Thursday, February 1, 2024

Payroll Account of Private William Rose, 1758

An accountant at the War Office in Westminster, London, was ultimately responsible for the tracking of hundreds of millions of pounds being spent on funding British armies on multiple fronts around the world. At the regimental level, paymasters were charged with accounting for the income and expenses of every soldier, ensuring assets were properly tracked down to the very last pence. (Jeffrey Campbell, Accountability, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Payroll Account of Private William Rose, 1758

Much like today, accounting books were used in the eighteenth century for documenting military pay and other related expenses accrued over periods of time. The payroll account of Private William Rose 78th Regiment, covers the period of July 5, 1757, through April 24, 1758.

Note: Category headers and bracketed script have been added for clarification and do not appear in the original document. Additionally, it would not be uncommon to discover accounting errors as these were gentlemen who created inaccuracies the same as you and I.

[Page 1]


To 2 Weeks arrears due in Ireland : £0. 0. 10
To 9 Weeks Pay & arrears Due in y'e passage from y'e 5th July 1757 to y'e 5th Sept. 1757 : £1. 10. 9
To 5 Weeks arrears of Pay due from y'e 5th Sept. to y'e 10th Oct. D'o. : £0. 8. 4

To 1 Weeks arrears from 10th Oct. to the 17th. : £0. 0. 5
To 6 Weeks Pay & arrears Due from y'e 17th Oct. to the 28th Novr. 1757 : £1. 0. 6

To 21 Weeks arrears Due from y'e 28th Novr. 1757 to y'e 24th Aprl. 1758 : £1. 15. 0 

[Total]  £4. 15. 10
[Page 2]


To 1 Pair Shoes & 1 Napsack : £0. 6. 6
To 2 Haversacks & 1 Cocade : £0. 2. 0

To 1 Pair garters & 1 Sett buckles : £0. 1. 4
To 1 Turn Key 1 Screw 1 Kilt Belt : £0. 1. 4
To Provisions at Glasgow &c. :  £0. 4. 8
To Spruce Beer at Halifax : £0. 2. 8

To 2 Cheq'd Shirts : £0. 7. 0

To 10 Months Stopp.s for y'e Paymsr. Serjt @ 1d p Month : £0. 0. 10

To 7 Months Stoppages for y'e barber @ 2p m : £0. 1. 2

To y'e Proportion of a Cook Frock : £0. 0. 8

To Cash giv.n at Fairf.d &p. Adve : £0. 10. 8

To 4 Weeks Pay Adve in the Hospl at Halifax : £0. 12. 0

[Total]  £2. 19. 9

To Cash Paid him as Ball.ce of ye. above acct. : £1. 16. 1

  [Total]  £4. 15. 10

Halifax 3d. May 1758. Recd the above ball'ce. in full of my Pay & arrears of Pay Due from y'e Date of my attestation to y'e 24th Apr. last last as witness of my hand.

Wm. [?] Rose

Major James Clephane, "Payroll account of Private William Rose, 1758." Military Account Book at Halifax, NAS GD125-34-5, pp. 32-3.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2024. 

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Monday, January 1, 2024

Initial Outfitting of Kilts in 1757

An authorized recruiting depot is located in Inverness, Scotland, to collect new recruits for Colonel Fraser's battalion of Highlanders; the other two locations around the country are Fort William and Dunkeld. During the enlistment process, recruits met with a recruiting officer and had the Articles of War and Oath of Allegiance to the King read to them. (Jeffrey Campbell, For Want of Tartan, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Initial Outfitting of Kilts in 1757

Found among the archival paperwork belonging to Major Clephane of Colonel Fraser's 78th Regiment are 90 payroll accounting receipts for men serving under the major. Each accounting receipt contains two pages, one denoting income and one for expenditures, with the majority of the receipts covering the period of initial attestation through April 24, 1758 (about one year), closing out the first known payroll reporting period. This was an opportunity for paymasters to consolidate all expenses and bring their accounts up-to-date. The receipts consulted include those of the NCOs and private soldiers; unfortunately, we did not locate receipts for officers' accounts. 

