Monday, September 18, 2017

Colonel Simon Fraser's Letters to Lord Murray, 1757

The Scottish Highlanders who served in North America were recruited by a variety of methods, but records do indicate most were volunteers. Economic depression swarmed their homelands, and the thoughts of prosperity and securing a better livelihood in the new world certainly would have contributed to each man's decision to enlist. Recruiters scoured the countryside, some concentrating their efforts to the immediate lands around their estates, while others traveled the length of Aberdeen to "make out their recruits." With competition to enlist men coming from Colonel Montgomery of the First Highland Battalion, recruiting was at a premium from a country sorely depleted in able-bodied men. The Recruiting Act of 1756-57 specified commissioners and their representatives may only enlist men aged 17-45; fit to serve His Majesty; free from ruptures and distemper; and non-Papists. Albeit there are no records available indicating recruiting officers compelled men in Scotland to sign and swear to a religious certificate, records do indicate this was a requirement at that time throughout Ireland.

On February 7, 1757, Simon Fraser had personally visited the offices of the Board in Edinburgh, to impress and extol the need for rapid recruitment. He, and others found that traveling the country securing men for the regiment simply came with the territory, -- it was part of the job. In a letter to his brother dated April 8, 1757, Major James Clephane, second in command, described the exhausting need to continuously oversee the recruiting efforts across Scotland for his personal company.

"My dear johnie,

No doubt you'll be much surprised that, till now, you have had no letter from me ever since I came to this place, which is now 20 days, but I'm persuaded you'll give great allowance for my silence, when I tell you that till yesterday I have not been 24 hours at one time here; sometimes one day at Inverness, next day return here, and a third at Nairn, and so on alternately, and often reviewing my recruits, and Kilraick and I engaging good men and dismissing worse."

Hon. Simon Fraser to Mr. Murray of Strowan
Dunkeld, 19th Feb. 1757.

Dr Sir, -- I have seen some men that are brought in here by a Constable, some of whom say they have had money for Col : Montgomery, & one in particular was inclinable to prefer enlisting wt. me to any other. As I suppose they came here by the Duke’s order, I would not attempt doing any thing without his Grace’s permission. At same time, as his Grace was so good as to say he wou’d not discountenance my recruiting, if any of the men prefer enlisting wt. me to going elsewhere, I flatter myself His Grace will have no objection to my getting any who are still unengaged, & make that choice. The man I mentioned to have already made it, had received no money & was perfectly disengaged, but I wou’d do nothing wt. him without asking his Grace.

Pardon this trouble. I am just setting out. God bless you, & do me the justice to believe me very much your faithful servt.


Colonel Fraser departed Dunkeld, Perthshire on February 19, 1757, after posting his letter to Mr. Murray, and appears to have quartered at Moulinearn Inn, about three miles southwest of Ballyoukan, where he sends a second letter, postmarked the same day. 

Hon. Simon Fraser to Mr. Murray of Strowan
Mulenairn, Satud. night, 19 Feb. 1757.

Dr Sr, -- When you did me the honor to call this afternoon, the number of fiddle faddle letters I had just been writing had quite jumbled my Judgement, & it was only upon the road that I began to consider that you said the men I saw were sent for by my Lord Duke for Coll. Montgomery. I had been informed they were impressed to fill up the quota of the county, & seeing a constable with them made me think it was so, & the men themselves thought so. But I suppose the case is that one or two of them may be wanted for that, and the Duke means to make use of it to give the rest to Coll. Montgomery. If I had understood that to be the case when I saw them, I should have not interfered so far as to ask one of them to make his choice of me, & I beg to recall any demand I made of that sort. If they are men the Duke intended & sent for to be given to Col. Montgomery, I wou’d not presume to interfere wt. his Grace’s intentions so far as to take them if they came out and offered themselves, & I shall be obliged to you if you’l do me the honor to present my complts. To His Grace, and tell him this, & that when I took the liberty to send to you before I took them to be impressed men for the county.

I beg leave to offer my complts. To the Dutches & Lady Charlotte. Pray don’t be angry wt. me for this trouble, but believe me wt. great regard,

Dr Sir,
Yr most obt. & hult. Servt.

My paper & ink are very bad, but the place offers no better.


