This author has discovered an accounting ledger among the personal papers of Major James Clephane, Colonel Fraser’s second in command, dated May 1758. The ledger's purpose was for tracking expenses for each soldier in his company, including accoutrements issued and the monthly pay received. Considering the date of the ledger and the items listed, we believe these to be of initial government issue and part of a private soldier's kit he would have carried.
Since the original publishing of this article, new information has been uncovered strongly suggesting the 78th Foot wore the same tartan as Lord Loudoun's 64th Foot. See our FAQ page for full details.
Clothing & Accoutrements
1. 1 - Pair Shoes
2. 1 - Napsack
3. 1 - Haversack
4. 1 - Cocade
5. 1 - Pair Garters & 1 Sett Buckles
6. 1 - Kilt & Small Belt
7. 2 - Cheq’d Shirt
8. 1 - Turn Key Screw, Brush & Wire
9. Proportion of a Cooks Frock
10. Leather Frock
The major's sister Betty Clephane (wife of the chief of Clan Rose), discussed some of these items in a 1757 letter to her brother John, updating him on the recruiting efforts taking place: "We are already in such order, that we have our men received everyday with a stick on his shoulder and a good sack on his back, and a philibeg about his loup." Her jubilant thoughts expressly conveyed women were in fact involved in the raising of the 78th Regiment.
The major's sister Betty Clephane (wife of the chief of Clan Rose), discussed some of these items in a 1757 letter to her brother John, updating him on the recruiting efforts taking place: "We are already in such order, that we have our men received everyday with a stick on his shoulder and a good sack on his back, and a philibeg about his loup." Her jubilant thoughts expressly conveyed women were in fact involved in the raising of the 78th Regiment.
1. One new pair of shoes issued every six months at a cost of 3s 4p.
3. Multiple men in the Major Clephane's Company are recorded as having received two haversacks; one prior to departing Kilraick, Inverness for North America, the second while en route at Cork, Ireland.
6. Some accounts lists small belt as pistle belt.
7. Issued by Major Clephane.
8. Used in maintaining and repairing the firelocks.
9. Each soldier was charged proportionally.
10. Only one soldier charged for this item; quite possibly the company blacksmith.
6. Some accounts lists small belt as pistle belt.
7. Issued by Major Clephane.
8. Used in maintaining and repairing the firelocks.
9. Each soldier was charged proportionally.
10. Only one soldier charged for this item; quite possibly the company blacksmith.
Newspaper Editorial
The Public Advertiser NewspaperThursday, February 3, 1757
Glasgow, Jan. 24. On Wednesday an Order was received from London, to provide 2400 pairs of shoes and also Shoulder-Belts for the two Highland Regiments now raising.
Order Book Entry
Saturday, 11 May 1762
"...Every soldier to be provided with a Brush weir, worm stopper, Turn key screw & rag for his arms, a hammer Stale [?] & flint case of proper Leather never to be taken off except when under arms, or on duty, 4 good shirts & stocks, one night cape, an Ivory & horn come for the hair, Black ball & Shoe Brushes, the men for guard allways to be well sheav'd have Clean shirts their hair ty'd behind & Clubb'd. Their arms very clean shoulder belts & Cartridge Boxes well Blacked, & shoulder Belt Buckles Brisk, every soldier whether he is on duty or not to have his face hands & knees well wash'd his hair well com'd cut short on the top of his head & his locks short, his Bonnet proper so as to reach his Brues before, & as high as possible behind with the Cockard fix'd so as the haf of it may stand upright above the Bonnet, his plaid never to be worn but kelted, the fillibeg or little kelt to be allways worn in summer or harvest except when upon duty."
See the article entitled, Clothing for the Highland Regiments, 1757, for a discussion on regimental clothing, including the 42nd, 77th and 78th Regiment of Foot.
See the article entitled, Clothing for the Highland Regiments, 1757, for a discussion on regimental clothing, including the 42nd, 77th and 78th Regiment of Foot.
Major James Clephane, "Military Accounts at Halifax, 1758." NAS, GD125-34-5. Captain John Nairne, "Order Books, 1762." LAC, R5991-0-3-E, MG23-GIII 23.
Betty Clephane, "Letter to 'Dear Brother', 1757." NAS, GD125-22-2, pp. 5-7.
© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.
Last updated 22 August 2021.
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