Personally appeared before me Peter Stuart Esquire, one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said District, Donald Kennedy of the parish of St. Charles - who being duly sworn on the HOLY EVANGELISTS, deposeth that he has served as a private soldier during the French War for the space of Twelve years, as appears by the annexed Certificate of Discharge, dated 24th August 1769 ~ Six years of which period he served in the late 78th Regt. & was reduced therein at Quebec in 1763 - and was re-inlisted in the 15th whom he accompanied to England, and after obtaining his Discharge therefrom he returned to Canada where he has settled ever since and has a Wife & four Sons, that he was born in North Britain near the Market Town of Killmany - that he is a Labourer by trade and has never received His Majesty's Bounty in Lands as a reward for his said Services - and further the Deponent saith not
Sworn before me this Twenty Ninth day of
March - in the year 1800.
Peter Stuart J.P Donald X Kennedy
[his mark]
[his mark]
Certificate of Discharge
HIS Majesty's XVth Regiment of Foot, whereof
Charles Hotham is Colonel,
These are to Certify that the Bearer of Dond. Kennedy Soldier in Capt. Henry Hamilton's Company of the aforesaid Regiment, born in N. Britain in or near the market Town of Killmany in the County of Inverness, Aged Thirty Eight Years, 5 Feet 3 1/2 Inches high, Brown Complexion, by Profession a Labourer hath served honestly and faithfully in the said Regiment the Space of Six Years, and Six in the late 78th Regiment of Foot; But at his own Request
He is hereby disgharg'd, and humbly recommended as a proper Object of his Majesty's royal Bounty of Chelsea Hospital, having first received a full and true Account of his Cloathing, Pay, and Arrears of Pay, and all just Demands whatever, from the Time of his Entry in the said Regiment to the Date hereof, as appears by his Receipt on the other side.
Given under my Hand and Seal of the Regiment at Glenc--- this 24th Day of August 1769
P. AEmils. Irving
Major of the 15th Regt. Foot
NB - Donald Kennedy was reduced in the 78th at Quebec in 1763 and drafted into the Fifteenth, which he accompanied to England where he was discharged in 1769.
Note: Donald Kennedy appears with Captain John Nairn during the regiment's reduction in Quebec in the summer of 1763.
"Schedule of certificates and discharges of non-commissioned officers and soldiers reduced in America." LAC, Lower Canada Land Papers, RG1 L3L, vol. 157.
© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.