Note: Murray, of Strowan, is Lord George Murray (1694-1760), a Scottish Jacobite general most noted for his 1745 campaign under Bonnie Prince Charlie in England. In 1728, he married Amelia, daughter, and heiress of James Murray of Strowan and Glencarse and had five children, Lady Charlotte being the fourth child, second daughter.

Atholl, John James Hugh Henry Stewart-Murray, et al. Chronicles of the Atholl and Tullibardine families [Edinburgh, 1908].

William Congreve. "Letter to Wilmot indicating not one of the recruits were papists or had falsely signed the religious certificates." Dated 10 March 1757. PRO Northern Ireland, T3019/3122.

Mackillop, Andrew. Military recruiting in the Scottish Highlands 1739-1815: Col. Fraser in Edinburgh, February 7, 1757 [September 1995].

H. Rose and Lachlan Shaw. A genealogical deduction of the family of Rose of Kilravock: with illustrative documents from the family papers, and notes [Edinburgh, 1848].

“Lord George Murray (General).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Aug. 2017, Accessed 17 Sept. 2017.

© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Petitions of Captain Hugh Fraser, 1764

Petition of Capt. Hugh Fraser, born on the Estate of Lovat, late of the 78th Regiment, for a farm. He had served his Majesty 28 years, 26 of which in the 27th Regiment. In the war before the last in the West Indies, and in Scotland all the winter Campaign during the late rebellion, and all the last war in America, and was at the reduction of Ticonderoga, Crown Point, Isle aux Noire, and Montreal. He purchased a Company in the Hon. Col. Simon Fraser’s corps, but the peace following soon thereafter the regiment was reduced, and he way put on half-pay. Read 13 Feb. 1764.

Petition of Capt. Hugh Fraser, late of the 78th Regiment, has been above 30 years in the service, and in the last Campaign in America as a Capt. In the 78th Regt., and on the peace being concluded the regiment was disbanded. Had prevailed on his uncle, Andrew Fraser of Aigas, to give up a small possession of Inchlair, of £7, 12s. 1d. ster. of rent, and having laid out some expenses, although only from year to year, hopes to get a lease of the same. Read 27 Feb. 1769.

Millar, A. H. A Selection of Scottish Fortified Estate Papers, 1715; 1745 [Edinburgh, Scottish Historical Society, 1909].

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

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Friday, September 15, 2017

The Raising of the Highland Regiments in 1757

In his eloquent survey of the career of the elder Pitt Lord Stanhope says---

     Was it not he who devised that lofty and generous scheme for removing the disaffection of the Highlanders by enlisting them in regiments for the service of the Crown? Those minds which Culloden could not subdue at once yielded to his confidence; by trusting he reclaimed them; by putting arms into their hands he converted mutinous subjects into loyal soldiers.

And he afterwards quotes Pitt's own words, spoken a few months before his death.

     I remember how I employed the very rebels in the service and defence of their country. They were reclaimed by this means; they fought our battles; they cheerfully bled in defence of those liberties which they had attempted to overthrow but a few years before.

Whether the final pacification of the Highlands was mainly due to this policy of trust, or to that harsher policy which, by exiling the chiefs, gradually loosened the tie between them and their clans, is perhaps open to question. At any rate the raising of the Highland regiments was a bold and wise measure, for which Pitt deserves credit. But the credit is not due to him exclusively, nor did the idea originate with him. The needs of America, not of Scotland, gave birth to it.

Eight years before, the duke of Bedford had proposed to send out Highlanders to Nova Scotia as settlers, and the duke of Cumberland had promised to support this scheme, 'as it is much to be wished that these people may be disposed of in such a manner as to be of service to the government, instead of a detriment to it.' And in 1751 Wolfe, who was at that time commanding a regiment in Scotland, wrote to a brother officer in Nova Scotia that he should imagine two or three independent companies of Highlanders would be found useful in the desultory frontier warfare which was then going on: 'they are hardly, intrepid, accustomed to a rough country, and no great mischief if they fall.'

Braddock's disaster in 1755, and the French reinforcements sent to Canada in the early part of the following year, made it an urgent matter to send out British reinforcements. But it was not easy to find them. The standing army of Great Britain, normally 19,000, had been raised to 34,000 men; but this was a little more than one-fifth of that of France. England was threatened with invasion, and when Hessians and Hanoverians to the number of 19,000 were brought over to guard it they had to be sent back to Germany because of the popular outcry, of which Pitt took the lead. The Mediterranean garrisons could not spare men to reinforce it, and it was driven to capitulate.