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the number of soldiers in Major Clephane's Company who were charged for and received kilts and belts during their initial outfitting and the cost of each item. While a replacement plaid of 12 yards of cloth was valued at 12–18 shillings [John Calcraft, Regulation of Cloathing for a Highland Regt. of Foot (c. 1757)], depending on rank, one might conclude a kilt of about 4 yards of cloth would be valued at 4–6 shillings. However, our results indicate the men paid approximately one shilling for a kilt. And while the reason for the disparity in pricing is not fully understood, perhaps this cloth was previously paid for and on loan until a newer government supply became available. Of course, it might simply be a bulk government discount, too.

British monetary system:
Pound (£) - From the Latin word 'libra', meaning 'pound.'
Shillings (s) - 20 shillings in one pound.
Pence (d) - 12 pennies or 'pence' in one shilling; 240 pence in one pound.

Accounting Receipts
Item: 1 Kilt Belt
Issued: Date of attestation – Apr. 24, 1758
Cost: 10d
Total accounts: 6

Item: 1 Kilt & Small Belt
Issued: Date of attestation – Apr. 24, 1758
Cost: 1s 4d
Total accounts: 60 + 1 (This one acct. is dated Dec. 25, 1757 – Apr. 24, 1758).

Item: 1 Kilt & 1 Kilt Belt
Issued: Date of attestation – Apr. 24, 1758
Cost: 1s 4d
Total accounts: 1

Item: 1 Kilt & Pistle Belt
Issued: Date of attestation – Apr. 24, 1758
Cost: 1s 4d
Total accounts: 13
The pistle [sic] belt and small/kilt belt were probably one in the same item.

Item: 1 Kilt, Turn Key & Screw, 1 Brush & Wire
Issued: Dec. 24, 1757 – Apr. 24, 1758
Cost: 1s 7d
Total accounts: 1
This account also received leg hose from the Compy Store (presumably at Halifax) at 3d. The turn key, screw, brush, and wire were used to clean the arms and were separately valued in other accounts at 7d.

No kilt or belt issued:
Issued: Dec. 24, 1757 – Apr. 24, 1758: 4 accounts
Issued: Dec. 25, 1757 – Apr. 24, 1758: 1 account
Issued: Attestation – Apr. 24, 1758: 3 accounts

Account for the wages of Clephane’s company, detailing the number of troops of each rank, 16-23 May 1757. TNA, GD125/Box 22/9 (35).

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2024.

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Friday, December 1, 2023

List of Prisoners Victualled at the Main Guard

While soldiers in the 78th Regiment were not all angels by any means, we have occasionally located a few records documenting rebellious and improper misconduct, which would land some men behind bars in the Quebec City guardhouse. (Jeffrey Campbell, Lockdown, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

List of Prisoners Victualled at the Main Guard

The following is a list of men who were held at the guardhouse on the North Shore of the Saint Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada, and received daily subsistence in the summer and fall seasons of 1761. This facility may have contained an orderly room, guard room, and detention cells, which could have been considered typical construction in the mid-eighteenth century.

The two columns represent the prisoner's name and the number of days victualled.

1 Augt. 1761:
William Thomas - 25 days [47th Regiment]
Patrick McGuire - 8 days [2d Battalion, 60th Royal American Regiment]
Miles Carmichael - 4 days [78th Regiment]

4 Augt. 1761:
Paul Wood - 3 days [2d Battalion, 60th Royal American Regiment]

19 Augt. 1761:
Willm. Powell - 5 days
Willm. Cooper - 4 days
Jos. Howe - 4 days
Fras. Coffield - 4 days

29 Augt 1761:  
Thos. Lee - 4 days

5 Sepr. 1761:
Robt. McGregor - 5 days

25 Sepr. 1761:
Angus McDonald [78th Regiment]
Jos. Dusel

27 Sepr. 1761:
John Browne

30 Sepr. 1761:
Nicholas Tryer [Tyer; Fryer; Fyer?]

16 Oct. 1761:
Francis Warren

Source: List of Prisoners Victualed at the Main Guard [1761]. Treasury: papers. TNA, T 1/406, n.p.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2023.

