Saturday, May 27, 2017


One question most often asked by genealogists is where they can obtain a roster of soldiers recruited in Scotland, who served with Fraser's Highlanders (originally numbered 2nd Highland Battalion) during the Seven Years' War, 1757-63.

At the outset, the chances of identifying your ancestor as a soldier from the regiment are slim but not entirely impossible. Officer's biographies are much more common and often contain genealogical data that we're able to connect with, whereas the scarcity of records for non-commissioned officers (serjeants, corporals, and private soldiers) makes identification more difficult. And it's because of the latter that we are often forced to seek additional records for clues.

In the case of our ancestor, Alexander William Campbell (sp. Marie Josephte Chartier), the clue came in the form of a private bill of sale William had notarized in Saint Vallier, Quebec, Canada, in 1793, 32 years after the conclusion of the war. Located within the original instrument from 1761 was an official endorsement from Jacques [James] Abercrombie, Major, 78 Regt. Researchers for well over 100 years had speculated he was a private soldier from the regiment based on oral family history, and it was not until early 2017 that we would finally uncover the proof buried in old notarial records located at Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.

This is just one example of the need to look past standard military and regimental records available in potentially identifying your relative. It also underscores the value of careful and thorough research and documentation in tracing that elusive ancestor who may have originally been recruited in Scotland, and later settled in Canada after the disbandment of the old 78th Regiment or returned home in 1763.

A word of caution! 

Evidence exists that a very small percentage of augments from North America may have supplemented the regiment as losses were incurred during the conflict, though most likely extremely low in numbers. Therefore, as previously mentioned, careful research and due diligence is required in ensuring your soldier was of Scottish or American ancestry.

It's worth mentioning, we have compiled a list of about 332 original soldiers of Colonel Fraser's Second Highland Battalion, including civilian recruiters, and documented their birthplaces and potential recruiting locations throughout the country according to existing available documents. You're welcome to contact us with any enquiries you may have.

Introduction to Recruitment in the Second Highland Battalion

Enlistment Requirements
Specific requirements for enlistment were laid out by the British Government in the official Recruiting Act, 1756-57 as follows.

“...Provided always, that no person shall be inlisted by the said Commissioners by virtue of the Act, who is not such Able-bodied Man as is fit to serve his Majesty, and is free from Ruptures and every other Distemper, or bodily Weakness or Infirmity, which may render him unfoit to perform the Duty of a Soldier; and that no Man be inlisted for his Majesty’s Service by virtue of this Act, who shall appear in the Opinion of the Commissioners, or Officer or Officers appointed to receive the impressed Men, to be under the Age of Seventeen years, or above the Age of forty five years, or a known Papist, or who shall be under the Size of five feet four inches without Shoes.” And while no evidence has been uncovered requiring Scottish Highlanders' swear to their religious affiliations, evidence is available to support the signing of religious certificates for some British and Irish troops of the same time period.

As Colonel Fraser's Regiment was considered “raise for rank” (in order to earn a commission one must have produced the required amount of recruits), it was incumbent that every officer contributed to the successful recruitment goal of “100 able-bodied men” per Company by any and all means necessary.

Colonel Fraser's Instructions to Major Clephane
Recruiting instructions provided to Major James Clephane, the colonel's second-in-command, read as follows.

“You are herby directed by virtue of a Beating Order herewith transmitted to you, to raise One Hundred able bodied Men, with the Assistance of the three Officers appointed to your Company. You are to take Men of any Size who are fit for Service and of any Age from Eighteen to Forty.

When you have Twenty Men or upwards raised for your Company you are directed to send them to either Inverness, Maryburgh, Dunkeld, or other hidden Lores or Distempers; You are to report once a Week to Colonel Fraser or the Commanding Officer of Inverness what success you and your Officers have in the recruiting Service.

You are to give the Subaltern Officers appointed to your Company what money you think proper to carry on the Service; and you are to be accountable to the Regiment for the different sums which will be drawn for upon account of your Company when it is completed for each man sent and approved of at head Quarters. You shall receive three pounds sterling with parss from the date of his attestation.”

Given At London the 13th of January 1757

[signed] Simon Fraser

Enlistment Contracts
Located in Major Clephane's papers housed at the National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh, are two original enlistment contracts. Although the handwritten penmanship differs across the two documents, verbiage remains the same, with four fill-in-the-blank spaces allotted for the recruits' name, birth city and county, and age. The documents read:

These do certify that [           ] Born in the Parish of [          ]
County of [          ] Aged [          ] Years came before
me and declar'd that he had Voluntarly and of his own free will
enlisted himself to serve his Majesty King George as a Soldier
in Major James Clephane's Company of Lieut Colonel Fraser's
Second Battalion of Highlanders: that he had received the 
enlisting Money agreed on, and had no impediment to Render
him unfit for the Service. Accordingly he had the Articles
of War Read to him, and took the Oath to Majesty as by Law

Interestingly Betty Clephane, the major's sister and wife of the chief of clan Rose, who was instrumental in the recruiting process, explained in a letter written to her other sibling Doctor John Clephane the filling out of attestation papers for the new recruits. Speaking about her husband she wrote: "...I see Mr. Rose writes you that he has left me his peaper [sic, paper] to fill, but least I shoud [sic] have subject for more than he gives..." And in a separate letter, she mentions her daughter Betty, who is also contributing to the cause. "...For I declare we work wonders Mr. Roses Brother Lewis is our first clerk: and my babes is not idle [...] brings in Recruits and Betty is a writer of atestations [sic]." [NRS, GD125/22/2/00063-66 & GD125/22/2/00054-57]. 

Clearly, this was an 'all hands on deck' approach by the major, with the assistance of his family and friends throughout the recruiting process, as the regiment was on a stringent timeline to set sail for North America.

Recruits at Dundee in Major Clephane's Company
If your ancestor was recruited to the company commanded by Major Clephane, who hired a crimp (professional recruiter) named John Strachan to recruit near Dundee, Scotland, some of these papers have been preserved and show the names of recruits, age, birthplace, occupation, etc., as follows.

1. Alexander Bell, 19 years, 5'3" enlisted in Dundee 18 February 1757, born in Kirriemuir, Angus, a laborer, fresh complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, round visage.

2. Alexander Findlay, 17 years, 5'3" enlisted in Dundee 19 February 1757, born in Monifieth, Angus, a laborer, swarthy complexion, black eyes, black hair, round visage.

3. Peter Moody, 17 years, 5'1" enlisted in Dundee 20 February 1757, born in Glamis, Angus, a laborer, fresh complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, long visage.

4. William McKenzie, 17 years, 5'2", enlisted in Dundee 20 February 1757, born in Kingoldrum, Angus, a weaver, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, long visage.

5. William Fife, 18 years, 5'2" enlisted in Dundee 21 February 1757, born in Kirriemuir, Angus, a weaver, fresh complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, long visage.

6. George Wright, 21 years, 5'5" enlisted in Forfar 24 February 1757, born in Ruthven, Angus, a laborer, florid complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes, round visage.

7. David Morris, 24 years, 5'3" enlisted in Perth 4 March 1757, born in Drone, Perth, a laborer, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, long visage.

8. Peter Robb, 17 years, 5'3", enlisted in Careston 8 March 1757, born in Glamis, Angus, a laborer, fresh complexion, black hair, hazel eyes, long visage.

9. Angus Laird, 17 years, 5'3", enlisted in Dundee 10 March 1757, born in Clunie, Perth, a laborer, fresh complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, long visage.

10. John Molyson, 18 years, 5'4", enlisted in Dundee 15 March 1757, born in Fethers, Mearns, a laborer, pale complexion, brown hair, grey eyes, long visage.

11. George Gordon, ........, 5'2", enlisted in Dundee 17 March 1757, born in Kintore, Aberdeen, a laborer, pale complexion, flaxen hair, .........

Note: A recruit named David Ross (not listed) was discharged at Dundee on 1 March 1757 for "having fitts." Unfortunately, there are no further details available for this soldier.

Recruiting Expenses
In December 1757, Lord Loudoun sent orders to New York for the regiment to prepare an official account of all initial recruiting expenses, "with all expedition possible," stating the particular sum paid for each recruit as levy money and subsistence from the dates of their attestations to 24 April 1757. Captain John Campbell was assigned this task and immediately departed for Connecticut on 11 December where the remainder of the regiment was garrisoned.

Arriving three days later, Captain Campbell distributed orders to the company officers requesting expenses. The following is the detailed report that was prepared and submitted by the captain about 14 December 1757.

Note: Minor formatting changes including category headers and bracketed text has been added for clarification and do not appear in the original document.

Second Highland Battalion Recruiting Expenses, 1756-57

[a] Levy Money for 1000 Private: £3000
[a] Muster given in Aid from 25th October till 24th Decr.: £1769

[b] Subst. of the 10 Companies Consisting of 40 Sergts. 40 Corpl.
20 Drums & 1000 private men from 25 Decbr. 1756 to 24 April 1757: £3509

[c] 182 days Subst. to 20 Warrant men from 25th October 1756 to 24th April 1757 as a Recruiting Fund: £91

Sub total: £8369

[d] From the above Deduct the Non Effectives of the 10 Companies as p. accot.: £669.10.5

Total: £7899.9.7

[a] 1890 at £3 Each: £5670
[a] 40 Drafts at £5 each: £200

[b] Subst. of the above till 24 April: £3400

[c] other Regimental Expenses: £400

Debt Remains: £9670
Credit Subtracted: £7899.9.7

Debt owing by the Regiment preceeding the 24th of April 1757:

Total: £1770.10.5

[a] Levy money
[b] Subsistence
[c] Recruiting fund/additional expenses
[d] Deductions

Note: Warrant men were fictitious persons found in most British regimental accounting books whose pay was distributed among widows of the officers; incidental expenses such as reimbursing the colonel for deserters' clothing; excess recruiting expenses, and for the personal use of the colonel and the regimental agent.

Soldiers' Documents
The United Kingdom war documents are primarily kept at the National Archives in Kew, Richmond, Surrey; however, very few original recruitment records for Colonel Fraser's Regiment are in existence. The National Archives has acquired transcript extract of warrants relating to the formation of the 2nd Highland Battalion in 1757, and this material is available on microfilm reel C-10866. Additionally, the National Army Museum may be able to provide information about obtaining records, if available.


Major James Clephane. "Size Roll of Clephane’s Recruits." Elizabeth Rose Family papers. GD125/22/16(15), National Archives Scotland.

Fraser, Simon. “Letter to Major James Clephane, 13 January 1757.” Papers of the Rose Family of Kilravock. NAS, GD125/22/16/6.

Clephane. "Second Highland Battalion Enlistment Contract, 1757." GD125/22/16/14/1, National Archives Scotland.

Quebec Notarial Records. "William Campbell's bill of sale." Fonds Cour Supérieure. District judiciaire de Montmagny. Cote CN302. Greffes de notaires, 1709-1953. Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Captain John Campbell, "Second Highland Battalion Recruiting Expenses, 1757." GD125/22/17(16), National Archives Scotland.

John Strachan, "Descriptive roll of men raised for Clephane at Dundee by John Strachan." GD125/22/16/18, National Archives Scotland.

Marie Fraser, "Fraser's Highlanders (the 78th), 1763." Clan Fraser Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2001.

Recruiting Act, 1756-57, 30 Geo. 2, cap. 8, 1757.

William Congreve to Wilmot. "Letter indicating not one of the recruits were papists or had falsely signed the religious certificates," 10 March 1757. PRO Ireland, T3019/3122.

© Jeffrey Campbell, The 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.

Last updated 22 August 2021.

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Land Petitions

Be sure to explore Colonial New York Land Surveys as some of these same names will appear in both areas. Additionally, we've also included a few extra land petitioners from the 78th Regiment dated in 1802.

There are 3 steps involved with Land Grants:
  • Land petitions
  • Land allotments
  • Letters patents
1. Land Petitions
When New France became a British colony in 1763, a new land system was introduced. Lands were granted as part of townships in areas not already seigneury lands. Many early settlers, both military and civilian, submitted petitions to the Governor to obtain Crown land.

2. Land Allotments
If approved, the petitioner would obtain land on which to settle and work. Full ownership was often contingent on certain conditions being met, such as clearing, building, etc.  Authorities wanted to make sure that people actually settled the land and established themselves: colonization was the primary goal.

3. Letters Patent [Lands Granted]
Once the conditions were satisfied, the Government issued a Letter Patent, representing the final confirmation of a land grant. The two volume publication showing the successful land grants, List of Lands Granted by the Crown in the Province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December1890, is available at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah or remotely using their online catalog.

