Friday, June 15, 2018

Lt. Hugh Fraser Transfers to the 78th Regiment, Oct. 1761

Writing from Staten Island in the fall of 1761, General Jeffrey Amherst informs the Honorable Governor James Murray regarding the recent commission sold to Lieutenant Hugh Fraser, 27th Inniskilling Regiment, and his impending transfer to the 78th Regiment. Military transfers of this nature were often necessary to maintain the proper distribution of troop levels across the regiments during the campaign.

Staten Island 25th Octr. 1761

Dear Sir,
I Have granted a Commission to Lieut. Fraser of the 27th. to the Company in Frasers, and he now Sets out to Joyn the Regt. and will Deliver you this with my other Letters.

I am, with great Truth & Regard
Dear Sir,  &c.

Jeff Amherst


P.S. The Company is Capt: Fraser's who sells out.

Hon: Govr. Murray.

Note: Lt. Hugh Fraser is the only Fraser officer in 1762 to be identified as having previously served with the 27th Inniskilling Regiment. A full list of officers to have served with the 78th Regiment is located here.

Jeffrey Amherst, "Letters from the Commanders-in-Chief, New York to the Governor of Quebec, 1760-1763." War Office Records: Amherst Papers. W.O. 34, vol. 3.

Ford, Worthington Chauncey. British Officers Serving in America, 1754-1774. Boston, 1894.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, The 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.

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Friday, June 1, 2018

General Forbes' Letter to Colonel Simon Fraser, Sep. 1757

New York Septr. 16th 1757.~

I am commanded by the Earl of Loudoun, to acquaint you, that as your Regiment is ordered directly to New York, that you will order Returns to be made out, to be deliver'd in upon your Arrival there.

- 1st: A General Return of the Battalion, with the Numbers of your Supernumeraries.
- 2d: A Copy of your Recruiting Accounts, stating the Time from Whence the Pay of the Battalion commenced; the Sum allowed by the Government for inlisting each man; With a true State of the Sums paid for Recruiting and Subsisting each Man. As also the Number that the Regiment consisted of, from the 24th of December last, and so forward weekly to the 24th. of June.

You are likewise to give and Account to what Time the Pay of the Regiment has been issued from the Pay Office into your Agent's Hands; and to what Time the Regiment has received Money for their Subsistence; and what Provision is made for supporting the Regiment that his Lordship may give Orders accordingly.
In Case that his Lordship be gone from hence, before your Arrival, You are to take the Earliest Opportunity of transmitting the above to his Lordship, wherever he may chance to be. And in His Absence, you will find Orders Left here with the Commanding Officer, How you are further to proceed. I am

                                                                                    Your most obt. Humble Servant.
                                                                                             Jno. Forbes.
Lt. Colo. Fraser


[Endorsed:] Copy. A Letter from Colonel John Forbes Adjt. Genl. to Lieut. Colonel Fraser New York Sept. 16th 1757.

James, Alfred Procter. Writings of General John Forbes Relating to His Service in North America. Collegiate Press, Menasha, Wisconsin, 1938.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, The 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.  All rights reserved.  

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