Lord Loudoun, who had been very useful in the Highlands at the time of the rebellion, was sent to America to take the chief command; but only two weak battalions accompanied him. One of these was the Black Watch, the earliest Highland regiment, which had been formed out of independent companies in 1739. So many Highland recruits were set out to join it that in a few months' time it numbered 1,300 men. In spite of the opposition of Pitt and his friends, money was voted for a regiment of four battalions to be raised in America from Swiss and German protestants settled in Pennsylvania and New York. One-third of the commissions were given to officers of those nationalities. This regiment, at first known as the Royal American, is now the King's Royal Rifle Corps, or 60th Rifles.

After various acts of hostility on both sides, war was declared between England and France in May 1756. In the course of that month a plan for carrying on the war was submitted to the duke of Cumberland. It proposed an increase in the establishment of British regiments, and the procuring of some German regiments for service in America, and added, 'Two regiments, a thousand men in a corps, may be raised in the north of Scotland for the said service and on the same terms. No men in this island are better qualified for the American war than the Scots Highlanders.' It further suggested that the Scots regiments in the Dutch service should be recalled, and 2,000 Protestants raised in the north of Ireland.

Pitt was sworn as principal secretary of state on 4 Dec., and the duke soon afterwards sent him by Lord Albemarle the plan described above. As regards the Highlanders, the matter was quickly settled, for in the course of that month the duke wrote the following letter, marked 'Most private,' to Lord Loudoun:---

St. James De 23d 1756.
     My Lord Loudoun,--- I write this private letter to you to assure you of the thorough satisfaction your conduct has given me, and will not fail to support you to the utmost of my power through the many difficulties you find in the executing of your orders, and in opposition to the public service. Nothing can be worse than our situation here at home, without any plan, or even a desire to have one, great numbers talked of to be sent you, but without any consideration of how, and from whence, without considering what they should carry with them. But that you may know what can be done for you, I write in my own Hand, trusting to your Honour, that you will burn this as soon as read.
     The King will spare you five old Battalions from Europe and two thousand new raised Highlanders, which will make 6,000 men, officers included: and I will send a proper train of artillery with them. Prepare your own plan for one army up the St. Lawrence River, and for the other to keep the enemy in check from where your army now is. I will send you my thoughts more fully with a plan of mine for your operations, which you shall be left at liberty, either to adopt, in part, or not at all, as you shall find it proper from your better information. I don't doubt a moment of your burning this letter, so don't answer it, but send your plan and thoughts without taking any notice of this most private letter. I remain very sincerely your most affectionate Friend.

The 2,000 Highlanders here referred to were to form two battalions, to be raised respectively by Archibald Montgomery, afterwards the earl of Eglinton, and Simon Fraser, master of Lovat. Montgomery was a major of Lord Robert Manners's regiment (88th Foot), but Fraser was in a different position and has never held the king's commission. His father, Lord Lovat, had made him join the Jacobite army in 1746 at the head of his clan. He had afterwards received a pardon, and become an advocate (as readers of 'Catriona' may remember). He now applied to be allowed to raise a regiment, and was supported by the duke of Argyle, who told the government that under no other person would the clan of Fraser enlist.

Among the Cumberland Papers at Windsor there is a list of officers from Fraser's regiment, endorsed, 'These papers delivered to me by the Duke of Argyle on 2d Jan. 1757, and approved the next day by the King. [Initialed] W.' Out of a total of thirty-nine officers thirteen are Frasers, and there is a note to that
     Mr Fraser being to raise so great a number of men, it is necessary to recommend many gentleman of the name of Fraser who have not been in the service before, but who from their connections and interest in the country can raise most men.

The two majors in this list are Campbells, but one of them was afterwards appointed to Montgomery's regiment.