There is, in the archives of the Registrar's Department in Quebec, Canada, no trace or rather no registration of the land grants which may have been made under the original issuing instructions at the conclusion of the war in 1763. According to these instructions, all Crown lands were to be granted in free tenure and without any other condition than the reservation of the right of the Crown to resume possession of the whole or part of the land granted in the event of its being required for military purposes.

The newly formed government limited the extent of military concessions as follows:

Staff Officers: 5,000 acres
Captains: 3,000 acres
Subalterns: 2,000 acres
Non-commissioned officers: 200 acres
Private men: 50 acres

1762 Petitions

Apr. 27: Joseph Bouchette [1774-1841], in his Topographical Description of Lower Canada, says that the seigniories of Malbaie and Mount Murray were granted on 27 April 1762 to Captain John Nairn and Lieutenant Malcolm Fraser, two officers of the 78th Regiment. We were able to locate both of these concessions in the Department.

1765 Petitions

Mar. 15: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 15 March 1765, 12 serjeants were listed; two in the 2nd Battalion 60th Royal American Regiment, and 10 in the 78th Regiment as follows:

"The Petition of Alexander Simpson and John McLone late Serjeants in the 2nd Battalion of the 60th Regiment, James Thompson, Hugh Tulloch, William Gunn, James McDonell, John Fraser, James Sinclair, Alexander Ferguson, Alexander Lieth, Lachlan Smith and Donald Fraser late Serjeants in the 78th Regiment."

This petition shows that of the 10 serjeants in the 78th Regiment, two were not among those previously listed; namely, Alexander Leith and Lauchlin Smith, the latter becoming the future father-in-law of Joseph Fraser, son of Lieutenant Malcolm Fraser of Mount Murray [1733-1815].

May 14: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 14 May 1765, Malcolm Fraser, late serjeant in the 78th Regiment, and entitled to two hundred acres of land, filed his paperwork with the Quebec Government. No location for the proposed property is mentioned; however, it is suggested the grant be tied together with 'the twelve reduced serjeants that have already petitioned.' This remark to reference land petition dated at 15 March 1765.

May 19: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 19 May 1765, one corporal and 22 private soldiers are listed as having served with the 78th Regiment as follows:

"The Petition of Donald McKenivan*, late Corporal, James Campbell, Edward Davidson, Thomas Davidson, George McAdam, Donald Clark, John Grant, Alex`r Cormac, John Chisolm, Alexander McDonald, Ranald McDonald, Alexander McNab, Thomas Cameron [1], Thomas Cameron [2], John Robie, Alexander Fraser, Angus McDonald, Duncan McCraw, James Forbes, Finlay Munro, Willm McNabb, Murdoch McPherson, Willm McKenzie, late Private Soldiers in the 78th Regiment, and William Campbell late Private in the 47th Regt." 

*Most likely Corporal Donald McKinnon.

Albeit seven of these men are listed on the regiment's Subsistence Rolls in 1763, they were not among those previously listed as having been discharged in Canada in 1763; namely, Donald Clark, Alexander McDonald, Alexander McNabb, Angus McDonald, Duncan McCraw, William McNabb, Finlay Munro; and four additional men were not among those previously listed as having served in the 78th; those being John Grant, Thomas Cameron, John Robie, and William McKenzie.

Note: Of the two soldiers named Thomas Cameron, one served on the 78th Foot (his spouse is Marie Francoise Roy), while the second soldier's military regiment is unknown.

May 31: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 31 May 1765, the petition of Alexander McArthur and John Simson, late Private Soldiers in His Majesty's 78th Regiment of Foot. Alexander McArthur appears in Captain Archibald Campbell's Company, and John Simpson in the Colonel's Company when the regiment disbanded in 1763. Private men were entitled to 50 acres of land.

June 1: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 1 Jun 1765, the Petition of Donald Williamson, late Private in the 78th Regiment, John Valance - late Serjeant, John Thomas, Francis Anderson, John Lee, and Joseph Thompson, late Private in the 2d Battalion Royal American Regiment, Mackrick Sears, James Turner and Michael OBryean, late Private in the 47th Regiment.

Jul. 25: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 25 Jul 1765, James Abercrombie, Major, 78th Regt., petitions the Honorable James Murray, Governor of the Province of Quebec, for five thousand acres of land in "any of the Colonies in North America."

Nov. 20: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 20 Nov 1765, Peter Stuart and Donald McDonald petition the government for land located in the Bay of Chaleur, a familiar area for grant approval. Stuart's name appears twice as fighting on the Plains of Abraham, both in the 78th Regiment, and Donald McDonald's name appears in both the 78th Regiment [numerous instances] and also the 2nd Battalion of the 60th Royal American Regiment.

1766 Petitions

Four additional soldiers from the 78th Regiment: Alexander McNab, James McKenzy, Duncan Mcray, and Murdoc Morrison, petition the Crown in this 1766 document. Two of these men - namely, Alexander McNab and Duncan Mcray [or Mcraw,] appear in the May 1765 petition. McNabb, McKenzey, and Morrison appear to be recently discharged soldiers from the 15th Foot.

Aug. 18: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 18 Aug 1766, the Petition of Donald Mackay and John Anderson, discharged soldiers in the 78th Regiment.

Aug. 23: Petition of Donald Mackay, a discharged soldier in the 78th Regiment.

Aug. 27: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 27 Aug 1766, Mr. Alex`r Mackay late Serjeant of the 78th Regt. present at Berthier, petitioned for his lands at the Bay of Challour, has given a toleration to Mr. James Thomson Town Sargeant to draw for him not being himself present. This is most likely Alexander McKay, Serjeant, in Capt. Hugh Fraser's Company when the regiment disbanded in 1763.

Jul. 30: In a land petition, dated at Quebec 30 July 1768, Ranald MacDonell, late discharged soldier from the 78th and 15th Regiments of Foot, is listed in the Department as filing with the Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Quebec. There were many soldiers from the 47th and 78th Regiments that transferred to the 15th Regiment at the conclusion of the war in 1763, electing to stand guard on the province through 1768.

1787 Petition

May 20: To His Excellency Frederick Haldemand Esq. Captain General and Commander in Chief of His Majestys Province of Quebec, Vice Admiral of the same:

The humble petition of George GEDDES of Piercie Sheweth

Quebec 20 May 1787 George Geddes [signature]
To Jenkin Williams Esq.

Witness David Miles Clerk of the Council

1800 Petition

Jul. 8: Petition of John Ross of Maskinonge in the District of Three Rivers. That he served as a corporal in His Majesty's 78th Regiment commanded by Colonel Fraser at the Siege of Louisbourg and conquest of Canada in 1759 and 1760. That the petitioner is in an advanced state of age and has a wife and twelve children.

Quebec National Archives. Land Petitions of Lower Canada, 1764-1841.

Fraser, Marie. Muster Rolls of the Old 78th Fraser Highlanders. Clan Fraser Society, 2017.

QFHS. Quebec Land Grants. May 2017.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

Updated 29 May 2021

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Levy Money for the 2nd Highland Battalion, or Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 1757

A levy is a military force raised ["levied"] in a particular manner. Typically this means units raised by conscription, but not always. In the British Empire, levies were units raised by local officials for local tasks; however, in the instance of the 2nd Highland Battalion, the unit was raised specifically for service in North America. Many of the soldiers who chose to enlist in Fraser's Highlanders did so for the money; some were initial recruits, others veterans of earlier service and wars. 


War Office 13 January 1757 

My Lord & Sir. His Majesty Having been pleased to order two Highland Battalions of Foot to be forthwith raised and sent to North America each Battalion to consist of 40 Serjeants 40 Corporals 20 Drummers and 1000 Private Men besides Commission Officers (their Establishment to commence from the 23rd Dec`r last incl and to Allow three pounds per man Levy Money I have the Honour to Acquaint you therewith) that you may be pleased to lay a Memorial before the Rt. Humble the Lords Commissioners of his Maty`s Treasure for the Money wanting for this service. 

                                                                                         I am
                                                                                         My Lord & Sir

Lord Visc`t Dupplin
                                        Paymaster Gen`l
& Tho`s Potter Esqr

Note: Thomas Hay, 9th Earl of Kinnoull, styled Viscount Dupplin, served as Paymaster of the Forces, from 1755 until 1757.

Lord Barrington, "Letter to William Pitt, Secretary at War." LAC, War Office Records: Out Letters: Secretary at War. General Letters, Dec. 1756 - Apr. 1757. W.O. 4, vol. 53.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017. 

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Early Newspaper Accounts for the 78th Regiment [2nd Highland Battalion]

In the English-speaking world, the earliest predecessors of the newspaper were corantos, or small news pamphlets produced only when some event worthy of notice occurred. The first successively published title was The Weekly Newes of 1622. It was followed in the 1640s and 1650s by a plethora of different titles in the similar newsbook form. The first true newspaper in English was the London Gazette of 1666. For a generation, it was the only officially sanctioned newspaper, though many periodical titles were in print by century's end.

While the following 18th-century newspaper extracts encompass the activities surrounding Colonel Fraser's 78th Regiment primarily in North America, the reader will also encounter snippets of the Second Highland Battalion and 63rd Regiment, both recognized during the early formation of the battalion in Scotland. Additionally included is the occasional reference to Lord Murray's 42nd Foot and Colonel Montgomery's 77th Foot, as we discover snippets that capture our interest.

Understanding the newspaper extracts:

The following newspaper title and information details an article republished by The Derby Mercury, Friday, 6 January 1764, from an article originally published in Charles Town, South Carolina, Nov. 5 [1763].

The Derby Mercury
Friday, 6 January 1764
Charles Town, South-Carolina, Nov. 5

1756 Newspaper Extracts

The Derby Mercury
From Friday November 12, to Friday November 19, 1756.
Edinburgh, Nov. 4.
The Right Hon. Lord George Beauclerk, who arrived in Town on Monday last, has taken upon him the Command in Chief of his Majesty's Forces in Scotland, in the Room of General Holmes, who set out the same Day for London.

The Sussex Weekly Advertiser, or, Lewes Journal
Monday, November 29, 1756. No. 544.
London. Nov. 23.
The last Express from Lord Loudon contains no request of being Recalled, but he therein desires a Reinforcement of 5000 Men at least, which he recommends to be raised in the Highlands of Scotland, and to be accoutred in their Manner, the English Marching Regiments not being so capable of bearing the Fatigue of frequent Journeys in that Country; he also desires a Draught from the Train of Artillery, with some small travelling Cannon; which Request, we hear, is ordered to be complied with forthwith.

Jackson's Oxford Journal
Saturday, November 27, 1756. Numb. 187.
It is said that Lord Loudoun has desired a Reinforcement of 5000 Men at least, whom he recommends to be accoutred in the manner of the Highland Regiment.

The Derby Mercury
Friday, December 24, 1756
London, December 25
Two Battalions of 1500 Men each, are going to be raised in the Highlands of Scotland, to be commanded by Col. John Campbell, and are to be sent to America. Major Montgomery and Major M'Kaye are to be Lieutenant Colonels of the Battalions.

Note: The original nod to command the Second Highland Battalion went to Major John Mckay, 5th Regiment of Foot. However, most likely due to declining health, he removed himself from consideration after the original publishing of this article. He died in late-1757.

1757 Newspaper Extracts

Schofields Middlewich Journal, or Cheshire Advertiser
January 4, 1757. [NUMB 27.]
The two Regiments raising in the Highlands are to consist of 1000 Men each, to be commanded by Col. Fraser, Son of the late Lord Lovat, and Major Montgomery, Brother to the Earl of Eglington. No Lowlanders to be received into these Regiments, but are to be raised from the following Clans, viz. the Campbell's, the Mackenzie's, the Frazer's, the Macdonald's and the Grants.

London Gazette
From Tuesday, January, 18, 1757, to Saturday, January 22, 1757. NUMB. 9654
Whitehall, United Kingdom, January 22. 
His Majesty has been graciously pleased to appoint Gentlemen to be Officers in the Second Highland Battalion of Foot to be forthwith raised for His Majesty's Service.

