To the Rt. Hon. Welbore Ellis, Secretary at War.
Memorial of the Nobility, Gentry, Freeholders and others in the Northern and Highland Counties of Scotland, Shewith
That in 1759 it having been thought expedient to raise under the command of Colonels Montgomery and Fraser two Highland Battalions (then Nos. 62nd & 63rd of the Army) for immediate service, your memorialists so effectually concurred in this measure of Government that in about two months after the Regiments were not only compleated and reviewed, but also embarked for America, where they have been ever since on constant service, and with the like expedition four additional Companys to each of these two Regiments were soon after raised and went on service.
That in the course of the present war, these parts have been further drained of men by the whole following additional Levys, viz., the Second Battalion to the 42nd, the 87th, 88th, 89th, & 100th Regiments, and by several Highland and Independent Companys drafted into other Regiments : and thro' the uncommon activity of last war, and the honorable share the Highlanders had every where in it, their numbers are reduced to almost the Tenth man of these who originally left the Country.
That your Memorialists have thereby been put to great distress for want of hands to labour the ground, all the young men being there on service and on the very old and children left : whilst the war lasted your Memorialists though it their Duty to give up their own private Conveniency for the good of the Publick, and for that purpose they cheerfully concurred in making the several Levys order'd, But now that the war is over, and that their people have had the honour to contribute a share (and not an inconsiderable one) in the success of it, and as Montgomery & Fraser's Regiments (now changed from their original numbers 62nd and 63rd to 77th and 78th) are to be reduced, your Memorialists humbly hope that His Majestys will have the goodness to order the remains of these Gallant men to be sent home to repeople the Country, and Breed a Race of Soldiers who may emulate the actions of their Fathers in another War. And as the Country really wants them, and as the service of these poor men seems to merit this mark of publick attention, which His Majesty has already been graciously pleased to show the 87th and 88th Regiments now returned from Germany.
Your Memorialists pray you to represent the case of their parts of the Country and of Colonels Montgomery and Fraser's Regiments to His Majesty, that His Majesty be graciously pleased to order these Regiments to be sent home and Disbanded in Scotland.
"Memorial to the Rt. Hon. Welbore Ellis, Secretary at War, of the nobility, gentry freeholders, and others in the northern and highland counties of Scotland, asking that the regiments of Colonel Montgomery and Colonel Fraser be disbanded in Scotland." 1763. NAS GD87-1-95. Printed in T.G.S.I., vol. XXIV, 1904-07.
© Jeffrey Campbell, Fraser's 78th Regiment of Foot, 2019.