The duke of Newcastle, whom Pitt had driven out of office, watched the measures of the new minitsry with the disapproval which was to be expected. On 4 Jan. 1757 he wrote to Lord hardwicke about the reinforcements for America---
     The Duke will not part with more than 4 regiments from hence, the new lord-lieutenant will spare only 1,000 from thence, and the old governor of Scotland cannot muster up above 2,000 of his Highland Friends, which altogether will not amount to much above 6,000 men. Mr. Pitt insists upon 8,000.
Hardewick replied on the 7th---

     I find this measure of raising 2,000 Highlanders alarms many of the best affected, particularly the making councillor Fraser colonel of one of the Battalions. . . . Nothing could more affectually break in upon the plan which has been pursuing for that country, ever since the last Rebillion, and I dare say the scheme is to put an end to it.
Two days later Newcastle wrote again---
     I most entirely disapprove the method of their Highland regiments. The Duke, I hear, disapproves and submits. It is wholly the duke of Argyle.

There seems to be nothing to bear out the statement that the duke of Cumberland disapproved the raising of these regiments. The fact that Henry Fox supported the measure in the house of commons is an indication to the contrary. The situation is pretty clear. Pitt was bent on vigorous action in America, but his hand were to some extent tied by his opposition to the employment of foreign soldiers. Whether or not he welcomed the scheme at that time as a message of peace to Scotland, it was practically indispensable for waging war in America. The king and the duke, as captain-general, were unwilling to denude the country of troops, especially as they cherished a hole that some British regiments would join the army which was to be formed for the defence of Hanover. Highlanders had fought under the duke at Fontenoy, and against him at Culloden, and he knew their value. As already mentioned, the Black Watch had been sent to America before Pitt became a minister. The opinions of Argyle and Loudoun, Campbells both, would be likely to weigh with him, especially when they furnished a means of reconciling his views with those of the imperious minister.

Recruits came in so freely that the establishment of the two regiments increased. They were sent to America in a few months. Montgomery's regiment served under Forbes in the successful expedition against Fort Duquense (where Braddock had met with disaster), while Fraser's took part in the capture of Louisbourg and Quebec, and won the praise of Wolfe. The regiments were brought into the line as the 77th and 78th respectively, but were disbanded at the peace of 1763, the men receiving grants of land in America.
E.M. Lloyd.

Lloyd, E.M. The Raising of the Highland Regiments. The English Historical Review, Vol. 17, No. 67, pp. 466-69, London, 1902.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.  

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Major Clephane's Company Expenses, Kilravock to Glasgow, 1757

A detailed account of Major Clephane's company's expenses on their march from Kilravock to Glasgow, Scotland encompassing approximately 180 miles over a 10-day period, with layovers for entertainment, supplies, and fresh horses. The soldiers would stay in Glasgow for an additional 10 days or so, presumably waiting on the arrival of the remaining companies from the regiment.

Newspaper accounts depict the recruits' uniforms reviewed in Glasgow during this period, and about April 19th proceeding west to Portpatrick en route to Donaghadee, Ireland. From there, they would eventually march south to Cork, Ireland and depart for North America in 10 transport ships under cover of the Enterprize, a 40-gun man-of-war, on June 30, 1757.

In a letter to his brother, dated April 8, 1757 at Kilraick, Major Clephane discussed the first two companies departing together for Glasgow: "...I have at last sent off for Glasgow 124 recruits along with Colonel Fraser’s company (our two companies making the first division of the battalion)." Arthur Rose, Kilraick's uncle, would accompany Clephane's men on the march due to his pressing business around the country.

Expenses from Kilravock to Glasgow
Marcht from Kilraick Thursday 31 March 1757
Dulcey, 31st
1. For Entertenment: £0-10-0

Avemore, April 1st
2. For horse hire: £0-3-6
3. For Entertenment: £0-5-6
4. To McCoulmore for horse hire: £0-6-0

Ruven, April 2d & 3d
5. For Drams to the men: £0-13-6
6. For Entetenment for 2 days: £0-15-6

Dalnacardigk, April 4th
7. For Entetenment: £0-6-6
8. To the Seven Nairn men accounted for: £0-7-0
9. To John Innes 6 mens pay for 2 days accounted for: £0-6-0
10. To John Fraser 8 mens pay for 2 days accounted for: £0-8-0
11. To Donald McIntosh the Cook accounted for: £0-1-6
12. To the seven men sent back to Inverness: £0-7-0
13. To John Robertson accounted for: £0-?-0
14. To Donald Cuthbert accounted for: £0-?-0
15. To McCoulmore for hors hire: £0-5-0
16. To John Watson and Gray: £0-10-6
17. To McCoul: £0-5-0
18. To Donald McDonald & Little Donald McDonald one sh each: £0-2-0

Note: Major Clephane's Company garrisoned April 5th at Aberfeldy. See Note 22 below.