Simon Fraser, Esq; Lieutenant Colonel Commandant.
Esqrs. Majors:
James Clephane
John Campbell

Esqrs. Captains:
Thomas Fraser
John McPherson
John Campbell
Simon Fraser
Donald McDonald
John McDonnell
Charles Baillie

J. Crawford Walkinshaw, Captain Lieutenant.

John Fraser
Archibald McDonald
Simon Fraser
Ronald McDonald
John McDougal
Charles McDonnell
Simon Fraser
Hector McDonald
Hugh Cameron
Simon Fraser
William McDonald
[.....] McToth
John Murray
Rory McNeil
Alexander Fraser
Archibald Campbell
Donald Mac Lean
James Fraser
Alexander Mac Leod

Simon Fraser
Archibald McAllister
William Fraser
James Fraser
Allan Stuart
Evan Cameron
Lachlan McLachlan
[.....] Chisholme
John Fraser

Staff Officers:
[.....], Chaplain
John McLean, Surgeon
[.....], Adjutant
[.....], Quarter Master

The Public Advertiser 
Monday, January 24, 1757
We hear that Frazer's Battalion of Highlanders is near compleated, and the other in great Forwardness.

London Read Weekly, or British Gazetteer
Saturday, January 29, 1757. NÂş 39010
To expedite the raising of the two Highland Battalions of foot to be sent to North America, we hear, that the Captain of each company has undertaken to raise fifty men; the two Lieutenants twenty men each, and the Ensign ten; by which means each company will be complete in six weeks from the date of their commissions, and are to make together a body of 2000 men. The two battalions to be raised in the Highlands are to be in the Highland dress, both officers and men.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
Saturday, January 29, 1757
Edinburgh, January 24
We hear that 4000 Ton of shipping is contracted for at London, in order to transport to America the two Highland Regiments, to be raised under the Command of Colonels Frazer and Montgomery, and that Orders are come to Glasgow for getting ready 2200 Pair of Shoes for them with all Expedition.

Schofields Middlewich Journal, or Cheshire Advertiser
Tuesday, February 1, 1757. [NUMB. 31]
A Bill is depending for the better recruiting his Majesty's Army ; in which there is a Clause for giving Three Pounds Bounty to every Man who voluntarily enters, and discharging them after three Years Service.

The Public Advertiser
Thursday, February 3, 1757
Glasgow, Jan. 24. 
On Wednesday an Order was received from London, to provide 2400 pairs of shoes and also Shoulder-Belts for the two Highland Regiments now raising.

London Read Weekly, or British Gazetteer
Friday, February 11, 1757
On Saturday a great number of Scots men out of the guards, and inlisted here for the two battalions of Highlanders now raising, were review'd by their officers in their proper uniform.

Schofields Middlewich Journal : Cheshire Advertiser
Tuesday, February 22, 1757
Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, dated Feb. 8. We are assured that most of the Commissioners appointed by the Recruiting Act in Scotland have exerted themselves with a most laudable Spirit and Dispatch, for his Majesty's Service, in raising the necessary Supplies of good and able Men to compleat the new Levies, and that with the greatest Care and Attention, for the Ease and Welfare of his Majesty's Subjects. That the City of Edinburgh, and the Shires of Air, Renfrew, Kirkoudbright, Selkirk, Wigton, Dumbarton, Linlithgow, Cromarty, Nairn, Bamff, Aberdeen, Kincardine, Forfar, Fife, and Clackmannan, have already sent in their full Compliments: That the City of Edinburgh, and the Shire of Air, Renfrew, Dumbarton, Forfar, Fife, Kincardine, Aberdeen, and Cromarty, have also added some more Men to their Numbers, and are still continuing to exert themselves on the Service of their King and Country, by turning over from time to time, proper Men for Soldiers: that the Shires of Edinburgh, Perth, Dumfries, Rofs and Elgin, want but very few to complete their respective Quotes ; and it in not in the least doubted that the other Commissioners will use their utmost Care and Diligence to furnish immediately their Numbers of young and able Men for this public and important Service. Upwards of thirteen Hundred Men have been raised in the above mentioned Counties, in the Space of three Weeks, most of whom are young, of good Size and Appearance; and the Commissioners are unanimously resolved not to harbour any of them who shall desert, but to seize and return them immediately to their respective Corps. Many men have also inlisted voluntarily in the said Counties to avoid being impressed.

They write from Edinburgh, that the levying of the new Highland Battalions goes on successfully in the North, and particularly that the Munro Company [Col. Montgomery's Regt.] was compleated in about 10 Days.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
Saturday, February 26, 1757
Edinburgh, February 19
We hear from Glasgow, that on Monday Se'ennight, about 90 recruits inlisted there for Col. Fraser's Highland Battalion, marched for Dunkeld. And on Saturday 60 Recruits for Col. Montgomery's Battalion, marched for Crieff to be reviewed.

Note: In a letter from Lord Breadalbane to John Campbell of Barcaldine dated London, "19 Feby.  1757," Breadalbane asked, "...I heard it said a fortnight ago that Major Clephane had raised 70 men in four days: and that Capt. Campbell (brother of Capt. Dougal) had got 70 men in Glasgow. I am curious to know if this is true; the Capt. Campbell, brother of Capt. Dougal, mentioned may be Captain John C. of Ballimore, appointed to the same regiment [Fraser's Highlanders]. [Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness. Vol. XXIII, 1898-99, p. 43-4]; se'ennight: an archaic term meaning one week.

Considering Major James Clephane's men were primarily recruited in the Highlands, these (potenitally) 70 to 90 men enlisted at Glasgow would have been recruited for Capt. John Campbell's Company in the then-Second Highland Battalion.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant 
Saturday, March 5, 1757
Tuesday 30 more Highlanders, Volunteers from the third Regiment of Foot Guards, passed through this Town, in the way to join Col. Frazier's Battalion at Inverness.

London Read Weekly, or British Gazeteer
March 19, 1757
Edinburgh, March 5
We are assured from the North, that Col. Montgomery's battalion of Highlanders, consisting of 1000 men are completely levied.

The Public Advertiser
Friday, March 25, 1757. NUMB. 6093
The Recruits quartered about Town belonging to the Highland Battalions are ordered to march in order to embark.

London Read Weekly, or British Gazeteer
Saturday, March 26, 1757. NÂş 3918
Edinburgh, March 17. 
On the 2d instant marched from Aberdeen for Inverness, [being head quarters] the first detachment of Capt. Simon Fraser's company [in the second battalion of Col. Fraser's Highland Regiment] consisting of eighty two; the remainder forty eight, are kept in the country on the recruiting business, in all, one hundred and thirty. They are all well made fellow, mostly Highlanders and speak the Irish language; and were all raised and enlisted in the space of five weeks.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette
April 14, 1757
London, Jan. 22.
We hear that Fraser's Battalion of Highlanders is near compleated, and the others in great forwardness.
The two Battalions to be raised in the Highlands are to be in the Highland Dress, both Officers and Men.

Newcastle Courant
Saturday, 16 April 1757
Edinburgh, April 7.
The write from Glasgow, that two Companies of Colonel Montgomery's Highland Battalion arrived there on Friday, and two Companies of Colonel Frazer's on Saturday.

The Evening Advertiser
From Thursday, April 21, to Saturday, April 23, 1757. No. 88
The two regiments of highlanders, which are now compleat, are ordered to march to Port Patrick in Scotland, and from thence to embark for Ireland, where they are to march thro' the whole kingdom to Cork, which march it is supposed will be compleated in about 14 days.

The Belfast News-Letter, And General Advertiser
Tuesday, May 3, 1757. NUMB ?
Scotland [Extract of a letter from Invernettie, April 12].
That the march of the two battalions of Highlanders may be no burthen to the country through which they are to march in their way to Port Patrick, orders have been given for preparing a quantity of biscuit &c. sufficient to serve them for ten days.

Note: Captain Rickson was later reimbursed £144 for providing oatmeal and cheese for the two battalions of Highlanders & Genl. Anstruther's Regiment. [Georgian Military Papers Online, Army estimates and accounts, 1742-1757. Royal Collection Trust, GEO/ADD/35/8, p. 205]; In 1757, Captain Rickson was Deputy Quarter-Master-General of Scotland, at Edinburgh.

The General Evening Post
From Saturday April 2, to Tuesday, April 5, 1757. No. 3627
London, April 2
Orders are dispatched to the North, for the two Battalions of Highlanders immediately to march to Port Patrick, from whence they are to proceed with all Expedition to Corke, in order to embark for America. Tis said each of the Battalions have about 200 Men above their Compliment.

London Evening-Post
From Saturday, April 9, 1757, to Tuesday, April 12, 1757. NUMB. 4591
Dublin, April 2
The two Highland Battalions raised in Scotland, are to land at Donaghadee, and marched from thence to Corke, to embark with other Forces for America.
We hear the Regiments commanded by Lieut. Gen. Phillip Anstruther, Major Gen. John Folliot, and Col. Yorke, are to embark from Scotland for this Kingdom, and land at Donaghadee; and that Maj. Gen. Lambton's and Col. Anstruther's Regiments are to be sent from England to land at Corke, to replace the Forces order'd to America.

London Read Weekly Journal or British Gazeteer
Saturday, April 9, 1757. NÂş 3920
Admirality Office. April 5
Orders are dispatched to the north for the two battalions of Highlanders immediately to march to Port Patrick, from whence they are to proceed with all expedition to Cork, in order to embark to America. 'Tis faid each of the battalions have about 200 men above their compliment.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
Saturday, April 16, 1757
Edinburgh, April 7
They write from Glasgow, that two Companies of Colonel Montgomery's Highland Battalion arrived there on Friday and two companies of Colonel Frazer's on Saturday.

The Public Advertiser
Thursday, April 21, 1757. NUMB. 7016
Edinburgh, April 14. 
The Remainder of the two Highland Battalions will be at Glasgow this week where they are to be review'd in their Uniforms on Wednesday next, immediately after which they will proceed to Port Patrick, in their way to Cork.

The Derby Mercury
Friday, April 22, 1757
Extract of a Letter from Invernettie, April 12.
The two Regiments of Highlanders, which are now compleat, are ordered to march to Port Patrick in Scotland, and from thence to embark for Ireland, where they are to march thro' the whole Kingdom to Cork, which March it is supposed will be compleated in about fourteen Days.

Pue's Occurrences
Saturday, 23 April 1757
Belfast, April 22.
We hear that the two new raised Highland Battalions, consisting of 2500 Men, are now in Glasgow receiving their new Cloathing, and will be at Portpatrick in ten Days, to embark for Donnaghadee on their Way to Cork.

The Evening Advertiser
Thursday, April 28, 1757. No. 91
Dublin, April 23. 
Last Monday two officers set out for Donaghadee, in order to conduct the two highland battalions to Cork for embarkation.

Scots Magazine, Vol. 19 
May, ?, 1757
Cols. Montgomery and Fraser's two new-raised highland battalions were mustered at Glasgow April 26. & 29. by the Hon. Charles Hope-Weir. Both were complete, and they had discharged several supernumerary men. They soon after went to Ireland.

Note: Charles Hope-Weir (Linlithgowshire) was a member of Scottish Parliament, and held the office of Muster-master General of Scottish land forces from 1744-1759.

The Derby Mercury
May 6, 1757
Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, May 5.
The transports from the Downs are to take on board Lambton's Regiment for Ireland, and from thence are to go to America with the Highland Battalions, under convoy of the Windsor, Capt. Faulkner. They are now ordered, by Express, to wait to go down the Channel with Admiral Osbourne's Fleet, who will sail about Saturday.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
Saturday, May 7, 1757
Edinburgh, May 3
They write from Glasgow, that on Tuesday last arrived there the Hon. Charles Hope Weir, Esq. and mustered the first Battalion of Highlanders, commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Montgomery; and next Day mustered the second Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant-colonel Fraser. And that the first Battalion, consisting of 1100 Men, has since marched from thence in order to embark for Ireland.

The Public Advertiser
Saturday, May 7, 1757. NUMB 7030
Edinburgh, April 30. 
Thursday, the 2d Battalion of Highlanders, commanded by Col. Montgomery, marched from Glasgow to Port-Patrick, in order to embark for Ireland. Colonel Frazer's Battalion will march Next week.

The Belfast News-Letter, and General Advertiser
Tuesday, May 17, 1757
Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, dated May 5.
The transports from the Downs are to take on board Lambton's regiment for Ireland, and from thence are to go to America with the Highland battalions under convoy of the Windsor, captain Faulkner. They are now ordered, by express, to wait to go down the channel with admiral Osborne's fleet, who will sail about Saturday. 

The Belfast News-Letter, and General Advertiser
Friday, May 20, 1757. NUMB 2063
London, May 10
Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, May 8.
This morning got under sail, and are now going for Ireland, the Windson, capt. Faulkner, with the transports, having Lambton's regiment on board for Cork, who were embarked yesterday morning; after that regiment is landed, the transports are to take on board the Scotch battalions, and proceed to America under convoy of the Windsor.

