: 60 & 78th Regt. Certificate annexed

Name: John Fraser
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 11 Septr. 1763
Residence: St. Anns
Trade or Occupation: Blacksmith
Family: A Wife & 9 Children
Remarks: 78th Regt. Certificate annexed

Name: John Buchanan
Rank: Private
Born: Scotland
Time of Service: 7 years
Discharged: 20 Septr. 1763
Trade or Occupation: Labourer
Remarks: 78th Regt. Certificate annexed

"Schedule of certificates and discharges of non-commissioned officers and soldiers reduced in America." LAC, Lower Canada Land Papers, RG1 L3L, vol. 157.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Monies paid to Captain Alexander Campbell, 78th Regiment

By the Honble James Murray Esqr.
Governor of Quebec
You are hereby required and directed out of such Monies as are or shall come into your hands for the Contingent Expenses of His Majesty’s Forces under my Command, to Pay or cause to be paid to Captain Alexander Campbell Paymaster of his Majesty’s 78th Regiment of Foot or his assigns, the sum of Seven hundred Seventy one Pounds, three shillings and two pence Sterling, in Dollars at four shillings and eight pence each without Deduction, being for Subsistence of said Regiment, from the 25th of August to the 24th October 1763 both days inclusive as p the annexed amount, and for so doing this with the acquittance of the said Captain Alexr. Campbell or his assigns, Shall be your Sufficient Warrant and Discharge.

Given under my Hand at Quebec
This 15th day of October 1763.
/Signed/ Ja: Murray

To John Powell Esqr.
Paymt. To His Majesty’s
Forces in Quebec
/Counts of H.J. Cramahe
                 42 Serjeants @ 1/p diem.. £2  2  --
    42 Corpls………..8d………………. 1  8 –
    22 Drumr………..8d………………. --  14  8
    337 Private……..6d……………….. 8  8  6
                               Total for one day   £12  13  2
                               Total for 61 Days…………………£771  3  2
                                                                Alexr. McLeod Captain
                                                                                78th Regiment
                                                                Alexr. Campbell Paymaster
                                                                                78th Regiment

Note: This muster of 443 soldiers accounts for 170 discharged soldiers that remained in North America at the conclusion of the war, and 273 soldiers [10 less than initially reported] that returned home in December 1763.

James Murray, “Monies paid to Captain Alexander Campbell, 78th Regiment.” Letterbook/Copie de lettres, 1763-1771. LAC, RG4, C2, vol. 1.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.   

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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Memorial of Lieutenant James Babbidge, 78th Regiment of Foot

The Memorial of James Babbidge, a reduced lieutenant of the late 78th regiment, stating his services at Louisbourg &c. and praying for employment. [Undated.]

To The Right Honourable The Earl of Dartmouth &c. &c.
The Memorial of James Babbidge a Reduced Lieutenant in the late 78th Regiment of Foot

"That he had the Honour of Serving in the 15th Regiment of Foot as Lieutenant and Quartermaster and was at the Reduction of Louisbourg Quebec Montreal & Martinico &c. where he was sevearly wounded & otherwise suffer'd very much in the Service, which brought upon him a Complication of Disorders. That on the Commencement of the Race He was in such a State of Health that it was the advice of the Physicians that returning to His native air was the only chance he had to save His Life, which laid Him under the disagreeable necessity of exchanging into a young Regiment that was Returning to Britain and embracing the only alternative that offer'd. That after languishing several years of the above Disorders, He is now thank God perfectly recovered. That with His health his desire of serving is return'd therefore prays His Lordship will bepleased to recommend Him to some employment either Civil or Military in America."

James Babbidge: (c1730-c1791) - Began his military career as an English NCO and experienced QM of the 15th Regiment of Foot, who exchanged officership with John Macdonell of the 78th Regiment, as of November 14, 1763, so that the latter could serve in an older regiment and continue his military career. Babbidge went on half-pay with most other 78th officers the following month and returned to England. He returned briefly to full pay as a lieutenant in the Plymouth Invalid Company on December 30, 1789.

Military Assignments
Regiment:  15th Regiment of Foot
Company:  Jeffrey Amherst's Company
Grade:  Sergeant

Date: 1758-12-21
Regiment:  15th Regiment of Foot
Grade:  Quartermaster

Date:  1762-09-10
Regiment:  15th Regiment of Foot
Grade:  Lieutenant

Date:  1763-11-14
Regiment:  78th Regiment of Foot
Grade:  Lieutenant
Date:  1763-12-24

Date:  1789-12-30
Regiment:  Captain John Hatfield's Invalid Company - Plymouth
Grade:  Lieutenant
Date:  1794-04-20

Earl of Dartmouth, William Legge, "Memorial of James Babbidge." LAC, MG23, A1, vol. 2.

Marie Fraser, “Officers of the 78th Regiment.” Clan Fraser Society, 2001.

Plains of Abraham, "Military Assignments of James Babbidge." The National Battlefields Commission, Government of Canada. July, 2017. Web.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

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