Crief, April 6th
19. To John Watson at Crief April 6th for the men: £3-0-0
20. To McCoulmore for horsehire at Crief: £0-3-6
21. For Drams to the men at Rumelru: £0-10-6
22. For Entertenment at Tay Bridge: £0-6-0
25. To McCoul: £0-3-6

Sterling, April 7th
24. To John Watson more for the mens pay: £2-0-0
25. For Entertenment: £0-4-0
26. To the piper: £0-3-6

Kirkintullock, April the 8th
27. To Entertenment: £0-3-0
29. For Servants and horse: £0-3-0

Glasgow, April the 9th
20. To John Watson more money for the mens pay: £5-5-0

Glasgow, April 11th
30. To McCoule for carreing him home: £?-?-0
31. To old McKenzie accounted for: £0-0-6
32. To McCoule for horse hire at Glasgow: £0-3-6
33. Got back from John Watson of the 5 guineas: £0-18-0
34. Given to John Watson for the mens pay: £5-0-0
35. To James Geddes and his comerad Six pence each the same: £0-1-0

Glasgow, April 13th
36. To John Watson for the mens: £5-0-0
37. Recived Back for John Watson: £1-1-0
38. To Robertson from Holland: £0-3-0
39. To the Piper: £0-2-0
40. Saturday Aprile 16th paid all the men their pay & arrears from the time they left Kilraick till the above date
41. April 6 gave John Watson: £3-2-0
42. To Sandie Rose: £3-3-0
43. More to Sandie Rose: £2-2-0
44. More to Sandie Rose Sunday: £2-2-0
45. Gave more to the mens use: £5-5-0
46. 18 more to Sandie Rose: £1-1-0

Glasgow, April 18th
47. John Watson & Rose Debers
48. To Sandie Rose: £21-0-0
49. from 16th till 18th: £16-15-0
50. from 13th till 16th: £5-0-0
51. from 11th till 13th: £5-0-0
52. from 9th till 11th: £5-5-0

Stirling, April 7th
53. from 7th till 9th: £2-0-0
54. April 6th at Crief£3-0-0

Glasgow, April 18
55. John Watson Credetor
56. Credetor: £1-1-0
57. Credetor: £0-18-0

16. Serjeant John Watson.
18. Most likely father/son.
21. Unable to locate.
22. Tay Bridge at Aberfeldy (Wade's Bridge), was built by General Wade in 1734 on a second road which ran from Crieff to Dalnacardoch. At the time of completion, this was the only bridge anywhere to cross the Tay River.
26. The piper paid.
39. The piper paid.
53-54. Both appear to be late entries.

While at Glasgow, City Quartermaster John Robb secured accommodations for Colonels Montgomery and Fraser's Highland Battalions in both public and private houses.

Major James Clephane, "Account of the company's expenses on the march to embark at Greenock, 31 March - 18 April, 1757." NAS, GD125-22-16-16.

Rose, H., and Lachlan Shaw. A Genealogical Deduction of the Family of Rose of Kilravock: with Illustrative Documents from the Family Papers, and Notes. Edinburgh, 1848.

Renwick, Robert. "Glasgow City Quartermaster John Robb." Extracts from the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow: with Charters and Other Documents. Vol. VI, A.D. 1739-59. Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1911.

"Bridges and Crossings of the River Tay at Dunkeld. " [Accessed 23 May 2020].

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.