Belfast [n.d]
Tuesday Night the Highland Battalion, consisting of 1100 men, commanded by the Hon. Col. Simon Fraser, arrived here: Two Companies whereof march'd forward today, and two Companies will proceed To-morrow.
On Monday last, while part of the above Battalion were at Donaghadee, a Fire broke out there and consumed four Houses, and in all probability the whole Town wou'd have been destroyed, but for the Alertness of the Grenadier Company. A woman, whose House was burned, in endeavouring to recover part of her Goods, perished in the Flames.

Note: The Regiment arrived at Belfast, Tuesday, May 17, 1757, and the fire at Donaghadee occurred the day prior.

Dublin, May 17
Early Yesterday Morning Col. Montgomery's Division of the new-raised Highland Battalion set out for Corke.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
Saturday, May 21, 1757
Edinburgh, May 16
Colonel Montgomery's Battalion of Highlanders are all safe arrived at Belfast in Ireland. Colonel Fraser's Battalion of Highlanders marched last Tuesday for Ireland.

Maryland Gazette
May 26, 1757
Dublin, March 19
The two Highland Battalions raised in Scotland are to land at Donaghadee, and march from thence to Cork, to embark with the other Forces for America.

Pue's Occurences
Saturday, May 28, 1757
The First Division of the Lord Lovat's new-raised Highland Battalion, arrived here in their Way to Cork. Seven of the Men who deserted in the North, were brought to Town and lodged in the Provost Marshalsea.

Sunday, May 29, 1757
Two Companies more of Lord Lovat's Highland Battalion arrived in Town.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
Thursday, June 9, 1757
Dublin, April 5
We are assured, that the two Highland Regiments, raised in Scotland, are to embark at Portpatrick, and land at Donaghadee, and march from thence to Cork, in order for Embarkation to North America.

A large Sum of Money, escorted by a Party of Dragoons, was sent from the Treasury to Cork, for the Payment of the several Regiments that are there, in order for Embarkation.

London Evening Post
June 11, 1757
Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 12.
Friday afternoon the Enterprize fell down to St. Hellen's with the Transports under her Convoy for Ireland. Saturday morning sailed from St. Hellens the Enterprize and Scarborough, with the Convoy, to the westward.

The Magazine of Magazines: Compiled From Original Papers
Friday, June 17, 1757
His Majesty's Ship Enterprize of 40 Guns arrived at Cork, as did the Achilles of 64 guns, Hon. Capt. Barrington at Limerick, to take under convoy the East Indiamen there.

Note: The ship Enterprize arrived at Cork from Portsmouth and would sail for Canada within two weeks, with Fraser's Highlanders on board the different transport vessels.

Pue's Occurences. Numb.50.
From Saturday June 18th, to Tuesday June 21, 1757
Dublin, Friday June 17th.
The Margaret and Elizabeth of Newsport, Glasgow, with Luggage belonging to Col. Frazer's Highland Battalion, and a Party of said Men, sailed for Cork.

The Belfast News-Letter, And General Advertiser
Friday, June 24, 1757. NUMB 2073.
Portsmouth, June 12.
The Enterprize fell down to St. Helen's, with the transports under her convoy for Ireland, in order to take the Highland regiments for America.

Cork, Ireland, June 16.
Two Highlanders received 600 lashes each, for desertion.

Note: Unable to ascertain which regiment these two men were from.

The Gentleman and London's Magazine
Thursday, June 30, 1757
Sailed from Cork his majesty's ship Falkland 50 guns for South Carolina, the Enterprize of 40 guns for Nova Scotia, and the Stork sloop of 10 guns for Jamaica, with 20 sail of transports, having on board the two Highland battalions commanded by the Cols. Montgomery and Frazer, and the West India fleet.

The Belfast News-Letter, and General Advertiser
Friday, July 1, 1757. NUMB 2075
Cork, 23 June
Tuesday evening arrived in town, col. Frazer; and on Monday and Tuesday next, the two battalions of Highlanders will embark on board the transports at Passage.

Note: Passage West is a port town in County Cork, Ireland, situated on the west bank of Cork Harbour.

The Belfast News-Letter, and General Advertiser
Tuesday, July 5, 1757. NUMB 2076
Corke, June 27.
This day the two battalions of highlanders went down the river, in order to embark for America. Forty two deserters from the regiments which lately left this place, are to embark with them.

Note: Colonel Fraser mustered 22 deserters on the passage from Europe to North America. [NAS, GD125/22/18/18].

The Belfast News-Letter, and General Advertiser
Friday, July 8, 1757. NUMB 2077
Corke, June 27.
Yesterday the Hercules privateer of Bristol put into Cove. Same day arrived at Cove his majesty's ship Unicorn of 24 guns, capt. Moore from a cruize. And this day his majesty's ships Falkland of 50 guns, Enterprize of 40, and Stork sloop of 10 guns, sailed with 20 sail of transports, and the two Highland regiments on board, bound for North America, also the trade for the West Indies under the same convoy.

Journal of Hugh Gaine
July 8, 1757
This Day by way of Philadelphia, we have advice of the sailing of the Fleet, from Cork, with 5000 Forces only instead of 9000 as was reported under Convoy of 15 Sail of the Line, 2 Frigates, 2 Bombs, 21 Storeships and Fifty-five Transports; They sailed from Cork the 8th of May. The Highland Regiments, nor the Ships from England, were not arrived at Cork, but 'twas [said?] they would soon arrive there, and Sail for America under Convoy of five Ships of the Line.

The Public Advertiser
Tuesday, July 12, 1757. Numb 7056
Corke, Ireland, June 30 
This Morning failed from Cove his Majesty's Ship Falkland for South Carolina, the Enterprise for Nova-Scotia, and the Stork Sloop for Jamaica, with 20 Sail of Transports, having two Battallions of Highlanders on board, as also the Trade for the Weft-Indies, under Convoy of the above Men of War.

The Belfast News-Letter, And General Advertiser
Friday, July 15, 1757. NUMB 2079
Corke, July 7.
Tuesday night the Trinity, capt. Davey, arrived here from Gilbraltar; she parted with the Turkey and Leghorn fleets, consisting of 26 sail, off Cape Clear, whose cargoes are valued at three million sterl. under convoy of a 60 gun and 40 gun ship, all well. She also met the fleet with the Highlanders on board, about 70 leagues south of Cape Clear, and spoke with a privateer of 18 guns, just off the stocks, and a sloop from St. Domingo, both prizes to the York man of war, who informed that the York had also taken another St. Domingo man homeward-bound, of about 800 tons, which she carried to England. When capt. Davy left Gilbraltar, admiral Osborn lay there with 12 men of war.

The Leeds Intelligencer
Tuesday, July 19, 1757
Cork, June 26
This Day his Majesty's Ship Falkland of 50 Guns, Enterprize of 40, and the Stork Sloop of 10 Guns, sailed with 20 sail of Transports, and the two Highland Regiments on board, bound for North America; and Trade for the West Indies, under the same Convoy.

The General Evening Post
Edinburgh, Tuesday, July 26, 1757
We are informed that orders are given for raising nine companies of Highlanders of 100 men each; three whereof are to be added to Lord John Murray's regiment, three to Col. Montgomery's, and three to Col. Frazer's: they are to be sent to America as soon as they can be raised. Several necessaries are preparing for them.

The Public Advertiser
Thursday, July 28, 1757. NUMB. 7100
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 21
Nine independent Companies of Highlanders are immediately to be raised, for the more speedy recruiting of Highland Battalions now in America. Several of the Officers are already appointed.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
Saturday, July 30, 1757
Edinburgh, July 26
We are assured that three Companies are to be added to each of the three Highland Battalions, and that Orders are given for getting ready Shoes for them in Glasgow.

The General Evening Post
Halifax, in Nova Scotia, August 4. On the 29th nlt. a brig arrived here, by whom we have advice, that she left the Windsor about eight days ago, having under her convoy 18 transports with 2000 Highlanders, and a prize which was bound to Canada, with 30,000 l. in specie, and worth in all 50,000 l.

Lloyd's List
Friday, August 5, 1757
The Anson Man of War, arriv'd in the Downs from the Leeward Islands, on the 5th Ult. in Lat. 42-30. Longit. 34 West from the Lizard, spoke with the Windsor Man of War and Granada Bomb, who had a prize with them, bound for Halifax, all well.

Adams's Weekly Courant (Chester Courant)
From Tuesday, August 2, to Tuesday, August 9, 1757.
From the Dublin Universal Advertiser, July 26.
Cork, July 25
Yesterday arrived here a Party of Highland Recruits to the two Regiments lately embarked: they brought in a Serjeant who had deserted from Colonel Fraser's Regiment, and carried with some Money belonging to the Company to which he belonged.

British Spy Or New Universal London Weekly Journal
August 6, 1757
Edinburgh, July 26
We are informed that Orders are given for raising nine Companies of Highlanders of 100 Men each; three whereof are to be added to Lord John Murray's Regiment, three to Col. Montgomery's, and three to Col. Frazier's : they are to be sent to America as soon as they can be raised. Several Necessaries are preparing for them.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
August 11, 1757
Dublin, May 16
Saturday last 360 Men, being the first Division of one of the new raised Highland Battalions, commanded by Colonel Montgomery, and lately landed at Donaghadee from Scotland, arrived in town on their March for Cork, in order for Embarkation. On their Arrival they marched to the Royal Square, in the Barracks, where they were drawn up before the Right Hon. the Earl of Rothes, who expressed an intire Satisfaction at the military and handsome Appearance they made. And this Day the Remainder of the Battalion is expected here to take the same Route.

Note: Collins Barracks, formerly known as the Royal Barracks, officially closed in December 1988. Construction of the Royal Square wing of the barracks commenced in 1701, with later wings (Palatine Square, Brunswick Square, Calvary Square, and Stable Square) being added. By Act of Parliament 1707, "...all officers, soldiers, troops, and companies in her Majesty's Army...shall be lodged in the barracks...instead of being accommodated in the public taverns and alehouses within the city." [ Acc: 3 September 2021].

The Maryland Gazette
August 18, 1757
New York, August 8
Yesterday Captain Sarly arrived here in 15 Days from Halifax, when the Fleet was not sailed, but lay ready. The transports taken up here and in Philadelphia, were discharged, and the Boston Vessels continued at 10 s. a Ton. As Captain Sarly came out of Halifax, he saw a Fleet standing in, which by the Music he heard, he imagined was the two Highland Battalions from Cork, under Convoy of Five Ships of the Line.

The Marine List
Capt. Bonham, arrived at Cork from the East-Indies, writes, that on 31st of August, in Lat.21-30. he spoke with the Enterprize Man of War, having under her Convoy 15 Sail of ships bound for the West-Indies.

Note: Col. Fraser's Regiment arrived at Halifax in two groups, under convoy of the Enterprize, between 24-28 August 1757.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette     New
15 September 1757
New York, September 5.
Friday last arrived here the Brig. Bell-Savage, Capt. Lewis, from Cork, and informs, That he sail'd from thence the 30th of June, in Company with eighteen Sail of Transports, having on board 2500 Highlanders, five Sail loaded with Powder and Ball, and seventeen Sail of Merchantmen for the West-Indies, Philadelphia, and Boston; all under Convoy of the Enterprize Man of War of 40 Guns, the Faulkland of 50 Guns, and the Stork Sloop of 10 Guns; and that on July 25, in Lat. 35 North, and Long. 30 West, he left the Convoy.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
September 22, 1757
London, July 28
The two Highland Battalions are ordered to be augmented with three Companies; each Battalion will then consist of 1300 Men.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette
29 September 1757
July 28. 
Nine more Independant Companies of Highlanders are immediately to be raised, for the easier recruiting the Highland Battalions in America.

Boston, September 12.     New
Monday last his Majesty's Ship Enterprize, of 40 Guns, Captain Donkley, arrived here from Halifax, which Ship was Convoy to the Transports with the Highland Regiments on board, as also to the several Merchantmen from London, &c. which arrived here the week before last - After the Transports were all safe into Halifax, the Enterprize immediately proceeded to this Place, having on board a considerable Quantity of Money for his Majesty's Service in these Parts.

The Public Advertiser
Tuesday, November 8, 1757. NUMB. 7188
Edinburgh, Scotland, Nov. 1
Seven of the nine additional Companies for the three Highland Battalions are arrived at Glasgow ; the other two were expected there yesterday.