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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Prisoners of War

The earliest recorded usage of the phrase "prisoner of war" dates to about the year 1610, while the earliest known "prison of war" camp was established at Norman Cross Prison in Huntingdonshire, England in 1797. (Jeffrey Campbell, Brothers, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Prisoners of War

Two separate lists of the English prisoners of war dating to June 14th, 1760, were located among the War Office records of Jeffrey Amherst, former Commander in Chief of British forces in North America during the Seven Years' War. Although this first list remains anonymous, it may have been generated by Governor James Murray or his staff.

15th Regiment
Lieutenant Henry Hamilton
Serjeant Bryan Fortune
Serjeant John Lackey
Private Andrew Boitler
Private Edward Warren

N.B. John Fernall of the 15th Regiment & Richd. Jones Servants and not prisoners.

27th Regiment
Lieutenant John Fortiscue
Ensign Daniel Stuart
Private John Morison
Private Wm. Hempfield
Servant John McDuff

35th Regiment
Private Samuel Degrode
Private Thos. Dawson
Private Jas. Jemmison
Private Duncan Black
Private Edward Barrey
Private Philip McElroy
Private Daniel McFarling
Private John Greame

43d. Regiment
Lieutenant Nicholas Lysaght
Ensign Crank Maw
Private Hugh Smith

47th Regiment
Lieutenant William Sherriff
Lieutenant Henry Goddard
Sergeant Edmond Sikes
Private Peter Douglas
Private McAdow
Private Richd. Greenash
Private Wm. Swails

48th Regiment
Serjt. Major Wm. Scott
Private Alexr. Youell
Private Wm. McGaughey
Private George Aberdeen
Private Wm. Orr
Private Daniel Orr
Private John Cooper
Private Robert Cooper
Private Wm. Lenard
Private Francis Mortan
Private Balagh Rupple
Private John Baillie
Private Peter McKenny

58th Regiment
Serjeant Richard Murray
Private Ledwick Robinson
Private Jonathan Sedwell
Private Dennis Daugherty
Private Robert Piles
Private John Porter

2d. B.R.A. [2nd Battalion, 60th Royal Americans]
Serjeant Charles McDonnell
Corporal Henry Cunningham
Private Thomas McMurray
Private David Holstead
Private Daniel Pearson
Private Richd. Strough

3d. B.R.A. [3rd Battalion, 60th Royal Americans]
Voluntier William Bayard
Serjeant Christopher Pauley
Private Justich Heyman
Private Andrew Over

4th. B.R.A. [4th Battalion, 60th Royal Americans]
Private James Bryan
Private George Taylor

63d. Regiment [78th Regiment]
Private Andrew Rose
Private John Chisam
Private Wm. Brown

Jervle De'ball
Emmanuel Grey
Josiah Molone

Captain [blank] Jacobs
Captain James Lute
Serjeant Saml. Reynolds
Lewis Denny
Saml. Hall
Issey Traverese
Wm. Hardy
Thos. Cleesh
Thos. Bignall
Frederick Courtis
Abel Davis
Hight Young

Royal Artillery
Lieutenant William Cock

Royal Train
Mattross Wm. Bond

Pepperell's and Shirley's taken at Oswego in 1756
Private Valantine Earnest
Private Dennis Jordan
Private John Snell
Private Patt. McCallum
Private John Fahie
Private Daniel Loughray
Private Patt. Castaquin
Private Norman Ash
Private Morgan Kinney
Private Saml. Bennet
Private John Barton
Private Mathew Dunn
Private Thomas Wade
Private Joseph Pike

Belonging to His Majesty's Ships of War
Gunner John Sherman
Gunner's Mate Thos. Burgery
Joseph Campage, Carpenter
Thomas Jowle [Jervle?]
Mathew Dyer
Wm. Isles
Thos. Caulvin
Robert Hamman
Thomas Todd
John Walker
Wm. Owens

Thos. Cowan
John Smith
Robert Mason
George Cost
Nathl. Smith

Daniel Pacault
George Hipps
Willm. Jaunt
John Whelan

Sarah Garwin
Bridget Dunn
Sarah McCallum
Eliza. Halmer
Mary Ann Crisk

List of Officers Sent in Govr. Murray's Return not Included in the foregoing List, as L. Goddard Accounts for them.

