Thursday, February 15, 2018

Letter from Colonel Simon Fraser to General Forbes, Feb. 1758

The following letter, dated 10 February 1758, is from Lt.-Col. Simon Fraser, Second Highland Battalion [78th Regiment], to Colonel John Forbes, Adjutant General. The main body of the letter focuses on the pending litigation against Serjeant Fraser for his involvement in the death of Corporal Mackay [an indictment laid for murder] in Connecticut, both men of the regiment. The colonel appears to be wrestling with the idea of having to turn the serjeant over for civil trial.

Dear Sir

Capt. Crauford Surprized me greatly yesterday by saying you wanted the Monthly Return of our Regiment for the 24th January, that Return I sent as I did the one for the former Month in a sealed Cover to General Webb, & my Servant deliver'd it Sunday was tonight the 29th at the Genl's house to an Elderly Man who seem'd to be a Servant out of livery.

From what you wrote me some weeks ago I was in hopes to have had Orders for Serjeant Fraser's tryal here by a Court Martial or for sending him to New York for that purpose. I have had great difficulty to prevent him being claim'd hitherto, not that they are desirous of trying him, on the contrary they had rather avoid it but they are afraid if they don't claim him he will not be tryed at all & that his guilt will fall upon the land; they declare all they desire is that he shou'd have a fair tryal, & that they woud chuse it shoud be a Military rather than a Civil one, but unleĹżs some directions are given imediatly about his tryal by a Court Martial, it will be impossible for me to persuade them that it is intended to be done at all; they consider it as a great compliment taking my word for it for some weeks past, during which time they say they have avoided interfering in order to see if My Lord intended a Military trial, for God's sake My Dear Sir, put My Lord in mind to do something about this poor unhappy Man, whose 'twere pity shoud be in the hand of uncultivated creatures, for the King has not a better Soldier.

I find you heard of a Soldiers being given up for a peccadillo at Stanford, it was done without my knowledge & I have since got him released, I don't know how far My Lord will chuse to have Men given up for triffling Offences when the people are capricious enough to desire it, especialy as our united experience thro all the Cantonments proves, that the people of the Country are apt to grow rather insolent upon great indulgence, & that a mixture of the Soure with the Sweet if necessary to keep upon good terms with them.

                                I am with great regard
                                                               Dear Sir

                                                                        Your most Obedient & most humble
                                                                            Servant S. Fraser

Stratford Febry 10th 1758

Colonel Simon Fraser, "Letter of Col. Simon Fraser to Colonel Forbes, Adjutant General, at His House in the Broadway or at the Fort, New York." NAS, GD45-2-29, pp. 15-16. 

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2018.



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