Scots Magazine. v. 19 (1757)
December, 1757
The nine new-raised highland companies sailed from Greenock for Corke, Dec. 1.

On the 10th of December arrived at Corke from Greenock, the transports having on board the nine new-raised highland companies destined for America. Advice was received at Corke on the 12th, that one of the transports that was missing, had got safe into Youghall.

London Chronicle     New
December 24, 1757
Corke, Dec. 12.
Saturday last arrived here his Majesty's Ship Porcupine, and Convoy to the Transports from Greenock, having on board 900 Highlanders destined for America; and this Morning came Advise, that the only missing Vessel, on board of which was Part of the Baggage, is safe arrived at Youghall.

1758 Newspaper Extracts

British Spy Or New Universal London Weekly Journal     New
January 7, 1758
Corke [Ireland] Dec. 19.
His Majesty's Ship Hampshire sail'd Yesterday Morning from Cove; she goes as Convoy to New-York with about 900 Highlanders. The Transports were getting ready this Morning to sail out of the Harbour.

The Newcastle Weekly Courant
January 7, 1758
Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Colonel Montgomerie's Battalion of Highlanders, South Carolina, Sept. 17. [1757].
We had a fine Passage here, but very tedious: Our Men are all well received here, and have a Pound of Beef, a Pound of Bread, a Jill of Rum, and almost a Pound of Rice, Vinegar, Salt, Mustard, Candle, Firing, and Lodging every Day for nothing: and we are all very well.

The Public Advertiser
Tuesday, January 10, 1758
Edinburgh, Jan. 3
We are informed by a Letter from Cork, that the additional Companies for the Highland Battalions, were all embarked on the 19th ult. and ready to sail for America, under Convoy of the Hampshire Man of War.

The London Chronicle: Or, Universal Evening Post
From Thursday, June 1, to Saturday, June 3, 1758. NÂş 223
Boston, Massachusetts, April 24
His Excellency General Lawrance with his battalion of Royal Americas, and Colonel Frazier with his regiment of Highlanders, sailed from Nantucket yesterday morning; the troops had been embarked some days, waiting a wind.

The Whitehall Evening Post: Or, London Intelligencer
From Thursday, June 1, to Saturday, June 3, 1758. NÂş 1903.
New-York, April 27
The Third Battalion of Royal American, and Frazer's Second Battalion of Highlanders, embark'd at Boston, and are sailed for Halifax.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette
New York, June 12
Extract of a Letter from Halifax, dated May 22, 1758
Last Week a Corporal belonging to the Highlanders, and one of the Royal Americans, were killed and scalped between Half-Moon and Fort-Edward.

The Maryland Gazette
July 6, 1758
New York. June 26
Thursday, a Snow with Highlanders came in from St. Kitts, being part of Colonel Fraser's Battalion, who were obliged to proceed for the West-Indies, having a leaky Vessel, not being able to reach this port.

Note: This article may be referencing Colonel Fraser's Battalion in error.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette     New
July 20, 1758
Philadelphia, July 13.
A Gentleman in Halifax writes his Friend here on the 20th ult. That the Defiance Man of War had come in that Day from Louisbourg, which Place she left the 15th, when our Batteries had begun to play upon the Town and Island Battery, and it was thought we might be Masters of the Place and Time of writing this: That there were five Line of Battle Ships in the Harbour, which must fall into out Hands, as a good Look-out was kept at, and off, the Harbour's Mouth: That the Enemy had demolished the Grand Battery before our Troops landed, for fear of its falling into out Hands: That our Loss in landing was only one Captain and Lieutenant of Frazier's Highlanders, and not above 70 private men; also about 100 Sailors belonging to the Transports, killed, wounded and drowned, as there ran a great Surff: That about 100 Frenchmen were made Prisoners immediately after landing, and a great many Indians killed, amongst whom, it is said, is their Chief: and that several of the Savages were taken alive by the Highlanders, whose heads they chopped immediately, not being acquainted with the Method of Scalping.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette
27 July 1758
Halifax, June 24
Extract of a letter from a Gentleman in the present Expedition against Louisbourg, dated at Cabarous. June 16, 1758.
We are informed, that the Highlanders, according to their usual Bravery, Fell upon the French in their Entrenchments with their Broad-Swords, upon which they immediately fled : And had it been possible for the main Body of the Army to have joined them, they would have taken the Town Sword-in-Hand. Col. Frazer, and the other Officers of his Regiment, behaved with great Spirit and Bravery.

The Universal Magazine     New
July 30, 1758
Extract of a Letter from Louisbourg, 30 July 1758
I have the pleasure to acquaint you with the surrender of Louisbourg; they capitulated the 26th. We had not had our batteries against the town above a week, tho' we were ashore seven weeks; the badness of the country prevented our approaches. It was necessary to make roads for the cannon, which was a great labour, and some loss of men; but the spirits the army was in, is capable of doing anything. The garrison are prisoners of war; and the people of the town to be sent to France. What the numbers were at first I cannot tell; but now their remains 5600 soldiers and sailors. I believe their loss by shot and sickness to be about 2000: They buried 300 the night before last, and last night had three waggon loads to bury. Our loss is about 462 killed and wounded, 143 or 144 killed outright. The French sunk in the mouth of the harbour one of 54 guns, and 3 or 4 frigates. Three of the ships were burnt by General Wolfe's batteries; the other two were surprised the night before the capitulation by the boats of the fleet: one of them they carried up the harbour out of gun-shot, the other was aground, and could not be got off without the loss of many men, which made them burh her.
    You will hear of the great honour General Wolfe has gained in the siege. It is incredible what he has done.
    We have accounts of an action between General Abercrombie and the French: Lord Howe is killed.
    Our landing was one of the boldest attempts that ever was made: General Wolfe, at the head of some companies of grenadiers and light infantry, landed in a bay where there were about 2000 men intrenched up to the eyes, and defended besides with eight pieces of cannon and ten swivels: besides all this time there was a very surff, so great it was even dangerous to land, had there been no opposition. But nothing could stop the impetuosity of our troops, headed by such a General. Some of the light infantry got on shore first, which were followed by Fraser's grenadiers, who drove everything before them. The Captain and Lieutenant were killed in a bot before they landed, which made the Highlanders almost mad: The regiment has gained great honour, and has lost more Officers than any other.
    I have mentioned light infantry: They are the body of men draughted out of the regiments, and cloated somethin like the Indians, to scower the woods, which the country is intirely covered with: and a cursed country it it!

Annapolis Maryland Gazette 
27 July 1758
Philadelphia, July 20
A Gentleman at Halifax, in a Letter to his Friend here, of the 28th ult. wherein he mentions the Landing of our Army at Louisbourg, expresses himself as follows: "I cannot concluded without taking notice of the remarkably brave Behaviour of our Col. Frazer and his Highlanders on this occasion; his Grenadiers were the first that landed, and consequently suffered the most; they lost Capt. Baille, Lieutenant Cuthbert, Serjeant M'Pherson, and several private men, and had many wounded; but the French were struck with such a panic on their jumping into their Trenches, Sword in Hand, that they fled; and had it been possible that the whole Army could have landed in time to support them, they would have enter'd the Town, mixed with the Enemy, and made a very speedy Decision of the Affair.

The Public Advertiser
Saturday, August 19, 1758
Extract of a Letter from Louisbourg, dated July 30.
Our Landing was one of the boldest Attempts that ever was made: Gen. Wolfe, at the Head of some Companies of Grenadiers and light Infantry, landed in a Bay where there were about 2000 Men intrenched up to the Eyes, and defended besides with eight Pieces of Cannon and ten Swivels: besides all this there was a very great Surf, so great that is was even dangerous to land, had there been no Opposition. But nothing could stop the Impetuosity of our Troops, headed by such a General. Some of the light Infantry got on Shore first, which were followed by Fraser's Grenadiers, who drove every Thing before them. The Captain and Lieutenant were killed in the Boat before they landed, which made the Highlanders almost mad: The Regiment has gained great Honour, and has lost more Officers than any other.

I have mentioned light Infantry: They are a Body of Men draughted out of the Regiments, and cloathed something like the Indians, to scower the Woods, which the Country is intirely covered with: and a cursed Country it is!

The Pennsylvania Gazette
September 7, 1758
New York, September 4.
Return of the Killed and Wounded in the several Regiments on the Island of Cape-Breton, from June 8, to the 26th of July, inclusive, 1758.
Of Colonel Simon Fraser's Highlanders, were killed 1 Captain, 3 Lieutenants, and 12 Privates: Wounded, 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants, and 35 Privates.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette     New
September 14, 1758
[No location provided]
That the polite Treatment which the French had met with since the Reduction of that Place, had made them extremely impudent, in particular, an Officer of the first Rank, taking upon the Liberty of striking the Coxwain of a Barge, who was carrying him Prisoner on board the Admiral, he was immediately (upon going on board) put in Irons upon Deck: And another French Officer having the Impudence to run his Hand under one of the Highlander's Plaids, in an improper Place, the Highlander immediately eased him of his Arm and Hand, by cutting them off with his Broad Sword: The Frenchman, not contented with this, drew his Sword, in order to take revenge, but the Highlander being upon his Guard, split the Frenchman's Head down to his Shoulders, and then cut both Halves off.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
September 21, 1758
Boston, September 11
Regiments sailed from Louisbourg for Boston, Aug. 30th. 2d Battalion of Royal Scots, General Sinclair. 17th Regiment, General Forbes. 47th Regiment, General Lascelles. 48th Regiment, General Webb's. 63d Regiment, Col. Frazier's Highlanders, under Convoy of the Captain Man of War of 64 Guns, commanded by Capt. Amherst, with General Amherst on board.

The Derby Mercury
September 22, 1758
London, September 25.
Extract of a Letter from on board one of the Men of War arrived at Spithead from Louisbourg, dated the 18th Instant.
On the 8th of June our Men, attempting to land in Gabarus Bay, were repulsed by the Enemy (who fired very briskly from the Batteries which they had erected on shore) except Col. Fraser's Regiment of Highlanders, who leaped overboard, and swam to a Point of Rocks: on which (the Enemy having no Batteries there) they made good their Landing, and directly attacking the Enemy (French and Indians) with their Broad-Swords, caused them to fly, and thereby made Way for our other Forces to land. Amongst the Slain of the Enemy, was an Indian six Feet nine Inches high. The Enemy, who call the Highlanders, English Savages, surrendered on the 26th of July to our Forces.

The Public Advertiser
Tuesday, September 26, 1758. Numb. 746?
Extract of a letter from on board one of the Men of War arrived at Spithead from Louisbourg, dated Sept. 18.
On the 8th of June our Men, attempting to land in Gabarus Bay, were repulsed by the Enemy (who fired very briskly from the Batteries which they had erected on Shore) except Col. Frazer's Regiment who leaped overboard, and swam to a Point of Rocks, on which (the Enemy having no Batteries there) they made good their Landing, and directly attacking the Enemy (French and Indians) with their Broad-swords, caused them to fly, and thereby made our way for our other Forces to land. Amongst the slain of the Enemy was an Indian six feet nine Inches high. The Enemy, who call the Highlanders English Savages, surrendered on the 26th of July to our Forces.

The Maryland Gazette
September 29, 1758
July 28
Nine more Independent Companies of Highlanders are immediately to be raised, for the easier recruiting the Highland Battalions in America.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
October 5, 1758
Boston, September 25
Yesterday His Majesty's Ship Scarborough, of 20 Guns, Capt. Scott, with several Transports under her Convoy, having on board Part of Col. Frasers Highlanders, arrived here from Halifax: the Troops are immediately to set out for the Lake, Horses being provided them for that Purpose.

The Derby Mercury
October 13, 1758
London, October 14
One Letter from America says, the Garrison of Louisbourg would have surrendered sooner, had it not been that they were afraid of being first scalped and afterwards having their Throats cut by the Highlanders and Rangers, whom they took to be Indian Savages.

A Brief Relation
Saturday, October 21, 1758
Regiments sailed from Louisbourg for Boston, the 30th of August.
2d battalion of Royal Scots, Gen. Sinclair.
17th regiments, General Forbes's.
47th ditto, Lascelle's.
48th ditto, Webb's.
63d ditto, Col. Frazer's highlanders.
Under convoy of the Captain man of war of 64 guns, commanded by Capt. Amherst, with General Amherst onboard.
We hear from the southward, that General Forbes lies dangerously ill.

