The Memorial of James Babbidge, a reduced lieutenant of the late 78th regiment, stating his services at Louisbourg &c. and praying for employment. [Undated.]
To The Right Honourable The Earl of Dartmouth &c. &c.
The Memorial of James Babbidge a Reduced Lieutenant in the late 78th Regiment of Foot
"That he had the Honour of Serving in the 15th Regiment of Foot as Lieutenant and Quartermaster and was at the Reduction of Louisbourg Quebec Montreal & Martinico &c. where he was sevearly wounded & otherwise suffer'd very much in the Service, which brought upon him a Complication of Disorders. That on the Commencement of the Race He was in such a State of Health that it was the advice of the Physicians that returning to His native air was the only chance he had to save His Life, which laid Him under the disagreeable necessity of exchanging into a young Regiment that was Returning to Britain and embracing the only alternative that offer'd. That after languishing several years of the above Disorders, He is now thank God perfectly recovered. That with His health his desire of serving is return'd therefore prays His Lordship will bepleased to recommend Him to some employment either Civil or Military in America."
James Babbidge: (c1730-c1791) - Began his military career as an English NCO and experienced QM of the 15th Regiment of Foot, who exchanged officership with John Macdonell of the 78th Regiment, as of November 14, 1763, so that the latter could serve in an older regiment and continue his military career. Babbidge went on half-pay with most other 78th officers the following month and returned to England. He returned briefly to full pay as a lieutenant in the Plymouth Invalid Company on December 30, 1789.
Military Assignments
Regiment: 15th Regiment of Foot
Company: Jeffrey Amherst's Company
Grade: Sergeant
Date: 1758-12-21
Regiment: 15th Regiment of Foot
Grade: Quartermaster
Date: 1762-09-10
Regiment: 15th Regiment of Foot
Grade: Lieutenant
Date: 1763-11-14
Regiment: 78th Regiment of Foot
Grade: Lieutenant
Date: 1763-12-24
Date: 1789-12-30
Regiment: Captain John Hatfield's Invalid Company - Plymouth
Grade: Lieutenant
Date: 1794-04-20
Earl of Dartmouth, William Legge, "Memorial of James Babbidge." LAC, MG23, A1, vol. 2.
Marie Fraser, “Officers of the 78th Regiment.” Clan Fraser Society, 2001.
Marie Fraser, “Officers of the 78th Regiment.” Clan Fraser Society, 2001.
Plains of Abraham, "Military Assignments of James Babbidge." The National Battlefields Commission, Government of Canada. July, 2017. Web.
© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.