Last updated 23 May 2020

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Saturday, August 12, 2017

Letter from Major Clephane, Second Highland Battalion, to the Doctor, 1757

Kilraick, April 8, 1757

My dear Johnie,

No doubt that you will be much surprised that, till now, you have had no letter from me ever since I came to this place, which is not 20 days, but I’m persuaded you’ll give great allowance for my silence, when I tell you that till yesterday I have not been 24 hours at one time here; sometimes one day at Inverness, next day return here, and a third day at Nairn, and so on alternately, often reviewing my recruits, and Kilraick and I engaging good men and dismissing worse. In short, this has been my life all this while. Add to all this a crowd of company always in the old Castle, under pretence, forsooth, of seeing me, which, God knows, is only a pretence in many; but no more of that. Now I come to tell you, which I well know will give equal pleasure to you as to me, that I have at last sent off for Glasgow 124 recruits along with Colonel Fraser’s company (our two companies making the first division of the battalion,) and yesterday I sent off six men more to go with the last division from Inverness, which leaves that to-day, so that I hope the whole battalion will be at Glasgow by the 19th or 20th of this month. I have given orders that the nine or ten men I have in Angus and Perthshire shall join my company at Crieff, to go along with them to Glasgow. With this great number of men which I have got (which, by the by, have been levied altogether by my worthy friend Kilraick, and a few others, without the assistance of any one officer or sergeant belonging to Colonel Fraser’s battalion,) I dare assure you that I shall be able, when I come to Glasgow, to make out a company of 110 or 112 men, as good hearty young fellows as are to be seen in many regiments, and all as willingly and cheerfully engaged as is possible any men to be, for not one of them ever confined, and not one deserted while here, in which I glory and have great joy. Upon my arrival at Edinburgh, and finding there, my letters from Kilraick, of his surprising success for me, I was obliged to put a stop to my friends recruiting for me in Angus and Perthshire, otherwise my number of men would have run too great, and the expense too high, which God knows, are to high already for my poor purse, but in that there is no help, I rather chose to have men than money. Capt. Arthur Rose, Kilraick’s uncle, who, you know, is lieutenant in the Dutch service, was so kind and obliging as to take the charge and trouble to conduct my company to Glasgow, and indeed he was a most fit person for it, as being well acquainted with the humours and genius of every one recruit, as having been among them daily and hourly ever since the recruiting began here, and in whom all of them has great confidence; and he was most assiduous in exercising them as far as he could while here. In short, dear Johnie, he has been of infinite service and use to me in all this affair. And I think I may very safely affirm, that he will turn out a very good officer and he would rather almost go to hell than be obliged to return to Holland again, and that he would willingly accept of a lieutenancy among us, I dare assure you of. For God’s sake, try what you can do for him that way. This family are all well, and minds you often with much affection. How soon as I am settled at Glasgow, I shall be more particular about them than I can be here, for I am in a continued hurry with one of t’other calling for me. The bell rings for dinner, and the post goes off at 4 o’clock. God bless and reward you, shall ever be the earnest prayers of,

My dear Brother,
                        Your most affectionate and obliged Brother
                    James Clephane.

The Doctor succeeded in his endeavour, and Arthur Rose’s name is found as lieutenant of one of the three additional companies of Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Fraser’s regiment, with instructions for raising his quota of men, dated July 16th 1757. He writes from Quebec on the 17th July 1760, to his grand-nephew, announcing his being wounded - "I am sorry I can't accompany you with the fiddle any more, my left hand being rendered useless... The many battles, sieges, and skirmishes we have had, fell heavier on us that any other regiment; having thirteen officers killed between Luisburg and Quebec, and a great number of men among whom is poor Sandie Rose of Little-town. But I hope this summer will put an end to any more fighting. I assure you, dear Hugh, my curiosity that way is entirely satisfied... If there is a peace, I hope soon to be with you, and see you kill some muir-fowl on the muirs about Culmoney, or a fox in the mickle park or birken ward. I shall grow melancholy if I continue in this strain, considering the prodigious distance I am from these happy places."

After the Doctor's death, the Major wanted the encouragement and support which had hitherto sustained him. He sold out of the army in 1760; and from thenceforward Kilravock was his common residence. He was fondly attached to his sister and her children. The easy social life of the castle suited him. He kept up a lazy correspondence with a few old brother officers, and devoted some energy to the care and putting out in the world of two grand-nephews, Harry and James Malcolm, the sons of Captain Henry Malcolm, who were bred from children under the kind nursing of good Betty Clephane, and one of who lived to repay to her and her daughter some part of his obligations. Harry Malcolm went a cadet to India in 1768. Mrs. Rose's letter speak of him as successively Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief and Adjutant-General at Madras.

The first two companies of soldiers would depart Kilravock, Inverness, Scotland for Glasgow on March 31, 1757.

Rose, H., and Lachlan Shaw. A genealogical deduction of the family of Rose of Kilravock: with illustrative documents from the family papers, and notes [Edinburgh, 1848].

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

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