The Derby Mercury
November 3, 1758
Boston, Sept. 18
On Wednesday last arrived here from Louisbourg, his Majesty's Ship the Captain, in which came Major-General Amherst. Between thirty and forty Transports are also arrived, having on board the second Battalion of Royal Scots, General Forbes's Lascelles's, and Webb's Regiments, and also Fraser's Highlanders; they arrived here in good Health, and were all disembarked on Thursday Morning, and encamped on the Common; and on Saturday Morning they decamped, and proceeded on their March for Lake George.

London Read Weekly Journal 
Saturday, November 4, 1758
Glasgow, Oct. 23
On Wednesday last arrived at Greenock, the Ludlow-Castle man of war, Capt. Clark, with nine sail of transports from Portsmouth, to carry a body of new raised highlanders, &c over to North America.

London Evening-Post
Saturday, November 4, 1758. Numb, 4837
Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 18 
Last Wednesday arrived in our Harbour from Louisbourg his Majesty's Ship the Captain, commanded by Capt. Amherst, in which came Major General Amherst. Between 30 and 40 Transports, which came out with the Captain Man of War, having on board the second Battalion of Royal Scots, as alfo Forbes's, Lascelles's, and Webbs' Regiment, with Fraser's Highlanders, are also arrived. The Troops are in good health, were disembarked on Thursday, and encamped on the Common. But, notwithstanding their late Fatigues, the whole body decamped on the Saturday Morning following, and with General Amherst at their Head, are now marching towards Lake George, to join the Army under General Abercrombie, with great Chearfulness and Expedition.

1759 Newspaper Extracts

The Whitehall Evening Post
Thursday, January 4, to Saturday, January 6, 1759. No. 1997
The King has been pleased to appoint Donald Cameron, Gent. to be Lieutenant in the 78th Regiment, or 2d Highland Battalion of Foot, commanded by Lieut. Col. Simon Fraser.

London Read Weekly or British Gazetteer
January 6, 1759
We hear that 50 supernumerary men are to be raised in Scotland to go with the additional companies of Col. Montgomery and Col. Fraser's highland battalions.

The Public Advertiser
January 6, 1759
Donald Cameron, Gent. to be Lieutenant in the 78th Regiment of Foot, or Second Highland Battalion of Foot, commanded by Lieut. Col. Simon Fraser.

The Public Advertiser
January 10, 1759
Alexander Fraser, Esq: to be Captain to a Company forthwith to be raised in the 78th Regiment of Foot, or 2d Highland Battalion commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Simon Fraser: As also James Murray, Gent. to be Lieutenant, and Robert Menzies, Gent. to be Ensign in the said Regiment, or Second Highland Battalion of Foot.

London Read Weekly
Saturday, January 13, 1759. No. 4013
The King has been pleased to appoint Alexander Fraser, Esq. to be Lieutenant in the 78th Regiment, or 2d Highland Battalion of Foot, commanded by Lieut. Col. Simon Fraser.

The Derby Mercury
January 19, 1759
Boston, Nov. 29
Colonel Stanwix returned to Albany last Week from the Great Carrying Place up Mohawk River, at which Place the Fort is finish'd: and, it is said, is as well plann'd and built as any in North America. Part of Colonel Fraser's Regiment, and two Companies of Rangers, are station'd there this Winter, as also several Companies of Highlanders at Schenectady and above the Fort.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
February 1, 1759
Glasgow, Oct. 21
On Wednesday last arrived at Greenock, the Ludlow-Castle Man of War, Capt. Clark, with 9 sail of Transports from Portsmouth, to carry a body of new raised Highlanders, & c. over to North-America.

Gazetteer And London Daily Advertiser
February 8, 1759
James Fraser, Esq; is appointed Captain in the 2d battalion of Highlanders in America, commanded by Col. Fraser, in room of Captain Thomas Fraser, deceased. And Simon Fraser, Esq; Captain Lieutenant in the said battalion in room of Capt. Lt. James Fraser promoted.

Alexander Fraser, Gent. Lieutenant in Col. Fraser's Highland battalion, in the room of Lieutenant Simon Fraser, promoted.

The Universal Chronicle
Thursday, March 1
Extract of a letter from an Officer in Col. Frazer's regiment, dated at the camp by Fort Stanwix, Nov. 8, 1758.
After the reduction of Louisburg, five of the regiments that were there, came, under the command of General Amherst, to Boston; of that number our regiment was one. We there met with orders from General Abercrombie to march for Albany, which is 226 miles: A few after our arrival there, our regiment was ordered to this place, which is one hundred and thirty-eight miles further, all upon Mohawk river, except 18 miles betwixt Albany and Schenectady. The lands on the river far exceed any I ever saw, in particular the German Flatts, now quite depopulated. Our regiment is returned to Schenectady, leaving here the four companies commanded by Major Clephane, Captains Macpherson, John Macdonel, and Dungallan. This place was formerly called the Oneida Station, or Great Carrying place; but Brigadier-general Stanwix, being ordered here with 5000 Provincials, has been employed there two months past in building a fort, now called by his name, Fort Stanwix; which our four companies are to occupy this winter, This situation cannot be agreeable, as we have none but Indians within 48 miles of us.

The Derby Mercury
March 16, 1759
Glasgow, March 12
Wednesday last arrived here four Companies of Highlanders, to reinforce the Scots Highland Battalions, commanded by the Colonels Montgomerie and Fraser, now in North America: and on Saturday Morning they marched to Greenock, and went on board the Transports.

The Leeds Intelligencer and Yorkshire General Advertiser
March 20, 1759
Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, March 13.
This morning several waggons, loaded with baggage and maimed Highlanders from America, set out from the garrison for their respective quarters, in order to be sent to the proper hospitals for cure.

The Leeds Intelligencer and Yorkshire General Advertiser
March 20, 1759
Edinburgh, March 15
On Wednesday last arrived at Glasgow two additional Companies of Highlanders, of 100 Men each, the one for Colonel Frazer's Regiment, the other for Colonel Montgomery's, and on Saturday they marched for Greenock, to take shipping for America.

Public Advertiser
Thursday, March 22, 1759
Scotland. Edinburgh, March 15
On Wednesday last arrived at Glasgow two additional Companies of Highlanders, of 100 Men each, the one for Colonel Frazer's Regiment, the other for Colonel Montgomery's, and on Saturday they marched for Greenock, to take shipping for America.

The Derby Mercury
March 23, 1759
Several Highlanders are arrived here from America to be admitted into Chelsea Hospital; four of whom had been scalped and were left for dead.

Note: Unfortunately, the regimental identities of these man cannot be ascertained.

The Derby Mercury     New
Friday, 06 April, 1759
Glasgow, 31 March
Sailed the Porpus, Lively, and John's Endeavour, three transports, with two Companies of Colonel Montgomery's and Col. Frazer's Highland Regiments on board, for North-America, under Convoy of Eurus Man of War.

Whitehall Evening Post Or London Intelligencer     New
April 10, 1759
Edinburgh, April 5.
Thursday his Majesty's Ship Eurus, Captain John Elphinstone, sailed from Greenock, having about 200 Highland Troops under her Convoy, destined to reinforce those in America.

Aberdeen Press and Journal     New
10 April 1759
Greenock, March 31.
Sailed the Porpus, Woodhouse, the Lively, Shaftoe; and the John's Endeavour, Weir, with the Highlanders for New York under convoy of the Eurus man of war, cap: Elphingston.

Note: The ship's name precedes each captain's name.

The Pennsylvania Gazette
May 3, 1759
New York, April 30
Extract of a Letter from Albany.
Colonel Frazer's Regiment of Highlanders, which lately came down from Fort Stanwix, on the Wood Creek, on Friday last were embarked on board the Transports lying in the North River, to proceed to Halifax.

Dublin Journal     New
May 15, 1759
Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, dated, March 26, 1759.
The Disposition of the Troops begins to be disclosed. There are about 16 Battalions in the adjacent Provinces, of which the old Highlanders, the 48th Regiment, and that of Lascelles will embark from New York and Boston for Louisbourg, supposed for Quebec; the rest will be assembled at Albany under General Amherst, and when joined by the Provincials of North Jersey, New York, and New England, (which may amount to 12,000) will form a Body of 22ooo Men at least, exclusive of Batteau Men.

The Maryland Gazette
May 17, 1759
New York, April 30
Extract of a Letter from Albany.
This Day sailed for Halifax, his Majesty's Ships the Nightingale and Lizard, taking under Convoy the following Transports Ships, having Col. Frazer's Highlanders &c. on board, viz. the James and Henrietta, Mache; the Jane, Garnes; the Eden and Mary, Langdon; the Three Sisters, Miller; the Lyon, Smith; the Two Brothers, Stockton; the Prince of Wales, Potts; the Hopewell, Masterman; the Fortunate Industry, Sarf; the Crown, Maxfield; and two New-York Transports.

Note: Ship's names are followed by their captain, e.g., the James and Henrietta (ship), Mache (captain).

Colonel Frazer's Highlanders are now all embarked, and most Vessels that have them on board, as well as others with Artillery, &c. are fell down the Watering Place, and some to the Hook; so that we have Reason to believe the whole Fleet will sail this Week: They are to be conveyed by the Diana, Lizard, Trent, and Seahorse Frigates; and the Nightingale & Scarborough, of 20 Guns each.

The Maryland Gazette
July 5, 1759
Williamsburg, June 22
Last Wednesday arrived in Hampton Road from Glasgow, his Majesty's Ship Eurus. Captain Elphington, having under Convoy 3 Transports, with betwixt 3 and 400 Highlanders, belonging to Frazer's and Montgomery's Regiments and two Merchant Ships. The Troops are to be immediately disembarked, and wait till further orders.

Public Advertiser     New
July 5, 1759
Extract of a Letter from Louisbourg, June 6.
This Day Admirals Saunders and Holmes sailed from this Place with 10 Sail of 71 Gun Ships, 4 Frigates, and 4 Fireships, 3 Bombs, and about 120 Sail of Transports, some Artillery, Provisions, Horses, &c. from Boston; the rest, with near 3000 Troops on Board, the major part Highlanders, and the other Provincials, all for Quebec.

Jackson's Oxford Journal
July 7, 1759
Extract of a Letter from Louisbourg, June 6
This Day Admiral Saunders and Holmes sailed from this Place, with ten Sail of 74 Gun Ships, four Frigates, and four Fireships, three Bombs, and about 120 Sail of Transports, some Artillery, Provisions, Horses &c. from Boston; the rest with near 3000 Troops on Board, the Major Part Highlanders, and other Provincials, all for Quebeck.

The Maryland Gazette
July 26, 1759
Extract of a Letter from Albany, dated July 12, 1759.
On Monday last arrived here three Transport Vessels, having on board a Number of Highlanders for Fraser's and Montgomery's Battalions. They came from Scotland but last from Virginia, where they arrived some time since.

The Derby Mercury
August 31, 1759
New York, July 16
Monday last three Transports arrived here from Scotland, but last from Virginia, where they arrived about three Weeks ago, with between 3 and 400 Highlanders, belonging to Frazier's and Montgomery's Regiments, on board; since which, they have all embarked for Albany, in order to join General Amherst at Lake George, or whereever he may be.

The London Evening-Post 
From Tuesday October 16, to Thursday October 18, 1759. Numb. 4985
Extract of the Return, Killed, Wounded and Missing, at the Battle of Quebec, Sept. 13, 1759.
Colonel Simon Frazer's. Captains, ----- Ross, killed. John M'Donnell, Simon Fraser, wounded. Lieutenants, M'Donnell, Archibald Campbell, Alexander Campbell, John Douglas, Alexander Fraser, Sen. wounded. Ensigns, James M'Kenzie, Alexander Gregorson, Malcolm Frazer, Sen. wounded. 1 Serjeant, 14 Rank and File, killed. 7 Serjeants, 131 Rank and File, wounded. 2 Rank and File, missing.

The Derby Mercury
October 19, 1759
Extract of a Letter from Quebec, September 20, 1759.
...Our loss hath been Inconsiderable, separate from our dear courageous, yet mild Wolfe, whose Fall added Revenge to Intrepidity. The Regiments of Lascelles, Kennedy's and Wolfe's Grenadiers, did Wonders; the Highlanders, if any Thing, exceeded them. When they betook to their broad Swords, my God! what a Havock they made! drove every Thing before them that came in their Way, and Walls could not resist their Fury. Those breechless brave Fellows are an Honour to their Country. I cannot do them Justice in my Description of them; but I have Reason to believe that their Bravery shall meet with Praise and Approbation, the only Reward (except half Victuals and Cloaths) that a Highlander demands, being prepossessed naturally with a Kind of Martial Honour.

