Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Unlucky Accident in Connecticut Involving Soldiers of the 78th Regiment of Foot, Dec. 1757

Dr. Sir
I have just heard of an unlucky accident that happened today at Stratford, a Sergt. & Corporal of our grenadier Company having quarrel'd (both I'm afraid drunk) the Corporal was killed, the account I have had is very imperfect but from it the deceased seems to have been the Aggressor, how soon I can have it properly enquired into I take the Opportunity of the bearer who is just setting out to beg you will if you think it necessary mention it to My Lord Loudoun for his directions whether the Man should be try'd by civil or Military Law, Or if you don't think it necessary to trouble My Lord with it, Be so good to let me have your Advice how I am to proceed - If You happen not to be in a writing vein Make Maj. Halket write me a few lines by the first Opportunity to, Stratford ----- Examining the quarters, as far as I have got We seem pretty well off.
                                                                               I am
                                                                               Dr. Sir Your obedient & most
                                                                               humble Servt. S. Fraser

Fairfield Dec. 28th. 1757

Colonel Simon Fraser, "Letter of Colonel Simon Fraser to Colonel Forbes, Adjutant General, at His House in the Broadway or at the Fort, New York." NAS, GD 45-2-29-1.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2017.



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