Prisoners on Parole at Quebec:

Kennedy's Regiment
Capt. Maitland

Webb's Regiment
Lt. Davers

Lawrence's Regiment
Capt. Charteris
Lt. Campbell
Lt. Forbes mentioned missing in Govr. Murray's is dead.

Fraser's Regiment
Ens. Malcolm Fraser (dead)

Otway's Regiment
Capt. Ince (dead)

Lascelle's Regiment
Capt. Archbold (dead)

Amherst's Regiment
Ensn. Montgomery (dead)

Endorsed - Copy  

List of the English Prisoners 
returned from Canada - 
14th June 1760
transmitted by Capt. Bonneau
in his of the 18th.

War Office Records: Amherst Papers. Correspondence between French Officers in North America and the Commander-in-Chief, 1757-1761. W.O. 34, vol. 10, pp. 234-238.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2023.

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Friday, September 1, 2023

Payroll Account of Private John Fraser [1st], 1758

An accountant at the War Office in Westminster, London, was ultimately responsible for the tracking of hundreds of millions of pounds being spent on funding British armies on multiple fronts around the world. At the regimental level, paymasters were charged with accounting for the income and expenses of every soldier, ensuring assets were properly tracked down to the very last pence. (Jeffrey Campbell, Accountability, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Payroll Account of Private John Fraser [1st], 1758

Much like today, accounting books were used in the eighteenth century for documenting military pay and other related expenses accrued over periods of time. The payroll account of Private John Fraser [1st; multiple men with the same name in this company], 78th Regiment, covers the period of July 5, 1757, through April 24, 1758.

Note: Category headers and bracketed script have been added for clarification and do not appear in the original document. Additionally, it would not be uncommon to discover accounting errors as these were gentlemen who created inaccuracies the same as you and I.

[Page 1]


To 2 Weeks arrears Due in Ireland : £0. 0. 10
To 9 Weeks Pay & arrears Due in y'e passage from y'e 5th July 1757 to y'e 5th Sept. 1757 : £1. 10. 9
To 5 Weeks arrears of Pay due from y'e 5th Sept. to y'e 10th Oct. D'o. : £0. 8. 4

To 1 Weeks arrears from 10th Oct. to the 17th. : £0. 0. 5
To 6 Weeks Pay & arrears Due from y'e 17th Oct. to the 28th Novr. 1757 : £1. 0. 6

To 21 Weeks arrears Due from y'e 28th Novr. 1757 to y'e 24th Aprl. 1758 : £1. 15. 0 

[Total]  £4. 15. 10
[Page 2]


To 1 Pair Shoes & 1 Napsack : £0. 6. 6
To 2 Haversacks at Kilraick & Glasgow : £0. 2. 0

To 1 Cocade 1 pair garters & 1 sett buckles : £0. 2. 0
To 1 Pistle & 1 Kilt belt : £0. 1. 4
To 1 Turn Key 1 Screw 1 Brush & Wire : £0. 0. 9                                                
To Provisions furnished at Glasgow &c. :  £0. 4. 8
To Spruce Beer at Halifax : £0. 2. 8

To 2 Cheq'd Shirts furnish'd by y'e Maj.r : £0. 7. 0

To 10 Months Stopp.s for y'e Paymsr. Serjt @ 1p : £0. 0. 10

To 7 Months Stoppages for y'e barber @ 2p m : £0. 1. 2

To y'e Proportion of a Cook Frock : £0. 0. 8

To Cash giv.n at Fairf.d & Boston p. : £1. 17. 4

To 4 Weeks Pay the Hosp.l at Halifax : £0. 12. 0

To 2 White Shirts from the Com [sic, Comisary? ] Store : £0. 7. 0

To Cash Paid him as Ball.ce of ye. above acct. : £0. 9. 11

  [Total]  £4. 15. 10

Halifax 3d. May 1758. Received the above Ball'ce. in full of my Pay & arrears of Pay Due from y'e Date my attestation to y'e 24th Apr. 1758 last as witness of my hand.

John JF Fraser

Major James Clephane, "Payroll account of Private John Fraser, 1758." Military Account Book at Halifax, NAS GD125-34-5, pp. 30-1.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2023. 

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