Universal Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Saturday, October 20, 1759
Extract of a letter from Quebec, September 20, 1759.
'I thank God I have been in a good state of health since my arrival here, nor have the fatigues incident to a campaign, in which we had almost every kind of difficulty to surmount, affected my health in the least. Were I to describe, in military phrases, the strength, situation, number, and, upon this occasion, uncommon bravery of the enemy (who needed to have nothing to fear from our number, but our deficiency in that respect was sufficiently supplied by unanimity and courage) you would not be a little surprised at our undertaking, which I believe to have been by sole direction of Providence, and to which the harmony among us hath greatly contributed, every man in his station, discharging his duty. Our loss hath been inconsiderably separate from our dear courageous, yet mild Wolfe, whose fall added revenge to intrepidity. The regiments of Lascelles, Kennedy's, and Wolfe's grenadiers, did wonders: the Highlanders, if anything, exceeded them. When they betook to their broad swords, my God! what a havock they made! drove every thing before them that came in their way, and walls could not refit their fury. - Those breechless brave fellows are an honour to their country. - I cannot do them justice in my description of them; but I have reason to believe that their bravery shall meet with praise and approbation, the only reward (except half victuals and cloaths) that a Highlander demands, being prepossessed naturally with a kind of martial honour.
I cannot say what we shall next do, but we seem to put this place in a proper state of defence, for fear of insult. - For the particulars of the engagement, surrender of the town, and loss on both sides, I refer you to the packets by express, which I have no doubt will be joyful news in England.'
I am, Sir, Your's, &c.
Capt. James Calcraft

Edinburgh Chronicle     New
November 26, 1759
Extract of a letter from an officer in Fraser's highland regiment at Quebec, Sept. 20.
"In the battle of the 13th inst, all our troops did honour to their country; but there has been so much said in regard to the extraordinary behaviour of our regiment commanded by the brave Capt. John Campbell, that I shall say nothing on that head, but give you a list of the killed and wounded.

    Officers killed.
    Captain Ross.
    Lieut. Roderick Macneil of Barra.
    ----- Alexander Macdonald, son to Barisdale.
    Officers wounded.
    Capt. Simon Fraser, wounded slightly in the head.
    ----- John Macdonald, wounded in both the thighs, the bone safe.
    Archibald Campbell, wounded through the body.
    Ronald Macdonald, Keppoch, slightly wounded in the knee.
    John Douglas of Mains, wounded in the arm.
    Alexander Campbell of Mull, a flesh wound in the leg.
    Alexander Fraser, a slight wound in the hand.
    Ensigns Mackenzie, Malcolm Fraser, and Grierson [Gregorson], slightly wounded.

The killed that day of our men were 14, and wounded 132. This is a good deal more than our proportion according to our numbers; but one of the Royal Americans who had deserted to the French some time before, did us the honour to acquaint the enemy, that if they could beat our regiment, they would carry the day; upon which they doubled their regular forces against us, and by which the greater number felt the weight of our claymores. This may be said to be the first regular battle fought in America, and which the French and Canadians will have reason to remember for ages to come. Notwithstanding our small number, nothing will satisfy us now but the town."

Public Advertiser     New
January 20, 1759
Boston, Nov. 27.
Col. Stanwix returned to Albany last Week from the Great Carrying-place up Mohawk River, at which Place the Fort is finished; and, it is said, is as well planned and built as any in North America: Part of Col. Fraser's Regiment and two Companies of Rangers are stationed there this Winter, as also several Companies of the Highlanders at other Places between Schenectady and above the Fort.

1760 Newspaper Extracts

The Derby Mercury
Friday, 11 January 1760
London. 10 January
Last week that gallant old Highlander, Malcolm Macpherson (who at the Age of 70 went a Volunteer to North America) received the Sacrament at St. Martin's Church, preparative to his Desire of taking the Oaths of Allegiance to his Majesty. His intrepid Behaviour at Louisbourg, &c. in 1758, and at Quebec, &c. last Year (where his Grandsons was killed fighting by his Side) induced his Friend the immortal wolfe, to give him a Commission the very Day before the Action in which that youthful hero fell; nor was the old Gentleman less respected by the rest of the brave General Officers for his cheerful Spirit and Activity on every Occasion.

The Daily Register of Commerce and Intelligence
Saturday, February 2, 1760
Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh.
"At the battle near Quebec, Sept. 13. when the command of the army, by the death of general Wolfe, devolved on general Townshend, he observed an old Highlander in the front of the army, laying about him with the most surprising strength and agility, bearing down all opposition, till almost spent with fatigue, he retired behind a breast-work of dead bodies, most of whom he had slain with his own hand; where he drew his breath a little; and then casting off his upper coat, which incumbered him, he again returned to the charge, and at every blow brought a Frenchman to the groung. The general, full of admiration at his intrepid behaviour, ordered him to be brought to him after the engagement: and having bestowed on him the encomiums which his gallant behaviour deserved, he asked him how he could leave his native country, and follow the fortune of war, in such an unfavourable clime, at such an advanced age? He replied, that his hatred to the French, on account of their persidious behaviour on many occasions, had made him leave his family at seventy years of age, as a volunteer, in order to be revenged on them before his death: and he hoped, on that day, he had not afronted himself, his king, or country. Gen. Townshend was so well pleased with the magnanimity of the brave fellow, that he brought him home with him, and presented him to Mr. Pitt: by whom he was introduced to his majesty; who had been graciously pleased to give him a lieutenant's commission, with the liberty of serving in any corps, or in any country he chuses; or, if he shall incline to retire to his family and friends, to have a lieutenant's pay during life. When he walked along the streets of London, we are told, that the people, as he passed, cried, There goes the brave old Highlander, long live the gallant old boy. -- His broad sword, with which he nobly revenged himself on his country's foes, is a most excellent one, and has descended, from father to son, as a particular legacy, for upwards of 300 years; and he is so extremely fond of it, that he takes it to bed with him every night.

The gentleman here mentioned is Malcolm Macpherson of Phones, in Badenoch. An action has depended for some time before the court of session for his evicting his estate from him, and he wrote from London to his agent to take care of the douchas; not to let either [...] or [...] get the mailing; that the sword and the mailing must remain together, the one to defend the other; adding, that his promotion comes so fast, that he hopes to be a colonel yet, though he is now 73 years of age. P.S. He is since come here."

Note: The British Army List states he was gazetted ensign 4 September 1759, and removed from the regimental list by 1763. His name does not appear with the regiment, on the 1767 list of officers receiving half-pay.

Annapolis Maryland Gazette     New
July 17, 1760
Names of Officers killed, wounded and taken Prisoners, without the Walls of Quebec, 28th of April, 1760.
LXIIId. Regiment. Col. Fraser, Capts. Cameron, John Campbell, Alexander Fayer [Fraser], M'Leod, wounded; Captain-Lieutenant Donald M'Donald wounded; Lieutenants Cosmo Gordon killed; Archibald Campbell wounded; Hector M'Donald killed; Donald M'Bean, Alexander Fraser senior, Alexander Simon Fraser senior, Simon Fraser junior, Malcolm Fraser, Alexander Fraser of the Grenadiers, and Donald M'Neal, wounded; Ensigns Henry Monro, Robert Menzies, Charles Stuart, Duncan Cameron, William Robertson, Alexander Gregorson, Arthur Rose, wounded, Ensign Malcolm Fraser killed.

Public Advertiser
Thursday, July 24, 1760
Scotland. Edinburgh, July 19. Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Colonel Frazer's Regiment, dated from Quebec, May 20.
The French bought their Advantage on the 28th of April, at a very dear Rate; they had 4 Companies of their Grenadiers cutoff to 30; they lost in all about 2000 by their own Account, and 500 more during the Siege, which lasted 19 Days, during which it is incredible to tell with what Spirit everything went on in the Garrison, and what Works were furnished; the Town was so fortified, that the Enemy could not have been Mailers of it, without a great Loss of Time, and a great Number of their Men. I assure you, that during the Siege we had not above 2000 Men fit for Duty; the rest were taken ill with Flux and Scurvy; and it must be said of the Governor and Garrison, that they have acted with a Spirit worthy of True Britons. As to the Loss this Regiment has sustained, it is as usual, for out of 340 Men that marched out [500 being hit of the Scurvy remaining in the Town] 230 were killed: or wounded, and of 35 Officers, there were 29 killed or wounded. Capt. Donald M'Donald, and Lieut. Cosmo Gordon, were killed, and poor Hector Macdonald of Boisdale was shot thro' the Lungs, of which he died in three Days; Ensign Fraser died of his Wounds in five Days; all of them greatly and justly regretted. All the rest of the wounded Officers are doing well.

The Daily Register 
St. Valoir, near Quebec, Oct. 14. [1760]
Colonel Frazer's regiment are quartered in the country round Quebec, for refreshing themselves after their long confinement in that place. Capt. Abercrombie of the 4th regiment, is appointed Major in Colonel Frazer's, in room of Major Campbell, preferred. Captain John Campbell has purchased the other Majoralty in the said regiment; and Lieutenant Alexander Campbell has got a company.

The London Chronicle: or Universal Evening-Post 
From Tuesday, October 21, to Thursday, October 23, 1760. No. 597
Thursday, Oct. 23.
Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Colonel Frazer's Regiment, to his Friend in Edinburgh, dated Quebec, Sept. 13, 1760.
We are just arrived from Fort Jaques Quartier, which we invested and took the 9th instant, before we knew any thing pf the taking of Montreal. This expedition was commanded ny Col. Frazer, who had a detachment of 800 men, and the place was resolutely defended by the Marquis d'Albergotts, an Italian, who fired on us, till he was reduced to thirty pounds of powder, and saw us move towards the fort to storm it; so that he had the honour of being the last who held out, and we of taking the last fort in Canada.

1761 Newspaper Extracts

Public Advertiser
March 13, 1761
Quebec, October 15
Cols. Fraser, Howe, Dalling, &c with a great many other Officers, have got Leave to go home and are sailed. The Regiments here in general have suffered greatly ; of fourteen hundred and fifty the Number of Fraser's Highlanders, seven hundred do not remain, and at least one Half of them have broken Limbs, or are otherwise so disabled as to be unfit for Service.

1762 Newspaper Extracts

The Pennsylvania Gazette
Thursday, March 4, 1762
[Extract of a letter from Quebec, August 13.]
"There are seven regiments left in Canada, that is, four at Quebec, viz. the 47th, 58th, second battalion of Royal Americans, and Fraser's Highlanders; and three at Montreal, viz. the 44th, 46th and fourth battalion of Royal Americans."

Jackson's Oxford Journal
Saturday, May 29, 1762
We are informed that Colonel Fraser of the Highlanders, and Major Wedderburn, are to have considerable Commands in Portugal, of Light Infantry raised in the Country.

Gazeteer and London Daily Advertiser
Monday, August 30, 1762. No. 10,407
The following regiments still remain in North America, viz, 44th, Abercrombies; 45th, Boscowan's; 46th, Murray's; 47th, Lascelle's; 55th, Oughton's; 60th [or Royal American,] three battalions; 78th Fraser's Highlanders; and 80th, late Gage's; in all 10 battalions. It is supposed that some of these [particulary at Halifax or Quebec, at which last place there are three regiments] may be ready to co-operate with the fleet that is sailed from England, for the recovery of Newfoundland.

Gazeteer and London Daily Advertiser
Tuesday, September 28, 1762
Lieut. William Robertson, of the 78th Regiment of foot. commanded by the Hon. Col. Fraser, to be Captain of an independent company of foot.

The Derby Mercury
Friday, December 3, 1762
London, December 2
We hear a Body of 12,000 Land Forces will be kept on Foot in America, to consist of 15 Regiments of Regulars in the Pay of Great Britain, and 10 Regiments of Provincials in the Pay of the Colonies. 

It is also said that 33 Regiments of Foot will be disbanded, and only 75 kept on Foot, and Col. Montgomery's and Col. Frasers Highlanders substituted in the Room of the 3d and 4th Battalion of the Royal American Regiment; and that each Company of the Regiments kept standing, will be reduced to 50 Men, those of the Foot Guards to 55; and the Second Lieutenants put on Half-pay.

1763 Newspaper Extracts

The Pennsylvania Gazette
Thursday, February 17, 1763
It is also reported that 33 regiments of foot will be disbanded and only 72 kept on foot, and Col. Montgomery's, and Col. Fraser's Highlanders, substituted in the room of the 3d and 4th battalions of the Royal American regiment; and that each company of the regiments kept standing, will be reduced to 50 men, those of the foot guards to 55; and the second lieutenants put on half pay.

