Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Proposal to Transport Deserters to North America, 1757

A majestic 18th-century British transport ship cutting through tumultuous ocean waves under a brooding sky. The ship, with its towering masts and tattered sails, is heavily laden with a grim cargo—deserters of the British Army. These men were a motley crew, their uniforms in disarray, representing a spectrum of social classes and backgrounds united by their desperate decisions to flee. They are bound in iron shackles, their ankles and wrists raw from the unforgiving chains. (Jeffrey Campbell, Atlantic Crossing, 2024. Artist's rendition created with Perchance AI Image Generator)

Proposal to Transport Deserters to North America, 1757

To Their Excellencies The Lords Justices Generall and Generall Governours of Ireland

The Memoriall of John Earl of Rothes


That by the Returns of the Embarkation of His Majesties two Highland Battalions Commanded by Lieutenant Collonels Montgomery and Fraser dated the 27th of June last, it appears, that fifty six men belonging to these two Battalions are left behind sick at Corke or upon their march.

That Captain Donald Macdonald of Collo. Frasers Battalion is since the embarkation come from Scotland with one Subaltern and thirty one men belonging to that Battalion who are now upon their march to Corke.

That His Grace The Lord Lieutenant by his letter of the 14th of last month signified to you Execs His Majesties pleasure that as many of the Deserters as possible from those Regiments who have lately gone abroad shou'd be embarked with the Highland Battalions in order to be incorporated into His Majesties Regiments in North America, in consequence of which fourty five of these Deserters have already been sent off, and there are now at Corke and in the different goals [sic, gaols] of this Kingdom a considerable number of them ready for the same purposes.

Your Memorialist therefore Submits to your Excellencies whither it would not be for the good of His Majesties Service, that a Vessell be freighted for carrying the men abovementioned belonging to the two Highland Battalions to such place in North America as shall be thought proper and for carrying with them such Deserters from the Regiments abovementioned as now are in custody or may be apprehended before the embarkation.


Cover sheet:
Memoriall The Earl of Rothes To Their Exes The Lords Justices, 11th July 1757;
Inclosed in the Lord Justices Letter of the 12 July 1757;
in the Lord Lieut of Ireland's of the 30th July 1757

Memorial of John, Earl of Rothes requesting provision of a vessel to carry the two Highland battalions commanded by Lieutenant Colonels Montgomery and Fraser and also all deserters caught in Ireland to North America. TNA, SP 63/415/3105.

©  Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2022.



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