The Derby Mercury
Friday, March 25, 1763
Reports from the Daily Papers
It is said Encouragement will be given to our disbanded Soldiers to go and settle at Quebec, and our other Acquisitions on the River St. Lawrence.

The Newcastle Courant
No. 4517
Saturday, April 16, MDCCLXIII

For the ENCOURAGEMENT of Discharged SEAMEN and Disbanded SOLDIERS.

THE COMMISSIONERS appointed by HIS MAJESTY for managing the fortified Estates in Scotland, by which and Act of the 25th of his late Majesty were annexed to the Crown unalienably, for the Purpose of civilizing the Highlands of Scotland, have resolved to bestow, out of Rents of the Estates, the sum of 6610 l. Sterling, in Bounties, for encouraging discharged Sailors and Marines, to the Number of 1000, who have served on Board his Majesty's Navy in the last War, to settle as Fishers on the Sea Coast of the Highlands of Scotland: and to bestow the further sum of 3000 l. Sterling, for encouraging disbanded Soldiers, to the number of 500, who have served his Majesty in the last War, to settle on the annexed Estates as Artificers, Manufacturers, or Day Labourers.
        The ENCOURAGEMENT to SAILORS is as follows:
    To each Sailor or Marine, who shall settle as a Fisher on any of the Coasts of the annexed Estates, a Bounty of 2 l. Sterling, with a boat fit for the Herring and Cod Fishing, to each crew of eight Men.
    And further, to each married Sailor or Marine, a Dwelling house, and a Portion of Ground not exceeding three Acres, Rent-free for seven Years; and thereafter, at a Rent not exceeding Five Shillings Sterling, per Acre.
    To each Sailor or Marine, who shall settle as a Fisher on such Parts of the Coast as do not lie within the annexed Estates, a Bounty of 3 l. Sterling, and his House rent to be paid for three Years.
        The ENCOURAGEMENT to SOLDIERS is as follows:
    That for married Soldiers, who settle upon the annexed Estates, Dwelling -houses shall be built, to the Number of 300, to be possessed by them Rent-free during Life.
    That 3 l. Sterling shall be paid to each of them for providing Houshold [sic] Furniture,
    That a Portion of Ground not exceeding three Acres, shall be allotted to each of them, for raising Corn, Hay, PotHerbs, &c. to maintain his Family, and to feed one Cow. These small Farms to be Rent-free for the first three Years, and thereafter to pay a Rent not exceeding 5 s. Sterling per Acre.
    That each unmarried Soldier to the Number of 200, who settles on these Estates, shall have yearly, for three Years, a Premium of 20 s. and if any of them shall marry within three Years, Houses and Possessions shall be provided for them as above.
    That till these Houses can be built, the Commissioners will employ, in the public Works now carrying on upon these Estates, disbanded Soldiers to the Number of 500.
    N.B.  Any Sailor, Marine, or Soldier desirous of accepting these Bounties, may apply to the Commissioners, at their Office, in Edinburgh; or by writing to Henry Barclay, Esq, their Secretary, or to any of their Factors upon the annexed Estates.

Gazetteer and London Daily Advertiser
Wednesday, May 11, 1763, Issue: 10660
George Peacock, gent. to be Lieut. in the 78th regiment of foot, or 2d Highland battalion, commanded by Col. Fraser in the room of Lieut. Robertson, preferred.

The Aberdeen Journal
30 May 1763
A Question is proposed in a late paper, Why the highlanders, above any others, are placed as attendants upon general Wolfe, when expiring at Quebec, and seems to think there was at least a compliment of that kind due to the English, as so superior a number of that nation were on the spot, in that memorable action, there is given for answer to this quere, as follow, viz. "The reason is plain enough; for the English were at the time employed in beating the French.["] I am, &c. J.L.

London Evening Post
Thursday September 8, to Saturday September 10, 1763. Numb. 5994
His Majesty has been pleased to constitute and appoint Lieut. Alexander Wood, to be Captain in the 78th Regiment of foot, commanded by the Hon. Col. Fraser, in the room of Capt. Charles McDonald, deceased.

Ipswich Journal
Saturday, September 17, 1763
London, Tuesday, September 13
To give Encouragement to the many thousands lately reduced, and for the better settling and improving our new Conquests in America, a Scheme has been drawn up by the Board of Trade, which, we hear, will speedily take Place, and be made public by Royal Proclamation. Among the advantages offered to these new Settlers by this Plan, the following is Part, viz. Every Field Officer, who settles in these Countries, shall have a Grant from the Crown of 5000 Acres; a Captain 3000, every Subaltern and Staff Officer 2500, every Serjeant 100, and every private Man 50.

The Aberdeen Journal, 1763
Whitehall Evening Post, Sept. 27.
Extract of a letter from Charles Town
One Jefferys, and Indian Trader having sold to the Cherokees several garments of red baize, much in the nature of the Highlander uniform, for which he had a valuable return of furs and deerskins, and his excellency the governor finding these things liked, and the Indians not a little proud of their new dress, had ordered a very magnificent suit of rich scarlet, in the same form, and trimmed with silver tasles, to be presented to each of their chiefs; so that if this humour holds, we may soon see the whole Cherokee nation, in the way of trade, clap on regimentals, which may probably extend all over North America.

Derby Mercury
Friday, October 14, 1763
London, Oct. 15.
We hear the Officers and Soldiers will have proper Implements and Utensils allowed them to cultivate the Lands allotted them in the Conquered Provinces in North America, tho' no express Mention thereof is made in the late Proclamation, agreeable to what was observed in the first establishing Nova Scotia.

Caledonian Mercury
Edinburgh, Saturday, December 3, 1763
On Friday se'nnight the officers, and 200 of the private men of Colonel Frazer's regiment, arrived at Greenock from Quebec. Before they left that place, 400 of them were draughted into General Amherst's regiment of Royal Americans.

Note: Briton was the second of two transport ships carrying the 78th Regiment home from North America. [Embarkation Return of the 47th and 78th Regiments, 12 October 1763. Centre for Kentish Studies, Amherst Manuscripts, reference CKS-U1350/9/1/2/32/6 has been renumbered as U1350/O53/6].

Shipmaster: Mr. Josias Hutchinson. [Letter of Amherst to Hutchinson at New York, 5 August 1763. Library and Archives Canada, Microfilm C-12847, images 1617-18].

St. James Chronicle or British Evening Post
London, 8 December 1763
Edinburgh, December 3 
From Glasgow we have Advice that only the Officers and 200 private Men of Colonel Frazer's Regiment from Quebec had arrived at Greenock, and that 400 of them, before they left that Place, had been draughted into General Amherst's Regiment of Royal Americans.

Note: At the conclusion of the war, about half of Colonel Fraser's soldiers in the 78th Regiment were transferred to the 15th Foot, 27th Foot, and 60th Royal American Regiments. 

Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal
Saturday, December 10, 1763
Plymouth, Dec. 2
Yesterday arrived the Neptune from Quebec, with troops; in the night she was drove on shore in Catwater, it blowing a storm at W. N. W. but she got off again the next tide without any damage.

Note: Neptune was one of two transport ships carrying the 78th Regiment, with women and "invalids" home. [Embarkation Return of the 47th and 78th Regiments, 12 October 1763. Centre for Kentish Studies, Amherst Manuscripts, CKS-U1350/9/1/2/32/6].

Shipmaster: Mr. Edward Symonds. [Letter of Amherst to Symonds at New York, 4 August 1763. Library and Archives Canada, Microfilm C-12847, image 1614].

The Caledonian Mercury
Edinburgh, Saturday, December 10, 1763
We are informed several hundred Highlanders, who have formerly served in America, and like the country, will take the benefit of the late proclamation, and embark among the first for the two Floridas.

The Caledonian Mercury
Edinburgh, Saturday, December 17, 1763
Captain McPherson, the valiant Highlander, who went to Quebec a volunteer in the late war, and carried with him a number of his sons, grandsons, &c. and who distinguished themselves with remarkable bravery, was lately married, tho' upwards of 80 years, to a lady whom he had made his first address to above 40 years since.

They write from Glasgow, that on Wednesday last, the remains of Col. Fraser's regiment of Highlanders were drawn up on the Green and afterwards disbanded; by their stay at Quebec most of them are able to speak the French language tolerably.

St. James Chronicle or British Evening Post 
London, 22 December 1763
Glasgow, December 15
Yesterday the Remains of Colonel Frazer's Regiment of Highlanders were drawn up in the Green, and afterwards disbanded; by their stay at Quebec most of them are able to speak the French Language tolerably.

Gazeteer & London Daily Advertiser 
London, Monday, 26 December 1763
The 14th inst. Frazer's Highlanders regiment was broke at Glasgow; most of them had learned French during their residence at Quebec.

1764 Newspaper Extracts

The Derby Mercury
Friday, 6 January 1764
Charles Town, South-Carolina, Nov. 5
Last Sunday arrived here Capt. Mason, from Philadelphia, with Lieutenants Charles Stuart and Arthur Rose, of Col. Fraser's Regiment of Highlanders, who left Quebec so late as the 20th of Sept. and say, when they left that Place "That one of his Majesty's Frigates commanded by Capt. Douglas, had fallen in with a French Frigate at Anchor, either in the River of Gulph of St. Lawrence, far within those Limits from which the French are expressly excluded by the late Treaty; that Capt. Douglas desired the French Commander to remove, but Monsieur refused, whereupon Capt. Douglas fired upon him, as he acquainted him he should be obliged to do; that an Engagement ensued, in which our Captain proved victorious; and that the French Frigate was ordered for England.

1767 Newspaper Extracts

Williamsburg, Virginia Gazette 
March 5, 1767
We have the honour to present the petition of John Frazier, Esq; Captain in the late 78th regiment, Deputy Paymaster General at Montreal, and one of the Judges of the court of Common Pleas; John Campbell, Esq., Captain in the 27th regiment; Daniel Disney, Esq; Captain in the 44th regiment; St. Luke la Corne, late Captain in the French service, and Knight of the Order of St. Louis; Simon Evans, Lieutenant in the 28th regiment; and Mr. Joseph Howard, merchant.

At the same time that we express our abhorrence of the breach of publick order in the outrage committed on the person of Mr. Thomas Walker, and our wishes for the discovery of the perpetrators of it, we cannot be unmoved when we consider the circumstances of the Gentlemen, now torn from their families, and imprisoned on suspicion thereof.

Until we hear the crime proved against them we cannot help interesting ourselves for men who, from their families, stations, services, and established characters [until this surprising stroke] stood in the highest degree of estimation in this province.

We not only feel for them, but for their families. With what affliction do his Majesty's new subjects behold their gray hairs of their countrymen so unexpectedly, perhaps irretrievably, affronted!

We therefore most earnestly entreat you, Sir, to interpose your authority to mitigate the rigour of the law; a dispensation even from which would be in this case, if any, we humbly conceive, justifiable.

We are so well convinced of those Gentelmens honours that all and every one of us do hereby offer to become their bail, to the uttermost extent of our fortunes, nay even with our lives, as well as their appearance to take their trial as for the safety of Mr. Walker's person from any hurt from them, in consequence of their enlargement.

From your Honour's known clemency and moderation, we flatter ourselves with the strongest hopes that every possible management in favour of these Gentlemen will be employed. Their before untainted characters, and publick voice, makes us confident that none ever was better applied. All which is, with the greatest respect, humbly submitted to your Honour's judicious consideration.

Quebec, Nov. 23, 1766 [Signed by 69 hands]

1772 Newspaper Extracts

The Virginia Gazette
August 6, 1772. Number 1097
Williamsburg, July 30.
One Donald Macpherson, Skipper of a James River Craft, lying with his vessel at Warwick, about a Fortnight ago, had her robbed of some Articles by a Negro, whom he afterwards had the Opportunity of Correcting for it. Some little Time afterwards the Fellow came up the Bank and gave Macpherson  scurrilious Language, who thereupon jumped ashore to lay Hold of the Negro; and he, to avoid him, ran into the Water. Macpherson followed him; and closing with him, both perished together. This Macpherson, who was a Serjeant in Colonel Fraser's Highland Regiment at Quebeck, came from thence, a few Years ago, with some others of that Corps (having been discharged) to look for Bread; and by his Industry, and good Behaviour, had acquired a Vessel of his own, with the Esteem and Confidence of the Gentleman who employed him.

© Jeffrey Campbell, The 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.

Last updated 28 September 2023

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